
1 Post – 659 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

My cat does this, while also ripping it up, so doesn't matter if it's over or under

Ah yes the poor innocent Cia agents

What is your point?

We could have had Bernie 🥲

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Lol the users being upset about this is the strangest part, I never ever want to see the recommended feed, how can I opt into this while signed in? XD

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Leaflets in balloons are a bit different then shit and batteries.

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Used to work at an Amazon warehouse, things are a lot more complex then you seem to realize.

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RCS is not a Google product, see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/GSMA

Apple has been pushing iMessage for quite some time, but they want to keep it just to their platform and have made no attempt to make it open to other users. That's Apples way and it's not as a "protest" to Google lol

That's like saying they made the lightning port as a protest to USB standards, nah they just want their proprietary shit.

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I wonder how much of that is due to not having the ability to measure the speeds, vs anything to do with global warming, (not saying I don't believe in global warming and our role in it) but it's similar to how some people think mental issues like ADHD or Autism and even things like gender dysphoria are on the rise, when in reality a lot of it is just better methodology and tracking of diagnosis.

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Why do we want social media companies to be the arbiters of truth anyway...

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It's a bit different of a dynamic compared to a company that can pay and instead pays in exposure.

This, it's literally intentional, not some woopsie daysie mistake.

I also literally used it yesterday, mostly because my work has an insanely over the top site blocking situation, and rather then having to input (and likely get a rejection) to allow the site, cached page usually works good and gets me the info I need.

Did you actually watch the movie or just regurgitating a viewpoint someone else claimed the movie was about.

This is much more likely, the way twitter works is very different from reddit/Lemmy style

It's honestly sorta true/fair lol

It's not even just the work aspect, per-say, I know for myself late at night is when I feel more... Creative I guess the word would be. Add in a little exhaustion and it's silly creative time.

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Depends on how it is fulfilled, if it comes from an Amazon warehouse directly vs directly fulfilled by a third party (if it comes in an Amazon branded box with Amazon tape it probably got fulfilled at an Amazon warehouse).

If it did get fulfilled at an Amazon warehouse, the one I worked at it goes through a process wherein it is retrieved either by a "picker" manually or via a KIVA bot filled with items (depends on how old the warehouse is, I'd be surprised if they're not all converted to KIVA bot style by now as it's been nearly ten years since I've worked there and I worked in a brand new warehouse at the time and we had the bots style)

So the picker puts it into a bin with several other items all scanned together using the ASIN number (separate Amazon barcode, longer and shorter then other barcodes) which gets loaded onto a conveyer which eventually ends up at a sorter, if it's AFE (multi-item orders, the department I mostly worked in) it gets pushed to a certain line where it's manually further sorted from the yellow bin, scanned again and placed into a smaller grey bin (rebin) which goes to another sorter eventually into another line where it gets placed into a wall of cubby-holes (I believe that was called induction), the cubby holes would have all the items for an order, once it's "complete" you push it through to the other side of the cubby hole where the packers are, the packers have a screen that tells them what items are in the order, along with which box to use, they have a whole wall in front of them of different box sizes, along with a feed of the larger bubble cushin things and an automatic tape dispenser for the box side the system told the packer it needed (it didn't work a lot of the time so there were also buttons to select a specific box size of tape).

After all that the packer pushes it forward into another conveyer belt, where it is weighed automatically to hopefully ensure it is correct, if it is close enough to the correct weight, it goes out to shipping. (If not, it gets kicked out for problem solvers to figure out what's wrong with it, that was my main job).

Single item pack is less complex slightly for obvious reasons (don't have to stage the items together) but is the same basic idea.

Now to answer the questions specifically, why a small bottle of vitamins ends up in a large box, either they ran out of the correct box needed or it was just an incompetent worker who doesn't care what box they use regardless of what the system tells them they should use. Technically the system could kick it out, but that's a lot of extra time, effort and a wasted box.

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Friend could have in theory just authorized their steam library on the computer and played them through a different account. The "family sharing" thing.

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Until they inevitably shut it down

The thing that always put me off on it is it's effectively a "nerd culture" show aimed at making fun of extremely over the top caricatures of nerds.

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I can't agree with you, forums were so clunky

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Are you telling me abstinence doesn't work? ;)

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Technically correct, but that doesn't mean it's any less safe by all accounts.




I imagine you're not actually against the Vaccine, just pointing out the factual truth that it is indeed different then prior vaccines, however that doesn't on it's own make it unsafe.

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I've watched a few people play on YouTube and it doesn't seem bad for most of them

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I highly doubt most corps do

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Straight into someone's pocket

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It's always going to be political, they just pretend to be above it.

Yeah, I actually want my watch history though, been helpful a few times trying to remember some obscure vid I watched like 4 years ago

Subscriptions page really needs an overhaul, at least it mostly actually shows all the videos posted these days, would be nice if we could categorize them in some fashion, or if it auto-groupes videos from the same creator, an example... I like Kyle Kulinski's Secular Talk, but he posts like 4-10 segments a day so it fills up my subs page

He didn't go to prison though, he went to a pysch ward, seems like exactly the kind of thing you'd be advocating for.

I swear every time I have been to a Walmart in the last 5 years there's been a returned Vizio at the returns area, saw them returned all the time when I worked at Amazon for a bit too.

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The irony :D

I think that's what he means, he could load faster if the animation didn't exist and instead of using the time for the animation to load, you get the animation then a loading screen.

Lmao! Teams does suck 😆

It has to depend, I know some men take a long time to get ready too

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My Documents > My Games is kinda the default, but then you have steam cloud syncing and tons of games that default to various Appdata folder seemingly at random.

Could just play Java edition...

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Itt: People doom posting without understanding what the change actually entails