
6 Post – 215 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

don't keep sweatin' what I do 'cause I'm gonna be just fine

You're probably underestimating how much hard work it really is to live off the land.

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Seems appropriate

I think reddit probably prefers that the hate is concentrated on spez. In their view, a giant FUCK SPEZ is probably way better than a giant FUCK REDDIT.

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You mean Convicted Rapist Brock Turner, now going by the name of Convicted Rapist Allen Turner, who was sentenced to six months but only served three for what his father called (and I quote) "twenty minutes of action"? That Convicted Rapist Brock Allen Turner?

Uttar fucking Pradesh. I swear to god you guys need to get your shit together.

That woman is nuttier than squirrel shit.

It's like watching a lava lamp.

Wowzers. No offense at all to the Jerboa devs but this really contextualizes for me just how bad the official app must be.

I want baconreader for Lemmy!

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Welp my vagina just broke out in hives, so thanks for that.

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I really really don't want this to become reddit. Yes, some dudes are gross and/or homophobic. No, not all dudes. No offense OP but can we have higher quality questions please?

Thanks for all you guys do

I bet he was happy to get home to his handcrafted small batch cider and collection of vinyl from bands you've never heard of

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This is a really tough situation and you have my sympathy. You should look into caregiver support programs such as CAPABLE. There are several such programs which aim to connect caregivers with community resources such as adult day care programs, and to teach them new skills to better cope with the behavioral changes that happen with dementia. Is she Medicaid-eligible? Sometimes there are state waiver programs that can leverage Medicaid (in addition to Medicare) to pay for these programs. I think Maryland has such a waiver but I'm not 100% sure. Let me know if you have questions.

Whenever gay happens, duh.

(/s of course)

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Respectfully, no. We don't need more media personalities running for office. It's too much of a popularity contest as it is. Jon Stewart is intelligent and cares deeply about his chosen issues, but that doesn't mean he'd make a good (or willing) president. Tucker Carlson is just a boob.

I want a boring-ass presidential candidate with good solid policies and a willingness to take the long view (as in what's best in the long term for the country, not necessarily what will get them re-elected). I don't care if they're cool or charismatic.

Obviously I don't know them personally; obviously I'm talking about their public personas. I remember they each pulled a bunch of attention-seeking antics, and coupled with the shitty music it all just seemed very manufactured to gain fans, which yes, I found obnoxious. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I think that's a bit reductive. I know nothing about the gender identities of Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus. What I do know is that I'm an Old and their 'music' sounds like overproduced pop crap to me. I don't dislike them because it's trendy or because of homophobia, I just dislike them because I find them obnoxious.

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This is why sometimes dog lick my nose.

I tell her to keep her licker in her licker cabinet but she no listen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Ugh I'm so glad Shapiro won

Trainspotting! I've watched it an uncountable number of times. Fantastic soundtrack, great actors, great story.

Pumpkin spice products generally don't actually contain pumpkin - they contain the spices used in pumpkin pie, usually at least cinnamon and nutmeg, but also could include things like cloves, star anise, cardamom, allspice, and ginger. These warmish spices pair really well with hot coffee beverages and cream, hence the popularity of pumpkin spice lattés. But it's not just lattés - you can also buy pumpkin spice flavored coffee creamer to use in a regular cup of coffee.

In the States (or at least the Northeast where I'm from), pumpkin spice is sort of emblematic of the start of Fall. As the weather turns cooler we get into the spirit with things like big comfy sweaters, decorative gourds, chrysanthemums, and scented candles (apple pie and pumpkin spice scents are popular!), but spiced food is also a huge part of it: for example, gingersnaps, mulled apple cider (which uses a lot of the same spices as pumpkin spice), and of course pumpkin spice lattés.

A lot of these spices are used throughout the rest of the year because we've got Thanksgiving in late November (pumpkin pie is a staple for this holiday), and for Christmas there tend to be spiced cookies and cakes, plus spiced tea and mulled wine. And there are also spice-scented air fresheners and potpourri, so whether you're at home or out shopping there's a nice warm cozy scent.

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This poor girl, what a horrible, traumatic, life-altering ordeal to go through. This is so deeply sad.

Lemmy nemesis Lemesis


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Consider this

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I see sooooo many articles about women being raped and killed in Uttar Pradesh. What's up with that area specifically?

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It was the style at the time.

Snoo is the reddit mascot (lil alien with an antenna), and I guess reddit corporate refers to its employees as Snoos, which is so cringeworthy.

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But zucchini is defederated, nobody can receive his moves.

Autocorrect turned zucc into zucchini, and you know what? I stand by its decision.

I love my better half dearly but I way prefer being the one to load the dishwasher, otherwise it's just anarchy.


This is like the gay sex cats the other day

Dude, retirement is where it's at. I retired early and it's amazing. It took sacrifices (modest home, aggressively paying off mortgage, no fancy cars) but it's so worth it. Most people don't take good enough care of themselves and by the time they retire they no longer have their health. :(

I reach out to my husband, who is super awesome and usually can help me put my problems either into perspective or out of my mind. I'm usually good at changing my mental channel, but sometimes I struggle and I'm grateful that he knows how to help.

When I'm not at my breaking point but am having a crappy day, I reach out to my dog. She's not very cuddly and she's dumb as a box of hair. She'll sniff my face (focusing on the eyeballs, god knows why) and then turn away and cold shoulder me. But if I try to get up and walk away she'll follow me like velcro. It cheers me up in a bizarre way :)

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It's just disgusting how there's no low too low for him. What a disgrace he is.

I was raised Catholic and the distinction was always made between Catholics and Christians. I didn't really understand that Catholics were a subtype of Christians until someone pointed it out to me when I was a teenager - I just thought Christians was a catch-all term for non-Catholics that believed in jesus.

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I fucking love this, how cozy! Better than freezing my feet in cold stirrups.

How did you learn all this? I'm 41 and still have no party skills. My go-to is to make friends with the host's pets.

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They put it in cigarette filters FFS!

Wait is that really a thing? They've already ruined my favorite number (8) and now my favorite letter too? Fucking nazis. >:(