3 Post – 103 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


i came out as female to my family and close friends and they have all been very supportive πŸ₯Ίβ€οΈ

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what lol β€” he doesn't like starfield so that immediately means he doesn't like science fiction games??

I'm a huge scifi and fantasy fan and I refunded starfield after 4-5 hrs

big published reviews don't mean anything to me and I'm surprised they do to most people. everything is an 8-10 out of 10. how do people not find an issue with that

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I agree with most of your post and can relate to the sentiment but I'm very lost on why you actively looked for a negative comment in a sea of positivity just to say you're leaving? no one is forcing you into these spaces, if you wanted to use reddit that is ok 🫀 but beehaw so far has been overwhelmingly positive in comparison and I feel that edit is doing it an injustice (again just my opinion)

I feel like I'm being gaslit into thinking there's this huge outbreak of antisemitism when all I'm ever reading about is Muslims being murdered?? why are we constantly talking about antisemitism and only antisemitism

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normies is cringe. reminds me of way back when it started to become more socially acceptable to be nerdy and people got mad about it

I agree it was very boring and the writing in the intro was incredibly weak. Every time I expected that wow moment (helgen, opening the vault) i just found disappointment instead. "Wow a fight! oh I'm just randomly handed a ship? ok sick time to fly, oh it's just fast travel. New Atlantis is about to be crazy, oh it's just a bland city" and everything being beige didn't help. Fallout has the cool roleplaying in the wasteland factor, Skyrim has the cool fantasy aspect, Starfield seemed to just be 'space' but other games (Mass Effect, Outer Wilds, hell even the first half of The Outer Worlds) did it better.

It seemed p clear they don't feel the need to innovate or have any ambition because their dedicated fan base is so large now that they don't really have to. Which is fine but wasn't for me.

I hate when games are open world just cause. I only ever enjoy an open world when there's an insane amount of lore like in Skyrim or Fallout, but in most games I prefer a linear gameplay or semi-open (Mass effect, Dragon Age)

At some point something happened and literally every game has to be open world now 😭

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I'm getting so so tired of these "AI/ML bad, world is doom" articles being posted multiple times a day. who is funding these narratives??

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I mean you can do both

I'm probably leaving regardless unfortunately. this place, whole far better than the rest of lemmy, is way too cynical for my tastes. at least on reddit I got to escape the negativity of the world, on here I'm just constantly being reminded of it in every single news/politics/tech/science thread.

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hmm i think we need twelve more articles on this

this is just... not true or at the least extremely hyperbolic

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stay defederated. even now whenever I see some transphobic or hateful comment it's because I accidentally browsed all

edit: apologies everyone!!! it's called "Everything" 🀦 I'm sorry for the confusion I feel dumb now

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why are the comments on most news articles on here so negative or cynical :(

I think the floating tasbar looks nice

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the US is very progressive β€” what sucks is that it's on a state-by-state basis so it's at the same time very conservative lol

but places like the west coast and northeast are very forward. Philadelphia for example has a whole gayborhood filled with gay bars and the most obnoxious LGBT people you've ever met

in typical nintendo fashion the bar for hardware is on the floor

this has been my reddit app for over a decade!!! this just made my entire day!!

you can have interest in both. the news can't constantly keep people's focus on things that happen every day, people stop caring. also your own article states there was action taken.

I guess I kinda understand your frustration but if you choose to look at everything from that angle you might as well not participate in the news, it will burn you out

this article is so bad I'm convinced you didn't actually read it...

it starts off attributing a quote to the wrong person and then repeats that same quote two times in a row, once as a statement and then again as a quote ! lol

attitudes such as this one are my biggest complaint tbh

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jerboa when it feels like working but as soon as sync releases I'm switching over

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bound to happen when a community is expanded out of hate and negativity. the second people couldn't redirect all of their anger towards reddit they turned towards others.

I challenge you to take the comments you are making towards yourself and apply them to other women ("cis" or otherwise).

my friend is almost 6 foot... would you tell her she will never be attractive?

I have heavier friends... would you tell them theyll never find love??

because these are statements you're making with this post and while I'm sure you are (hopefully) only applying them to yourself, theyre still hurtful to read.

we have told you time and time again to be kinder to yourself and have offered so much reassurance but it's getting to a point where I genuinely feel like we need a ban on "do I pass" posts because they do nothing but cultivate unhealthy standards

I replaced reddit sync with jerboa and the only time I bother with reddit now is if I'm googling "[question] reddit" or for /r/popheads

wait I looked over your post history and you're definitely a bot ! and this post is definitely generated, it seems every article from this site starts off by saying the same phrase 3 different times

Wherever it leads I'll follow !

