
1 Post – 222 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

tech workers: i'm underpaid and everyone else should be too!

fucking unionize already. tired of this crabs-in-a-bucket mentality

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If buying isnt owning then piracy isnt stealing

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I'm not a dog breed expert, but...

The other day an agressive dog that looked like a pitbull, suddenly lunged at me barking loudly... It was about 10ft away from me but still scared the shit out of me

The owner yanked the dog back on its leash and i thought, "FML, the only thing that saved me from a deadly mauling was a 3/4 inch wide piece of nylon with a metal clip the guy bought off amazon for $5"

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Wtf. I paid for the apps to avoid exactly this....

Too many people think the "free" in free software means "without monetary cost". Development costs money. If nobody pays, it gets sold

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Thats ok... Idiotic hiring practices will filter out the worst companies

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I'm not a developer, but I use AI tools at work (mostly LLMs).

You need to treat AI like a junior intern.... You give it a task, but you still need to check the output and use critical thinking. You cant just take some work from an intern, blindly incorporate it into your presentation, and then blame the intern if the work is shoddy....

AI should be a time saver for certain tasks. It cannot (currently) replace a good worker.

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Also, Linus is a "woke communist"


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Debian sid user here, and long time keepassxc user

Debian maintainer didnt communicate this well, but i agree that i dont want my password manager having any access to networking or interacting with anything other than the clipboard.

I'm not a developer or a security expert. This is just my gut feeling talking

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Podman didnt silently rewrite my firewall rules upon install

10/10 would recommend

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Long live debian! Long live the king!

I would buy one in a heartbeat if it was smaller.... My S22 barely fits in my pants pocket, and barely usable with one hand.

Still waiting for compact phones to return...RIP sony xperia

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I love KDE. Been using it for 10 years

One question i've always had though... Does anyone actually use the default KDE software like konqueror, kmail, kontacts, etc? Why not just focus on the desktop environment?

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I made some tiddy pics with stable diffusion... Am i a generative AI talent?

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You'll always end up on debian. You just dont know it yet

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So.... Men act like dicks when there is a woman around or when they are back in "the rest of the world"? At which point their sense of brotherly love and cameraderie disappear? How is that a woman's fault?

How is that the fault of, "fucking propaganda painting men as inherently predators"?

Sounds like a problem with that group of men....

I have tons of male friends who dont "flex" or act like dicks when they are outside of an all-male setting

I'm not against men's clubs, btw.... But the idea that men cant be toxic outside of a men's club is a terrible premise for a men's club

I gave my mom a macbook with debian KDE and a mac OS theme.. I dont think she's noticed yet....

I mean... I hate capitalism as much as the next guy, but this isnt "money from nothing".... People bought or worked for shares....

The dividend money comes from worker exploitation, sure. But in order to get the dividend from those shares, you had to believe in the company and invest...

Disclaimer: i own no shares of meta and i dont have a facebook account

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I hope you're upgrading from debian buster to bullseye!

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If embryos are children, then make it illegal to freeze them and lock them away in an ice box.... That's a cruel form of torture

You have to be asleep to believe it --George carlin... I probably dodnt get it right

They should use protonmail

Debian for servers and debian for desktop. Debian everywhere!

Almost all journalism outlets have similar policies.

Which leads conspiracy theory types to latch on and post things like "the CBC/BBC wont condemn hamas as terrorists! The mainstream media sucks!", when in fact these policies have been in place fpr decades

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They used .af because in modern english, "af" stands for "as fuck"

As in "queer. As fuck", meaning VERY queer

Henry Wu : Actually they can't breed in the wild. Population control is one of our security precautions. There's no unauthorized breeding in Jurassic Park.

Dr. Ian Malcolm : How do you know they can't breed?

Henry Wu : Well, because all the animals in Jurassic Park are female. We've engineered them that way.

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I hate the AI hype right now, but to say the entire thing should fail is short sighted.

Imagine people saying the following: "The internet is just hype. I get too much spam emails. I hope the entire thing is a catastrophic failure."

Imagine we just shut down the entire internet because the dotcom bubble was full of scams and overhyped....

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I dunno... I could actually see guinan spouting off some bullshit about hard work

"You know, that lt barclay spends all his time on the holodeck.. If he worked a little harder in engineering, he could afford a.... Oh wait, we live in a post-scarcity society. He already has all has basic needs met."

To be fair, it looks like the debian maintainer started the unfriendly discourse by calling the work of other FOSS devs "crap"

Everyone needs to chill out, otherwise we have another potential XZ social engineering attack

It would be catastrophic for something like keepass to have a malicious maintainer take over

filling in background, NPC voices, and things like that, which is unfortunate because those voices were all human beings at one point

Do i want AI to replace human voice actors? Of course not.

But there's no universe where NPCs were ever going to have more than 3 voiced lines repeating over and over about an arrow to the knee or something.

AI would give developers almost infinite variety of inane NPC chatter to make the world more realistic. Thats probably where i would draw the line at using AI. Filling in little world details that nobody would otherwise have time/money to fill in

Or in other words, AI should add something to a game, not give the same amount of content using fewer human minds and hands

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I dont mind it when it makes sense... Like ad boards in fifa games make sense...

But if it breaka immersion, then it's stupid

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Can it outrun a kenyan in a marathon?

Or the real question is if a battery can be made small enough to fit in a human sizef robot that can keep it running over 42km

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Q: "What's the best debian-based _____?"

A: "debian"

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Not anymore...kiptum beat kipchoge's record in chicago last fall

The new mining is AI... TSMC is at max capacity. They're not going to waste too many wafers making gaming GPU when AI acceleratora are selling for $30k each

I'm speeding through a school zone at 60km/h.... I didnt INTEND to kill anyone, but i didnt see the crosswalk and mowed down a bunch of pedestrians.

This is not an accident. Entirely preventable. Intent doesnt matter

The vast majority of car collisions are entirely avoidable.

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There's an evangelion joke here that i'm not clever enough to make

Who is going to pay for it? Every time journalists try to get paid enough to eat and have a roof over their head people cry "paywall!!!"

Or if they do ad supported people cry "ad infested cancer site!!" Or "lol adblock!"

Just to be clear, i adblock the shit out of the internet. I prefer some kind of paid model, but i'll get downvoted to hell for saying that. I'm not smart enough to have any good answers on how to pay journalists. But crying "paywall" at everything is not helpful...

What i dislike is having to have an account and password for everything. There needs to be a better model/system for paying journalists (not just in gaming media)

Currently the only business models are:

  1. ad filled clickbait
  2. billionaire backed media
  3. unpaid volunteer work
  4. paid subscription

And it seems like the only sustainable ones in this day and age are 1 and 2 (to the detriment of our society)

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Why not Canada? We have RobCo headquarters in Montreal

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$alias fewer = 'less'

I always hated that the most upvoted art on reddit was just photorealism... Abd then the comments were all like, "Wow! I was 100% sure this was a photo until i zoom in!!!"

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