
6 Post – 383 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I can’t remember who said it, but the quote “it is no sign of mental health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick world” was being thrown around when I was a kid in the nineties, and it’s not like things have improved much since then.

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“Costumers” make the costumes. Clearly Mr Mathers was providing craft services for a movie being shot in Detroit.

Also, hotels are regulated in what fees they can tack on, and ensuring a basic standard of cleanliness and safety.

A year or so back I heard a trans activist on a podcast saying that the “protect kids” rhetoric was bullshit and all the bans on providing gender affirming care to trans kids was a foot in the door to ban it for all trans people.

Now we just need the leaked audio of republicans talking about banning birth control for the awfulness hat trick.

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It’s grifting, pure and simple. All those things may be possible but Sam Altman is spewing this line of bullshit to keep the venture capital flowing into his company.

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Time to start a nonprofit that cleans up old machines and installs Linux on them for deserving poor folks.

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It’s grotesque for ANYONE to have a billion dollars. Arguably the lottery winner is the only one to achieve that wealth by even sort-of ethical means.

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Better to mandate open hardware and software standards, so if the company goes under others can make parts or even upgrade the devices.

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Counterpoint: it wasn't funny the first day it was posted.

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ITT: people who would have thrown away rap albums when they found out the rapper never actually dealt drugs defending a billionaire from a little joke she’ll never see.

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A cute girl is a cute girl.

I wouldn’t feel as bad if he was a raging bigot about lgbtq issues, but apparently he didn’t have much to say about that which is pretty impressive for a BAPTIST PREACHER IN ALABAMA.

$300k is a joke. Every manager should be in prison and the factory should be nationalized. Keep the legit (adult) employees there, and transition the business to worker ownership.

Do that a few times and you’ll see some changes in how businesses behave.

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“By not launching nukes at North Korea, I staved off nuclear holocaust.”

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Solution: only use Reddit for porn.

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What a totally expected turn of events!

I really hate the fact that people use the trappings of responsible BDSM to cover abuse. There are some people who want a 24/7 master/slave relationship, but in a case where you have an employment relationship that can’t be ethically agreed to.

I’m also confused why she isn’t suing the company considering she was fired for going to HR.

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Tax the rich, especially media companies, and fund libraries.

Capitalism rewards sociopathic behavior.

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Yeah, once you show that you can and will fuck someone over, they tend to lose trust in you.

Spoiler alert: they’re not getting weirder in a fun way.

And anal sex. I’ve heard way more about man on man anal sex from republicans than I have from my numerous gay friends who are also chronic oversharers.

Her music is mid but if she manages to shift the electorate left even a few degrees I’ll be the biggest Swiftie ever. As a 45 year old divorced guy I realize this will be incredibly creepy but it’s worth it.

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Your ancestors would be panicking worse at the grocery store, they couldn’t possibly conceive of something like a refrigerator.

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To really be like Mandela, he needs to be brutalized by South African cops, right? I’ll donate real money to bring over 4-6 South African police to beat the fuck out of DJT for a good half hour in the name of authenticity.

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Man, it would really be “sad” if he tripped and fell into a pit full of filthy dull knives and venomous snakes. Just a real “tragedy.”

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I just realized I’m gay, how do you respond to that?

A house that increased her taxes tenfold and that the developers are saying she can’t have.

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Yeah, that’s the wrong word. “Extracted” or “looted” or “stole” are all more appropriate.

I’m 45 and I’ve more or less accepted that short of an unexpected and massive windfall, I will never be able to retire, much less experience “financial freedom.”

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Funny you mention enshittification, I just watched a talk from Cory Doctorow who coined that term and he pointed out the reason for insisting on an app is that it means you can’t block ads without violating the DMCA. Browsers can have adblocker extensions, apps cannot (unless you hack them.)

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I have seen this as well. Thankfully Voyager flags accounts under a certain age, so there’s an immediate visual indicator that an inflammatory comment may be just a troll.

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The Wire is the best show ever made.

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It’s being appealed, and the judge should be impeached for failing to recuse herself (the judge’s son works for Microsoft and has a lot of stock that will gain a lot of value if the deal does finally go through.)

“How does greenwashing work? Let the NYT show you with direct, practical examples.”

Or like they’re actually the Wakanda bobsled team.

I think the real crime is vehicular manslaughter, especially the SECOND one.

It’s my understanding that kangaroos are plentiful. I’ve had kangaroo meat and it’s pretty tasty, like very lean beef.