I feel very similarly especially because i don't have any trans friends or safe space outside of here and the subreddit! and lately a few of the posts on here have kinda given off the impression i need to look a certain way to feel validated which I know isn't the intent but it's definitely contributing to that culture

I've read through a lot of your discussions on both accounts and you seem to not only be generally quite hostile but it you are abusing and devaluing words like transphobic and ableist by applying them to anything you can't relate to

are you eligible for any kind of healthcare or state healthcare that may cover FFS?

Do you wear makeup? You can do a lot with contouring and bronzing. I can link a bunch of reccs tomorrow if you'd like. I know it's not the same but you truly can reshape your facial structure with a simple contour kit and some blush.

you pass imo but your hair being completely unkept is not helping you.

also, this is the second topic you have posted where you vent insecurity over "not passing" and the comments disagree with you are clearly not helping so what exactly is your intention here? I don't mean to be rude I'm just genuinely curious because you posted essentially the same topic already and while I am empathetic and understand the need to have a space to vent, i do find the general mindset you are projecting to be unhealthy.

thank youuu!!

I saw her in June it was amazing! Her set alone was like 3 hours long!!!

I hope there's going to be a concert film 😭

this was so nice to read!! community and sense of belongings is so important, so it's really awesome that you've found your niche in the world!! ☺️❀️

ok wait this is my moment lol

so I've always been the one to take on others energy for them - listen to them complain, try and help everyone, always try my absolute best. I had a lot going on and my stress built and built and built until I (thanks to therapy) started to notice warning signs of burnout (I was always overstimulated, not sleeping enough, not eating enough, dreaded going to bed but also dreaded getting out of bed because I didn't want to deal with tomorrow).

I ended up taking FMLA for 2 weeks and focusing entirely on stress management and it's been a couple weeks back at work and I still feel really great.

  1. Remember that you are human, and that if you continuously set a bar of 100% you are setting yourself up for failure. You will have bad days, just accept it and do your best without comparing it to others or to yourself on a good day

  2. Feel comfortable setting boundaries! You don't have to allow negativity into your life, and if people are dumping excess stress onto you feel free to exit the conversation. No need for feeling guilty because they will have moved on within the hour (they have their own life)

  3. The first hour of your day is crucial. If you wake up and immediately go on your phone (information overload) you are setting yourself up for overstimulation which does not help you out when dealing with stress! Take a nice shower, read a book β€” I listen to piano in minor and write a poem β€” just something that allows you to ease into your day. Waking up and immediately hustling will lead to burnout. I can't emphasize this point enough!

  4. Sleep and eat! Poor sleep habits add up over time and your body and mind are much more protected against stress when you're giving them the tools to deal with it.

  5. Accept stress. It's going to come! There are two key parts here β€” One, when you catch yourself accumulating stress, pause and ground yourself. Slow yourself down. Breathe, walk a little more leisurely. When you do these things your body will signal to your mind that you're safe. Two, don't think of stress as an unequivocally negative thing β€” stress is a tool that CAN be managed and it's a powerful tool for productivity. That said, as with all powerful tools you absolutely have to practice safety.

  6. And lastly, and this is gonna sound obvious, MAKE TIME to relax! It's easy to say you can't make time for relaxation but flip the script for a moment and ask yourself, could you make time for another task?

arcane is more certainly better than tlou and I really enjoyed both

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my god my entire lemmy feed is about AI all day everyday to the point I truly hope it does gain consciousness and eats my eyeballs

do you have an h&m nearby? they're a very open minded and accepting company and as such they attract that kind of talent

mine have been tender since around the 2nd or 3rd week 😭 I'm coming up on a month now and they have little like balls under them which kinda skeeves me out 🀣

congrats on bewb growth im sure it's bringing so much joy (even if also pain lol!!!)

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have you seen what happens if you say you didn't like it? you're told you're a troll, you're negative, you "just don't get it", or they take your criticism and then act like the only alternative is the complete and total opposite of that and try and pull a 'gotcha'

on one hand I would obviously LOVE for reviews (across the board, not just in gaming) to be realistic and not all be 7+/10 but I also understand why they don't to an extent

omg I didn't even include the @ part.... should I resubmit?