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Joined 1 years ago

Bona fide idiot

Myers Briggs is posh astrology.

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When someone describes themselves as an 'entrepeneur', particularly when they say that in their dating profile, I immediately assume they're just a grade A wanker.

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Many years ago when my workplace first adopted hot desking they installed a row of lockers for staff to keeping our stuff in, now we weren't going to have our own desks. I jokingly said, because it reminded me of being in school, that I was going to cover mine in pictures of The Cure and the Pixies. This must have been overhead by the nearby PA of our senior manager because less than an hour later an email came round forbidding the decoration of lockers. She was very much a 'make arbitrary rules on a whim' kind of manager rather than a 'actually manage people and get work done' kind of manager. She also tried to introduce ridiculous rules over what kinds of food people could eat at their desks which fell apart when her favourite underling walked into the office after a week on leave and oblivious to BreakfastGate eating an unlawful bacon sandwich, and there was gleeful uproar and she had to back down. She was also hilariously fired less than a year into the job, for lying about being ill and then posting on Twitter (which we were all following because she was apparently too dumb to understand what 'public' means) about shopping for shoes and throwing parties.

The problem that strikes me reading through this thread, and similar conversations about packaging, is that we can do all we want to reduce packaging and plastics at the consumer end, but there's a huuuuge amount of packaging all the way through the supply chain. From farming supplies, to ingredient packaging, and the packaging used to transport food products to stores. By focussing solely on the consumer end we're not addressing the whole issue. It's like the obsession with bamboo toothbrushes and paper / metal straws. They're consumerist solutions to a problem caused by consumerism.

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I can't even begin to imagine how horrific it was for those hospital staff to have to leave those babies. I think it would break me.

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No-one ever lay on their death bed wishing they'd done more ironing.

On the whole (unless it's necessary for a professional environment) it's a waste of time. I iron nothing, and got rid of my ironing board because it was just getting in the way. I've kept my iron just in case, but last time it was used was about 5 years ago when a friend was staying who needed to iron a shirt for a funeral.

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I'm so glad I didn't have kids. I'm not sure how I'll survive as an old lady in the post oil, post water, post life world, but at level my kids won't have to feel guilty for leaving me at the side of the road. Or eating me.

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Military / weapons, police, bailiffs, pyramid scheme grifts, wellness grifts, petrochemicals, mining, financial services (unless it was something like a credit union)

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Probably not the longest, but the most ridiculous. We have a big free African music festival in our city and there are loads of different food stalls with great food. There was a Kenyan one that my best friend really wanted to go to as she lived in Kenya when she was a kid, and the queue was big which usually means good food. However once we were in the queue we realised the queue was moving really slowly... No matter, it must be worth it when we get there surely... After 45 mins I really wanted to go somewhere else but the sunk cost fallacy and the thought of getting in another queue made me stay... After over an hour we finally get to the front and realise that the reason it's so slow is because they have the most illogical ordering system that doesn't make sense, and even the staff seem totally confused. An hour and a half later we finally get our food and it's ok. Just ok. In a big field full of amazing food we managed to pick the most mediocre one, and stupidly queued along with loads of other stupid queueing people for no good reason except being in a queue.

I had an ex who wouldn't try anything, it was infuriating. I asked him once whether he liked a vegetable, he said no, I asked how it had been cooked when he had it as maybe he'd like it if it was done a different way, and he said he'd never tried it. The only vegetable he'd eat was broccoli. He got upset when I said he had the eating habits of a toddler but I stand by that.

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Just about kept my shit together. It's been a really shitty week.

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That doesn't stop an absolute fuck ton of people believing in it. One of my friends is quite deeply into it, she's in FB groups about it, and decides what everyone's type is upon meeting them. According to her I only think it's nonsense because I've only done the free online tests, not the proper one. She wouldn't listen the other day when I tried to put her right about flouride in the water, either.

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I think some instances remove swear words so you just see 'removed'

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I pronounced it hyper-bowl in my head for a loooong time until I had to say it out loud one time and got laughed at.

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He said it was his mental health, and he could have no desires or feelings for someone. He said I was amazing and that he'd never met anyone remotely like me.

However he's now told me he's seeing someone, so I think he's full of shit.

I think r/menslib shows it can be done, with very clear community rules and good moderation. There's definitely a need for it. There are plenty of men out there with their heads screwed on right and who need to be able to talk about issues that effect men without the conversation being derailed into sexist rants about women. I think maybe you're a little too pessimistic about men and their ability to define masculinity for themselves in a healthy and un sexist way.

