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Joined 1 years ago

We know. It sucks.

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There's quite a few calculators that get this wrong. In college, I found out that Casio calculators do things the right way, are affordable, and readily available. I stuck with it through the rest of my classes.

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Why did I create a Lemmy world account as opposed to beehaw or ml? Because it's the first one I saw. Because it doesn't matter. Because I don't know what ml stands for. Because Lenny world said "general use." Because I didn't have to fill out an application. Because I can still interact with everything else, and again, it doesn't matter.

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For anyone who needs a reminder, his name is not Ted. We should honor his wishes and stop calling him by his preferred name.

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gestures broadly at everything.

Do we REALLY need to quiz people to know this? Ffs.

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We did one of these in elementary school. One day while I was back in my hometown, I remembered it and decided to swing by the school to see if they ever did anything with it.

The school was bulldozed.

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Ronald McDonald House is like that for my family. I had no idea how much good that charity did in a time of need, until we needed it.

Now wait a minute.......I thought they liked McCarthy SOOOO much, they were willing to vote for him as speaker 15 times in a row just this year?

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I'm not disputing the rules, they just seem so damn archaic at this point. The digital era made a lot of this redundant. Got my social? The government knows who I am. Got my current ID? The government knows who I am.

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I think you just invented taxes.

Jesus, that article just kept getting worse the more I read. Thanks for posting this. I was able to send a donation their way.


You know what, I'll bite. For this to work though, let's agree on two things. First, the game they're selling shouldn't be a hot pile of garbage on day one. Second, I don't want to even catch a whiff of microtransactions or subscription based models. If we can nail those down, I would be fine with a price increase. As it stands, the sticker price is just the cost of entry in the vast majority of games. They are still bringing in cash well after the initial purchase.

Yes. We could make our own little shitty website on a free server like angelfire, with a traffic ticker so we knew if anyone had been there. Mine was a stupid little parody website my friends and I set up for keeping track of acronyms and abbreviations we saw online. Didn't realize we had something there, and could have been Urban Dictionary lol.

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My big question for this mentality is: If they are a business trying to make money, what are they selling? Largely ads, the part that everyone dislikes. The content comes from the users. Get rid of the users, you stop profiting off their ideas/posts. If they worked with the users of the site, the users would in turn stay and pump out good content. One hand washes the other. Erode trust too much, and people will leave.

The secondary problem with this mentality is that they cannot grasp views that don't affect them. So instead of dialogue about the problem, it's immediately "I don't understand this, MY experience is good, so everyone else is a neckbeard." There's no point even trying to explain ......the conversation is over before it started.

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Actually, yes.....when you leave a lot with what you bought, you did, indeed, pay for it.

Their shitty business practices to exploit consumers are designed to favor their decisions as a net gain. And usually, it is a safe bet. An easy win. Hell, even in this case it still will be. Last I checked, they were turning a profit.

When the consumer finds a win, it's not "getting something for free.". It's a small victory for the consumer on a bad business decision by the company. The companies sure use a lot more loopholes than the consumer to squeeze a buck out of everyone. They assumed they would make money giving things away as a deceptive practice. Most times they win. This time, it didn't work out for them. Oh well. Free market and all. I'll not be losing any sleep over it tonight.

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Sure, but at the end of the day, does it really matter? It's like made up numbers that never run out. He's still set for life, no real consequence. He feels this less than someone who misses a car payment one month.

That's like saying "Millennials think the sky is blue."

It's pretty popular in Hawaii.

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I'm torn. On one hand, debates should take place to show knowledge/professionalism/action plans, etc. Also, it showcases (yet again) what a fucking idiot he is. On the other hand, he hasn't done a debate so far for this presidential race, so why start now? It's been nice hearing about him slightly less. the fuck are debates not somehow mandatory to end up in the presidential race?

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Don't have TikTok, and despise that short form has taken over YouTube. It should be a separate app/space/whatever.

I still interact with TikTok links family and friends send me, and I fucking despise that. Close the "use the app" overlay, punch in the "I'm not a robot" code, turn on the volume (since when is muted the default video state, outside of porn?), and then loathe the fact that I just missed 60 percent of a glorified gif that I can't rewind, and won't repeat without pushing the app on me.

Nope, I've seen enough of their business practices and intent just from that interaction. It leaves me with no desire to sign up.

As a Satanist, I absolutely think schools should welcome your bountiful deity with open arms, so long as they feel it's important to discuss religion in school. Preferably, we should leave that kind of personal discussion at home. That being said, I think people could really benefit from learning about "The seven I would really rather you didn'ts."


I see both happening here. And neither happens over night. Furthermore, both are okay.

I'm late to the switch party, as I'm just messing with one for the first time since Christmas. I've been a PC gamer for decades. Decided to try out breath of the wild, and I'm having a blast with it. That being said, I would be lying if I said there weren't times where the frame rate dropped so low it's distracting. This new one may not have that issue, but I'm betting it's similar. I would absolutely be interested in emulating the game on better hardware. Hardware I already have at home.

You may not understand this side of the argument, and that's fair. I also don't understand yours. If someone wants to improve their experience with the game, it costs me nothing to give them a smile and a thumbs up for enjoying their own time/money however they like.

I wish I had 40 million to spare to save me from all my shitty life choices that I have no intention of changing.

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They should just comply. If they did nothing wrong, it will be fine. That's what we're told, right?

I already answered that. So.....I guess we're done here. Good luck to you buddy.

I'll try to give you a good faith answer. Because this is a fun social experiment that has taken place for years. The results are skewed if it is tampered with.

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Why yes, Ford, it is grossly irresponsible to make billions off the backs of your workers, while unfairly compensating them. Glad we agree.

Just a bit of light invasion.

YouTube makes 8 billion per quarter selling ads. I think they will be able to eat tonight.

I'm 6'5". Figuring out how to see the gauges through the steering wheel.

This is the part I always find infuriating, regardless of who is being interviewed.

For a regular game? Yes, it is. For a VR title? It will keep you entertained for plenty of hours.

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I'm curious to see how this works with law enforcement.

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I totally understand this view, and I don't disagree with it completely. The part I have a hard time wrapping my head around is the fact that we all saw this coming for the last 4 years, and yet here we are, at the whim of the system we are in. All the blame cannot be placed on the (rightfully disheartened) voters here. We've been dealt the South Park special.

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I noped out of printers a long time ago. Staples prints whatever I need on the cheap, compared to ink cartridges.

I think you drastically underestimate the number of gearheads in the States. Makes sense, given we have incredibly limited public transport. Currently have 3 manuals in my driveway.

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I couldn't give a shit what they wear at this point. They aren't having many meaningful discussions for Americans, and the actions of our elected officials are more demeaning than a dress code violation. Furthermore, it is far from the most important decision they should be focusing on right now.

As for being the new guy on the job and conforming, I disagree. He's an elected officials, not an employee. He won in part by being dressed like normal folks. Furthermore, we have all the proof we need to understand that there's not a lot of good faith communication happening across party lines, even by those dressed up all fancy.

I say this from the bottom of my heart: If I got to choose a dress code, I would force them to all be dressed up as clowns.

Edited a typo.