2 Post – 235 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

You all need to find the courage to close with reddit forever. It's done, don't you see it? Everything was taken away from apps to moderators power, purge of old messages, and soon the reward system. What this suppost to mean? What else will be removed? It is in falldown.

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Everything that need a pay subscription to work.

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They must have lost their minds. Bankrupt or even pay Unity back for a successful game you made and finished months ago? I hope they get legal action.

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Never pay any of this services BTW, I have no regrets and I never feel that I miss something.

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In a few years it will be 9.99$, then 19.99$, 32.99$ ect. Congratulations to those who power capitalism

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No one will pay, there is no reconstruction on planning, that is an eternal war there will be never a winner and there is no sense to build on an battlefield.

It just the beginning for sure. This future will be the end of artists and still everyone will clapping to AI productions like fools.

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Because their code is a mess, ugly and full of bugs, that is better burn to the roots that trying to fix it.

Some companies are already announcing the elimination of their games starting in January. Cult of the lamb, for example.

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No I am not because they are absolute right. Tiring is see then proceed to keep destroy the planet.

They thought they had a brilliant idea, but it's not. It's a classic. The space is beautiful, of course, but it's the interactions that make a game unique. No interaction, no party.

I've never made a mistake in the last ten years, and this is the biggest mistake because I've learned nothing from life.

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Maybe leave the parents house and begin a life in an apartament, at 40 years old.

You can open a project in C++ to create the structure of a custom game. You put one child to work on blender or pixelart software, and another child to compile variables and functions. If you have more than two children, you can also consider assigning a third to animation and a fourth to creating music and sounds.

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Honestly I don't know, I give up on life time ago, then this last year I start "living" again by having a daily activies and job. But I deal with this like someone dead inside, I don't feel any joy. I am not even looking for a goal. I see nothing in other people, I interact with then know that i get forget as soon the day end. I am just too scared to kill myself.

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All hobbies, I have a limited threshold of attention and I can never concentrate or have fun on a single thing.

The problem is that the American model expands, its capitalism, the disinterest in safeguarding humanity and preferring money.

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Will be even more realistic with spongebob naked.

Inhaling ANY hot steam is not healthy. Your mouth, throat and lungs aren't made to be smoked like a barbecue.

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A living wage for every human. This society have the money to cover all, but still we accept to let other humans die on poverty because "they don't contribute to the capitalism". Fucking disgusting everyday.

Probably they are dead. Eating feces isn't healty at all.

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  1. Surgery, fixing my phisical disability with the best doctor money can pay.
  2. Instruction, get the most forward education to be sure my future is safe even without money.
  3. Buying house, investing in a second as well.
  4. Hire someone to make that money a machine to keep earning more.
  5. Take a luxury trip around the world for some years.

Human nature nerfing. 20% less full of shit, evil and greedy.

I pretend to have imaginary friends in my head until it seems like real enough and the day passes.

Begin social, wishing to meeting people, not just strangers but friends and family, and feeling good to spend time with them. Because be a grumpy lone wolf dosnt pay off.

As kid you still can believe something, as adult you know that reach something has nothing to do with beliving but mostly suffering and beg for some of luck.


I have do it for one year with bad result because when someone say futon forget to mention what kind of room you want to have a futon. I placed mine on marble floor, cold and hard, in a little room with no space to breath, where I wake up sometimes with a cockroach on my face. I did not suffer backpain because I was younger but maybe neither because it was soft, still bad experience for the above listed things. Who plan to sleep on futon wants a medium size room with a window and a wooded floor.

Anonymous helper in a farm somewhere, cutting tomatoes 14h at day earning 5 dollars at hour. But meeting great people, know the farm owner son, make love with him, do a family in the farm, happy ending kind of.

Another shower of thoughts can be that lucky or unlucky simple never existed and things like lottery live on the fools who believe in fortune like something relevant.

Try not having a smartphone with you when you leave the house. Actually many starting returning back to basic phones just for calls and SMS.

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One week old McDonald burgers

Bad, the days are stagnant and everything I want in life is far away and it seems like I'm excluded from getting it, living is getting less and less meaningful.

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It is a human concept that does not exist in reality, the future could for the universe have the same value of the past, the great snake eating its tail

I didn't find any good enough hobby in this 35 years of life that didn't fade after some time. At moment I'm very empty inside, I spend half day sleeping and other half working, everything looks expansive to do, I give up on everything, I'm keeping myself alive because I'm just scared of the pain and I can't imagine stop existing.

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Running up for having a first sexual experience at 22 years old and it was so traumatic, disgusting and makes me hate intimacy forever.

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Forums and blogs are much more organized. These platforms you've listed, and here too, are boilers of topics and comments thrown into an ocean full of them.

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Here's another one. Eating common candy is not healthy no matter what color you choose

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True, gamer is become a consumer that's need to grind for make the companies profit. Friends are just more consumers, invite a friend for receive a bonus, spread the addiction, make companies more riches.

Reallisticaly nothing more that myself. My PC is wired and heavy, and what else matter? Guess depends how fast is burning the house, give me 10 minutes and I will save mine computer with even monitor.

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