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Why is there an added U in Iqueland?

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I fly paramotors. Imagine a fan you strap on your back, a paraglider that goes overhead, and you run run run until you're airborne! Never fails to put a smile on my face when times are tough. And maintaining the engine and planning that next flight keeps me occupied when the weather doesn't cooperate.

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Sorry to say, it will do nothing at all for you in a server setup. You could run any game server without a graphics card at all and it would make no difference. Game servers would be better served by a good processor and lots of RAM.

The only thing a graphics card could do for you in a server is if you host a media library (e.g. Plex or Jellyfin) and then need to transcode video for a device that can't natively play it (e.g. TV can't natively overlay subtitles, so the server has to burn them into the video that streams to the TV). Another instance could be running image processing on a security camera feed for example.

Anyone have a link to this allegedly blasphemous TikTok video?

I'll second CrDroid. Gabriel Wolfe I think is the name of the maintainer. He does a great job of it with updates coming out roughly every two weeks. I always had a couple bugs (camera not focusing quite right sometimes, some crash messages on reboot), but never any major issues.

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I was definitely in grade school in the '00s, but this is all foreign to me. For me I'd say it was Axe body spray (or the many knockoffs), Uggs, Heelys, TVs in the back of their parent's car's front headrests, having their own TiVo, and LaCroix.

I disagree with your view on IP, at least for pharmaceuticals. For most drugs, the exclusivity period is only 5 years, after which generic companies reverse engineer the product with ease and create a low-cost alternative. Without this period allowing pharma companies to make their money, there'd be no reason to invest the billions upon billions of dollars into R&D to discover and develop the drug in the first place. Most drug candidates fail, and the wins are what prop up the whole industry.

I'm not defending price gouging and I think all governments should control pricing, preferably with a single payer system (looking at you USA), but we would be so much further behind without patent protection. Especially for orphan diseases.

Don't really agree with you on IP for most creative purposes either. There should be a reasonable length of time you get exclusive rights to something you create. But this doesn't excuse Disney's stranglehold on the mouse.

I think this is usually specifically for diesel fuel. Certain places have diesel fuel with red dye in it that is tax exempt. Any fuel you buy from a standard gas station has a good amount of tax baked into the price and it's earmarked to go towards road and infrastructure repair. The thought process is, if you're not using said vehicle on the road, you shouldn't have to pay this tax.

So, they dye it red, sell it only at special places, and you get fined pretty heavily if you're found using it in street vehicles. Typically it's truckers that do it because most American cars (including cop cars) are not diesel. And I've never heard of this setup for regular gas.

Is Yelp really so dead that you'd use whatever that app is instead of it?

Huh. Figured they did that cause fedd.it was already taken. Tried the domain and it redirects right to feddit.it



Looks like I'm about to enter Narnia

Training was the way for me! I was a pilot beforehand, but it's such a unique and rather awkward movement that I probably would have really struggled without training.

Maybe you farted in your sleep

Did you find him?

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Are there any good Lemmy golf communities? I kinda miss r/golf

Definitely Face McShooty

I mean that's not really true. The new FTC chair literally got the position by writing a paper on why Amazon should be broken up, and has raised numerous cases to stop recent M&A activity. One Meta/FB acquisition of a VR company, the Microsoft Blizzard/Activision buyout, among others. They've been shut down a lot by the courts.

I'll never forget the conviction with which my wife once woke me up proclaiming a woman needed help. Waited a minute for another howl and taught her something new that night!

Sorry man, best of luck. Mental health problems have become an epidemic.

Early seasons are great... But it just gets so sappy

I tried Jellyfin a couple years ago, but it always struggled with ASS (advanced substation alpha) subtitles. I remember it had to burn them on play, or I'd have to use something like SickRage or handbrake or something to pre-burn them, otherwise my relatively modest server would cry. Googling isn't telling me much, anyone know if this has gotten better?

If what he says is true, that it's going up because of driver pay, that's good at least. Uber at least has competition in Lyft, and both have a lot more markets to enter around the world by chipping away the established local taxi businesses, which can also compete by dropping their prices...

Overall I think Uber is a net positive. But $50 is a pretty ridiculous fee.

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