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This is my take on it. Moron evolved to be a more general term associated with anyone acting foolish. It evolved to the point that nobody really associates it as a word targeted directly at intellectualy disabled folks. The r-word was always more commonly understood as "the word you would say to a disabled person if you wanted to hurt them the most". Because of this people who use it weren't/aren't given the benefit of the doubt that they're just being hyperbolic and not actually a bigot directly to disabled people. Why did one evolve to be more hurtful than the other? I'm not sure. There's probably a parallel universe out there where the reverse scenario exists.

Edit: nvm, disregard. just realized this post is 10d old and people already articulated what I intended much better than me.

Charging per install has to be the most out of touch insane choices they could have made.

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I think the maintainer just viewed the bug report as tone deaf. Microsoft is a trillion dollar company and apparently relying on this library without a support contract. Then they a open a high priority bug item. The maintainer saying it's unacceptable is them basically saying they won't prioritize any work unless there's an existing support contract and that they don't do one off payments for bug fixes, which I think is fair.

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The religious fruitcake portion of my family. I'm so tired of listening how they're afraid of everything. This year it was the horror of how my state legalized weed, abortion, and some Disney movie had "gay stuff" in it and how thats bad because the movie is meant for kids.

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But people are definitely less productive working from home, and I think the people who say that most people are more productive are delusional

Except pretty much every study done on this has said the exact opposite. I am much more productive when I'm home. My team is much more productive when working from home and hard data backs it up. I literally cannot think of one thing about the office that I miss or made me more productive.

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The disposable one I'm using has a rechargeable battery and an LCD screen lol. So wasteful. I've been saving my dead ones and will be salvaging the battery and screens for a side project.

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It is funny

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They're selling a single quest as dlc? I mean if you going to do dlc then at least make a full expansion.

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I swear rage baiting in the social media era has to be the most lucrative grift of all time. Even being super aware of it I still fall for it from time to time.

I usually get really mad for like 2 hours before realizing I don't care about anything at all

I can't imagine a ton of the people working there give a shit anymore when it seems like thousands of people are being layed off weekly while the company takes in billions in profit

I saw a theory from another lemmy user a while back that made a lot of sense. Basically shareholders get to a point where the want cash now. So they make a deal with the current CEO to do something shitty for short term profits. The shareholders get paid in the short term and then once the share price takes a hit they buy more shares at a discount. They then fire the current CEO who takes a nice exit fee and install someone else to do damage control and grow the stock price again. This is the only thing that makes sense to me because the alternative is that the current CEO is just actually that dumb.

Can someone explain what the joke is? I've been staring at this for 10 minutes trying to figure out what the hell this is trying to say

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Amen. I once had an interview where they asked what my skill is with .net on a scale of 1 - 10. I answered 6.5 even though at the time I had been doing it for 7 years. They looked annoyed and said they were looking for someone who was a 10. I countered with nobody is a 10, not them or even the people working on the framework itself. I didn't pass the interview and I think this question was why.

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Fun fact: Reagon spent over $250B on a space laser program during the cold war. It failed and nothing useful was gained from it.

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There have been two mass shootings in my city in the last 4 years. The first was a mile from my house on a popular bar hopping street that I had been to countless times. Many of my friends were there that night, some while it happened, and the only reason I wasn't, was because I flaked on plans last second to stay home and play video games.

Everywhere felt a lot different after that, it felt surreal. You could sense this difference on everyone around you as well. What helped the most was to just continue my routine and go out of my way to smile or be nice to strangers I passed by. Time went on, I kept doing my morning walks down that street, kept going to work every morning, and eventually it just stopped occupying my mind at all.

OPossoms are the best most chill wild animal ever. Recently one ate entire dead squirrel in my yard so I didn't have to deal with it. Fuckin beast.

It's obvious you've never lived in the hood lol. Poor income areas usually have the highest crime and often little to no police presence.

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Ever since Games for Windows Live went down Lost Planet 3's multiplayer has been bricked. I know nobody cares but me but dangit Sony please fix it!

You can always tell when someone's been a career contractor because they never adhere to any of the established patterns/styles in the codebase.

I feel dumb for falling for the Xamarin.Forms train. I have zero confidence in any MS UI framework including Blazor.

Hello! Hopefully your family dynamic is a little more agreeable for these holidays

Surprised it hasn't been mentioned already but Mechanical Keyboards. I'll spend hours scrolling for different builds. There's also something therapeutic about spending hours lubing and soldering switches.

Lol I love the term distributed monolith. It seems paradoxical but very much a thing I have experienced. I don't think I've ever been rejected when trying to automate something though, that seems crazy.

We might actually see the Star Citizen studio release a game before Ubisoft releases Skull and Bones

Couch coop is the only thing missing afaik and they axed that a while ago (even though there was a bug that would allow you to do it for a while lol). The non-battle pass progression system is pretty underwhelming as well but overall I'd say the game is complete now.

Well I wasn't planning on vaping for very long, just enough to stop smoking. However, I finally did get honest with myself and get a refillable not too long ago.

Not sure why you're getting down voted. This is exactly what happened at my last company during the RTO push, senior employees, including me, were leaving in droves and it got bad quickly. As a result the company upped their salaries and offered fully remote work instead of just hybrid to keep people around. The only way a company will listen is if you hit them in their wallets.

I'm now picturing the silliest most expensive suicide ever lol, thank you for that

I shall download the game, play it, and revisit this meme to have my chuckle. Thank you

Thank you 🙏 actually seems like a pretty cool game

It would be awesome if this game got traction after switching from f2p+micro transactions to p2p-micro transactions. I've only ever heard of games doing the opposite.

I always had a conspiracy theory that the game was supposed to have a campaign. Man I loved this game. Always had a strong but small community.

Same, none of my gun owning friends have theirs in a safe. They'll just have it sitting out in some room and then be like "well there shouldn't be any kids or irresponsible people in this room so it will be fine"


Ha we might have been coworkers. Or this is just super common.

Yeah with initial disaster at release it's easy to forget they originally promised multiplayer would be added in later and a robust functioning society where each NPC would have a job and routine they follow

  • Peep Show
  • IT Crowd
  • The Wire
  • Cowboy Bebop
  • Gurren Lagann
  • Hunter x Hunter
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This isn't exactly true as tencent has a 30% stake in Larian. I imagine it definitely helps to have an owner like Sven and his wife that are fully bought in though with 70% stake.

MW 2019 was really good imo, awesome campaign and multiplayer. Felt like a worthy successor to COD4. I had a good time in MW2 as well but don't care to buy anything released afterwards.