12 Post – 559 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Long time linux user and tinkerer. Currently working as a devops engineer. Very positive to the idea of decentralized internet platforms. :)

It may be the last few years of the free web because of Google. Their goals are clear.

Please switch to Firefox, another search engine and another email provider...

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And that's exactly the point. WEI makes it a world where big tech decides if they are going to support a competing browser, a competing operating system like Linux, or plugins against ads. They can also force you to have any number of plugins installed, from their choosing.

It destroys the free web completely.

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I think it's a bit silly to have megathreads just because some users can't scroll past posts that doesnt interest them.

I agree its not great with multiple threads but it's also not the end of the world imo. Users want to talk about these things. Let them.

It's not fun to post on megathreads because your comments get buried. At least it was like that on reddit.

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Try container tabs!

They have separate sessions so you can be logged in to the same site on multiple accounts. This is extreamly useful for stuff like being logged in to github using work account and company account or other sites where you just need many accounts. Aws is another good example.

There is also temporary containers that leave no trace at all.

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It's ad blocking and entire operating systems, or computers configured in any way they don't like.

If this goes through, they can force you to install any plugins they wish, or disable any plugins they wish. Or make sure you don't run Linux and only Windows or Mac. They can force you to have your camera on. They can do anything since they make the rules.

No innovation will take place. Competing browsers or software will not be allowed or manipulated into marketed as "unsafe".

This is a takeover of the open web stack as we know it.

The way they talk to the mods is absolutely infuriating and the "best" part is they they don't even recognize it themselves.

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Thanks for your hard work! Lemmy is really taking off and it's showing how people can communicate without a corporation in the middle. Somehow this has been lost on younger internet users. They think they need to go to some big tech site to connect to other people. Who made those guys our overlords? Fuck them.

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European companies somehow survive just fine with people being in unions. There are many strong protections in place, which is why we have 6 weeks vacations, maternal leave and so on.

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Sort by 6 or 12 hours is super important.

Sure - only people who create content give it away for free.

Reddit is in the business of taking that free labor and telling people they own that data and set rules for it. Got it.

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Googles wet dream to make all web pages like this.

Strangely enough, many people do things for other reasons than money. :)

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Everything from these big corps have no soul. Because we know it's just about exploiting users for money.

I want the old internet back so bad. Hopefully federation can fuel many new actually fun services that are not built to make money but to actually entertain and amuse people, or simply be useful.

I personally feel pleasure from doing good things in the world. But it seems to be a group of people who doesn't feel it's worth doing something for others unless there is money to be made from it.

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I think you should walk together and just talk. The traditional idea of sitting down at a table facing eachother can create a lot of pressure when conversation topics temporarily dies out. If you walk, there are things to observe and talk about all the time. :)

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About 5 years too late but appriciated still.

People just don't listen or care. They click on chrome because it's recommended by their daddy Google.

What you do?

You start getting into Linux, buy open source t shirts, grow a beard, listen to Stallman talks, and stop interacting with normies ever again. Only communicate through text travelling over open source technologies.

Make sure you spend enough hours in front of a keyboard to get a very pale skin color, reddish eyes and a rounded spine and neck. Pull down curtains so you see your screen better and avoid sunlight.

Drink lots of soda while sitting completely still so you gain fat and lose muscles.

I use Arch btw.

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That's like the coolest thing. I hope you feel super welcome here.

Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.

It's just so damn good.

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It's saying a whole lot about the so called leadership team at reddit. This language is infuriating.

They are so full of themselves. They are absolutely not demonstrating leadership capabilities either. This is just some guy trying to push his own agenda instead of listening and understanding. I don't think they are capable of understanding, or they can't hide their contempt for the people doing all the work moderating their site for them for free.

What are the plans around admin tools?

Instance owners currently gets notified when someone has reported a user for spamming or trolling, but frequently it's a user that is not on his instance, so he can't do anything about it. Wouldn't it be better if instance owners got notified only when they can take actual action (like the user being registered on their instance)?

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Don't want any lizard cage fighting sociopath in my Lemmy thanks.

I remember when the snap version of calculator took like 12 seconds to launch and Canonical were like "yeah but what's the big deal?".

It basically turns your super fast Linux into feeling like a 10 year old windows machine.

I hear they have improved performance now though but there are many other reasons why snap suck.

Just another reason to not have a YouTube account. If you use Newpipe, you can subscribe to feeds anyway without any YouTube account.

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The instance is known by its domain name in the federation network. If that domain name changes, it's like starting a new instance from scratch.

