Youtube ads finally got me to No Stupid – 206 points –

Looks like its over for me and youtube. Being told I cant watch because of an ad blocker.

Where is everyone moving to and using instead of youtube? I will just move to the same place.


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Lol no. Youtube pays way less then spotify to the artists. Tidal and bandcamp are the only "ok" options.

The few cents a creator gets from your youtube premium subscription is way more than they would ever get from you watching ads, so yes, OP is actually right.

Just because they're not gonna get a massive cut from your sub doesn't mean it's not the most beneficial solution for everyone.

Sorry but I deeply disagree. Youtube is not the solution, it's the problem. Giving money to youtube/google, hoping they will give back a fair share to creators is in absolutly no way "the most beneficial solution for everyone". Sorry to say but that's capitalism brainwashing. On bandcamp, you set your own price and get 90℅ of the revenues. Patreon, sponsoring, Tidal are all much more interesting solution. Soon enough, self-hosting will make services like youtube irrelevant, and we will finally get to create fair revenues for creators. Meanwhile, trusting any of the Gafam is just reinforcing their position.