Gamers enraged at Ubisoft for injecting ads into the middle of video games

Lee to – 1314 points –
Gamers enraged at Ubisoft for injecting ads into the middle of video games

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I dont mind it when it makes sense... Like ad boards in fifa games make sense...

But if it breaka immersion, then it's stupid

or drinking a can of Monster Energy to replenish your health in death stranding...


Its a Kojima game, it fits in and just amplifies the subliminal surrealism present in his games.

That one may be my favorite product placement in a game. It's so absurd it becomes ironically funny

This kind of thing is a real artform, and I love it.

Making something so bad it gets good again, because people then understand it's intentional.

Same for some visual effects in movies, or character traits, whatever. If it's too subtle, it might be seen as out of place, an oversight or a straight up error. But if you over-exaggerate it, then it suddenly works.

Reading this back, I now have no idea if I explained my thought process in a way that gets my point across.