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I'm a bit confused by your comment and what you mean by "a tribe here or there has been through it" and that it's unknown territory? It's sparsely populated, but according to Wikipedia about 500k people live there, and they're mostly in urban areas. Surely the lack of data is more down to the political disputes over who governs it? I'd imagine the locals are reluctant to share information with the Moroccan government who they see as the occupiers.

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I didn't know this, this is good news!

I was brought up before showers were something that most people had installed, and we just washed at the sink with a flannel cloth. We washed face, pits, bum, and feet twice a day, and only had a bath once or twice a week. I still just do a wash of the important bits at the sink with a cloth if I'm feeling very apathetic.

Most of the funerals I've been to over the last 10 years were for heavy drinkers. At least 3 (including my dad) alcohol was the direct cause of the death.

Well guess who's pronouncing it tray bucket from now on

(It's me)

Long comment chains of song lyrics where each comment adds another line. They can fuck right off.

Small post it note over the sensor under the mouse.

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The idiots are winning.

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Also I want to share that when I searched online for Palestinian NGOs, I got hundreds of results from an organisation called 'NGO Monitor' who claim to give unbiased information on NGOs. A lot of the information on their pages seemed quite emotive and unbaly, and did some digging. In reality they are a right wing Israeli organisation that just focuses on listing allegations of terrorism funding / sympathies against charities and NGOs that works in Palestine, they don't back up allegations with good sources and they don't give any other information on what the organisation does. So be mindful of that if you do any online research, they seem to have made sure searches for certain topics throw up loads of their pages, and they have a definite bias and reason for existence.

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I have this list bookmarked on my phone, it only relates to vegan chocolate though. Cannot vouch for it's accuracy / methodology.

Did you just 'splain colonisation to a native person?

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No I wouldn't. It would go against my ethics and my politics. Police are police, everywhere. Ultimately they exist to protect the interests of the ruling classes. While the level of violence and corruption and abuse of power might vary from place to place, and there may be good work that they do, there is violence and corruption and abuse of power wherever there are police. I want no part in that, no money is worth it. And I wouldn't last long in a racist and sexist workplace anyway.

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That's worse than last time I used it, which is when they were still giving free awards to use but you had to use their app to get them.

Taking echinacia (sp?) to get rid of a cold. I've given up trying to tell my friends they're wasting their money because they believe it works, because they start feeling better, and won't be told that that was going to happen anyway.

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Scariest moment for myself was many years ago hiding curled into a tiny ball behind my sofa while my (then) boyfriend stood just inches from me muttering "kill the bitch, kill the bitch". Still not sure how he didn't see me as I wasn't really hidden from view at all, the sofa was in the middle of a large room and I was just huddling under a towel that was hanging over the back. I think it's just possible that fear can make you invisible (I know rationally that's not the case, I think it's more of a comforting pseudo-belief). I've felt greater fear since then, but that was for someone else's life, not mine.

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That's beyond insulting, I'd call that a controlling / abusive relationship. And if his wife seriously thinks he's a risk to their child why the fuck would she have a baby with him and stay with him? That poor kid is going to grow up with a really damaging view of men, male / female relationships, and parental relationships.

Israel had a choice about how to respond to the attacks and deal with Hamass. Just like the US and it's allies had a choice about how to respond to 9-11. Killing thousands of innocent people is always going to be the wrong choice. Every time.

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Interesting, I'm late 40s, and I'd say my closest straight male friends definitely fall more within the men's lib way of thinking, or at least are valiantly trying, because they see through the bullshit and see how harmful it is. The vast majority of straight men of my generation though, no, they're not like that at all. It's desperately sad. They're miserable and angry but can't see the box they're in that's making them that way.

My heating is set at 21°C (70F) for daytimes and 16°C (61F) for the night time, so it doesn't come on at all during summer, and a lot of spring (UK). During winter when it gets colder out (like below about 6°C/43F) I will usually need to whack it up by a couple of degrees, or give it a little extra blast in the morning to warm up. Its an old building (late 1800s) and my flat has external walls on three sides, and a cold empty basement below, so it can get quite cold when the outside temperature drops.

Edited to make it clear i mean my heating thermostat, because I realised most people here are talking about AC and that's very rare in homes here.

And also when we hear about the heads of logging companies serving long jail sentences for all the deaths of indigenous people they've been directly complicit in.

People who steal / collect the eggs of endangered birds.

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I find sorting by 'Top' either 6 hours or 12 hours helps me see new posts I've not seen that have decent engagement

This was a really interesting read, thank you.

I'm really struggling to understand what you mean by this comment and what it's relevance is to the post.

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