And now Bezos is trying to insert ads everywhere to Lemmy – 2085 points –

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Never pay any of this services BTW, I have no regrets and I never feel that I miss something.

Concur. I pay for the following subscription services:

  • My internet connection.

  • My cell phone plan.

That's all. Everyone else can go fuck themselves. If I can't buy it outright, I don't need it. If it's digital, it's on the Pirate Bay. Prime is bullshit anyway. I don't need a predatory gym membership; Putting an elliptical machine in my own house cost me all of $200 and it's mine forever. I don't pay for Dropbox or OneDrive or whatever; I have a massive hard drive in my PC and I can access remotely it via my VPN. Etc.

Same. I would never pay them for their shitty little services. Imagine paying monthly for dropbox, sporify etc for years... That's so much money.

Eh Spotify gets a whole family unlimited for 17 euro, it's pretty convenient compared to going finding and uploading to my device or purchasing individually.

There once was a piracy website so grand in the world of music streaming that even to this day nothing comes close

Grooveshark :(

Hey I don't judge you, probably depends on the income as well!

Or you can just use apps like ViMusic or InnerTune, which are foss and provide infinite offline adless playback for free.

people worship amazon then get mad when they make changes, a business is gonna business