
1 Post – 232 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

not to mention the crash bandicoot and jak & daxter devs making the last of us

so much wrong here. a 20 year old with disposable income and time to fly across the country cuz of an argument in a free mmo with mediocre reviews and was able to find a stranger's address??

"capitalism leads to innovation"

unpaid devs at home: hold my beer

dress codes have always been rooted in racism & sexism. there's absolutely no reason a job should control your hair unless it disrupts business, not for "offending conservatives"

what really bugs me are fighting games with dlc characters. i know fighting games arent as profitable, but twenty years ago you could unlock every character by actually playing the game. locking content behind paywalls are a slap to poor gamers. that's on top of a $60 price tag

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frozen embryos are now considered children in Alabama and cannot be destroyed

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irony is they're closing the 360 online store this year

lab meat will be the norm for future generations

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i was around during the first lvl 200, fully support the player's decision. ppl asking "why play then?" have never been in an abusive relationship. it's a great game tbh, just filled with mtx & grinding to the brim. ima check out his latest vids @tniru to see his side of the story

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deff looks like a generic movie evil corporation logo, at least they're not hiding it anymore

one of the poorest states in the country, lowest IQs, most health issues, you'd think they'd have more important things to discuss..

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world covered in water & land

people pay for water & land


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nothing good comes from Alabama

we spend more money suppressing than supporting people

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the bible quotes are kinda weird tho, im just tryna scrub my ass

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ever played a mobile game and thought, "gosh, I wish they would put ads in every game"

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check out moneybags here with dental insurance

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this is the definitive list.

path of exile is most popular but has optional mtx(?)

titan quest and Torchlight are on multiple consoles. titan quest has a sequel in production

grim dawn is by the titan quest team, has a small file size, and runs well on older pcs.

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cool, now give everyone a living wage, maybe a universal income, & you'll have solved poverty

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funny how we pay taxes to companies destroying the world

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fuck the veterans, how about curing hunger like you promised a decade ago

our rescued ducks like the rain but the chickens will get soggy. ducks are pretty much waterproof

cheaper, easier, simpler, more accessible, a good game is timeless

edit: easy as in shorter and to the point

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didn't everything technically come from exploding stars

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twisted metal would make a perfect battle royale game

also carmageddon

if y'all thought capitalism was bad, it's just gonna get worse lol

fun fact, up to 100k Americans currently in solitary and 2 million in jail. land of the freeeee

more facts: over 1% of the country (3 million) has been arrested or charged at some point, USA USA ☝️🇵🇷

I've accepted that everyone's mentally ill to a degree, we just pretend to be "normal"

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when you've got an organization filled with high school grads, funded by religious gun nuts, you're not gonna get the brightest people

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the space indicates a pause before pronouncing the next number. common mistake

surely nothing bad will come of breeding billions of cows in confined spaces

this was the last straw? it wasn't workers peeing in bottles, or businesses being displaced to build warehouses, or tax avoidance, or sweat shop wages for international workers?

to the trolls below, I'm a full time activist, you're just keyboard warriors

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i sit and wipe like anyone over the age of 8

maybe if their games went on sale more..

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same with streaming services censoring older shows. it's cable all over again

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late stage capitalism

so many comments in disbelief lol, almost like gaming is more accessible now hmmmmm

the new American dream, no roommates & maybe an animal

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baking bread