Sounds like a complicated project to migrate communities and posts and users to a new instance without breaking something.

Yeah I didnt see this until now. Thanks!

There has been a huge wave of spam accounts recently, and I recognize some of the names on this list. Of course these accounts gets banned quickly.

Getting a fake email address is really easy, so I don't think it makes any difference whatsoever. On fastmail which im using, I can even create fake ones with a click on a button. It's built into the service to have different emails for different sites.

Having closed signups will not stop any spam accounts. It just adds a delay between registration and being able to log in. There is no way to know if it's a spam account or not before they sign in. Of course, some of the names in the list makes it obvious, but they just change to ordinary sounding names then.

I think it's frustrating for new users to have to wait for a random time period to get accepted, specially when it serves no purpose. I'm not going to be any wiser if I approve the registration now or 12 hours later.

Or am I wrong? I haven't been a troll myself but seems like I would just spend 30 mins to make accounts in random instances and then fire off my bot a few hours later or on the day after.

How do you know which accounts are spam accounts before they even started posting?

If the spammers and trolls manage to make you defederate from, they will pick another instance. And every defederation will continue to make the fediverse smaller and more centralized. Sooner or later, small instances may even stop accepting new users for fear of being defederated from the larger network.

I would like to stop having these spam accounts and trolls on the instance. I could add email verification but it won't make a difference and just make it more annoying for new users. I really don't want to punish them for what trolls and spammers are doing.

But sure, I prefer it to defederation. So if you think it makes a difference, I could add it just as a sign of good faith. But it's really a pointless gesture.

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Google is one of the richest companies in the world.

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He is so intelligent. One day I wish I could come up with a name like X.

He probably was thinking "oh hey let's make it mysterious... What's more mysterious than x? Nothing! Solve for x! Right guys? Right? (everyone says yes since all smart people left the building).

Arch because I like simple.

Other distros are an exercise in patience I think. Each Ubuntu version has different names and versions of stuff like docker, mysql and everything else. It's really annoying to work with. I assume all six month distros are like that. And you have to add extra repos, keys and whatnot for it to even find things.

With arch, since it's rolling, I just install the latest version and I already know the command. It's always the same. Always.

There are many reasons I like arch but the simplicity of the installations is one of my favorite reasons to use it.

I host my own because it's cheap, less than 10 dollars per month, and I wanted to contribute to the growth of the Lemmy community.

Also turns out that it's another benefit to this: I don't have to get involved in the entire political debate of who federated with who. I just subscribe to communities I want anywhere.

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I hope there is eternal hell for people like Putin. Few deserve it like he does.

I think being depressed is perfectly natural when being on this planet. But since it makes your life worse, it's important to know how to think about something else so you don't feel sad all the time (which is natural considering how shitty it all is). Human leaders are at a very primitive stage of mental evolution and we all suffer because of that.

I get excited about computers and tech so I focus a lot on that in my life. You need to find something that feels fun and exciting despite the world being shit. Also I stopped watching news like 15 years ago and I'm ignorant now of all the things that happen every day. Feels better.

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Umm with no warning whatsoever?? That's quite insane.

"Trust us, we are Google".

Yes. Yes you are... The filth of the web.

And every time these companies remove freedom they do it under the guise of protecting users.

This is called a lie, folks.

The PR team got the task to improve his reputation, and they paid newspapers and online sites to write positive things about him.

Nothing new under the sun.

Even a pic where he doesn't look like a lizard. Well done.

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Why do they want to save the site? The leadership deserves to see it die.

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Sounds like they are becoming worried over the growth of these networks and wants to convince the large public that they should stay away.

It's pretty much standard tactics to paint a false picture of something, and they get away with it too. I bet people will now say "mastadon, isn't that where there is child porn? No thanks".

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You really need to be nicer to people here or you will probably get banned by someone sooner or later. People are trying to get away from the reddit atmosphere here. Don't act all superior because you spotted a mistake. That's really childish.

I try to always rewrite complicated code. As an example, another dev who left the team had written a program in Elixir that nobody knew or understood. I rewrote it in python (with his help, since I still had contact with him over chat). After that, everyone in the team could understand the code and we could make changes very easily to it and document it.

Another program he wrote in python was kind of complicated and we would have bugs in it that we didn't know how to fix. So I rewrote it with a completely different architecture with focus on simplicity. And again, now everyone could just read the code and understand it.

I think many devs are writing code that is not simple to understand for others. Then rewriting it can be worth it to avoid the pain of trying to fix bugs in complicated code.

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It happened when all the non-techy people joined social media.