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Joined 1 years ago

Skyler White. I didn't even know that she was hated quite a lot. I always thought she is actually the most sane person given the situation she's in.

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I do like my toaster as dumb as a brick.

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There's also E Corp from Mr. Robot.

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Damn, we need more ICT teachers like you.

Chocolate and yoghurt. Chocolate flavoured yoghurt taste gross.

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That's a populist belief marred by just world fallacy.

The end goal of Buddhism is to achieve Nirvana, which means no more Karma and no more continuous rebirth amd suffering whether they're "deserved" or not. It can be implied that continued rebirths are itself suffering. So the only peaceful path is to stop it somehow.

I've stopped being Buddhist a long time by now but I did discuss a lot of it's philosophy with some studied Buddhists and monks.

Also a lot of populist Buddhists are actually scared of Nirvana. They just want to be reborn into a nicer life than they have now.

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I live in an obscure asian country and I rice while I eat rice.

Don't give up!


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There is Ngatetpya the great cat burglar of Myanmar. He was an actual person from 15th century or something but the later myth describe him as having as having super natural powers granted by enchanted tattoos on his legs. Like neighbouring country of Thailand, the tradition of enchanted tattoos were quite big in ancient Myanmar. You were not considered a man until you have thighs full of tattoos. Anyway, he could jump really high by slapping on his thighs, steal from rich people using his jumping powers and gave back to the poor. When he was finally caught, the king asked him to choose the weapon with which he was to be executed. The burglar blatantly said that he chose the queen consort. The gall of this guy impressed the king so much that he let him serve in his army. History described him as a successful scout/assasin in the king's army.

Better ARM and RISC-V support

I just wanna be No-health-problem man

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There's already a lot of people rewriting stuff in Rust and Zig.

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Hmm, I guess I'll start by guiding him to deal with his PC problems by himself.

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My wife's impressed though, may be a little...

But she's also a programmer.

Bebop and cool jazz.

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I've seen too many guys, even those in "respectable" positions like executives or club captains, just leave their porn tabs open before asking me for some help with their phones.

When I asked them to open up their browser they would straight up open it up to a previously opened porn tab and start to panic. And somehow, the porn site that opened is always XNXX, lol. Pornhubs' banned here and I guess XNXX just become popular instead.

Start up repair, yes. Troubleshooter, never.

Time to learn root folders, package manager, source lists for package managers, where programs are installed, config files. and so forth. Then move on to fiddling with wine to get some windows only programs working. I had to spend a few hours getting my shitty laptop to run battle net client and star craft 2.

All this might seem daunting at first. But take it slow and it will all be fulfilling once you grasped the basics.

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I learned to play a cool song that incorporates slapping and fingertapping on guitar, but I re-areanged it to play without fingertapping cause finger tapping on my guitar sounded horrible. Still sounded pretty close.

I did get him into TuxPaint and GCompris. He liked playing around in GCompris.

The problem is I have to compete with youtube and roblox... So I have to lock these out for him to use anything else.

We're like oompa loompas to their willy wonka complex.

What do you think of zig?

There's "Nga Loe Ma Thar" in Burmese - Son of a woman I f-ed

That's just the difference between desktop environments and window managers. Window managers are just one part of a full featured DE. Deciding to use a specific WM means you have to install and configure several things you expects and takes for granted from complete DEs.

The way I talk to monks. In Theravada buddhism, monks are treated as a class above average humans. We had to special wording when speaking with them to be reverent, kind of like when speaking with nobles, royals and whatnot in Europe.

Still awkwardly doing that around most monks when I'm with my family, just out of respect for them. There are a few close monk friends that I can talk to normally though.

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Don't know why people are such sticklers for msoffice even when they're not power users. I'm having a hard time pushing just libreoffice, let alone Linux in my company.

Hyperion series. That thing's gonna be hard to adapt though.

Well, I don't know. I kept telling how games like roblox are brainwashing and conditioning him into wanting to buy in-game junks. And, he still asks robuxs for this birthday.

This is also how I got hooked to computers as a kid as well. The problem nowadays though is the internet and easy access to addictive internet services and games. Back then, you're stuck with what's on your PC and somehow have to make the most out of it.

Banana. Heard they're botabically berries.

Moringa leaves. The tree's hardy and ecologically sustainable. The drumstick fruits and the pods are edible but the leaves are the most nutritious. It also has the highest protein among leafy greens.

In south and south east asia, we consider it medicinal. But actually, it's just nutritious. We feed them in soup form to malnourished people and nursing mothers.

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Bodhisattva is one of the first beliefs where Mahayana (East Asian) and Hinayana/Theravada (South/South East Asian) sects differed.

While precursors to Mahayana tradition held belief that anybody can achieve Buddhahood by becoming Bodhisattva, the conservative Theravada sects claim layman can only achieve the status of Arahat at most.

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Been daily driving WSL Debian for about a year on my work laptop, without systemd and display server. At first, I was really only using it for application servers that just won't run or too tedious to run on windows. But windows is just terrible for dev work that's not part of windows eco system. So I found myself slowly moving most of my dev stuff to WSL. There are still some problems though.

Off the top of my head, first is neovim and the system clipboard. I can use clip.exe but there's a problem with unicode characters. It's expecting some UTF-16 encoding or something but my bash is in UTF-8. And somehow that messes up copying some unicode characters. I have to either use iconv to convert the encoding before copying or may be change my bash encoding.

Another recent problem I had is binding WSL ports to the window host's network. WSL automatically binds the service ports to host window's localhost with the same port number, which is pretty useful. But it only binds to localhost address. If you want it to bind to other addresses, you can't configure it. You can to run some kind of a patch program someone wrote, that rebinds WSL ports the wildcard address. And it doesn't work very well if the patch program's version and your WSL's versions are not compatible.

Another minor problem is that there's some kind of a freeze that lasts for about a minute when I'm doing fzf in bash. It happens sporadically. I'm not entirely sure if the problem's with Windows Terminal or WSL. It's likely WSL. It seems to happen with other terminal emulators as well.

All in all, WSL makes having to be on windows a whole lot bearable. I'll probably end up using only rudimentary UI apps on windows and move the rest to WSL.

May be not a bad idea.

His screen time is currently limited and he's been asking me to remove the limit. Guess I can let him dual boot into Mint without any screen time limit so that he can play around.

May be poulsen treatment or immortality cruciform from Hyperion. Not sure if immortality is such a good idea though. Throughout history horrible dictatorships tend to end after the death of the despots. Imagine if these horrible people are immortal...

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I have a cousin that's the same age as I am and we were practically siblings growing up because we lived in the same apartment building and went to the same school. And I was really mean to her during our late teen years. The worst thing I did was stole her IRC chat logs with her bf and shared it with some of our friends. I apologized to her a few years later and we were on good terms since then.

Non-IT. Which makes it harder. Just a mid size distribution business. The thing is we're from Myanmar and everyone's so used to cracked proprietory software, even big companies. Got virus? Reinstall everything.

Now we're trying to make everything legit and licensing fees are getting a bit much, especially O365. For now I'm just trying to push non-power users toward libreoffice.

Indie games. Tremendous respect for indie devs.

Been using foot for like 4 years.