American XL bully dogs to be banned after attacks, Rishi Sunak sayslocked to World – 378 points –
American XL bully dogs to be banned after attacks, Rishi Sunak says

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I'm not a dog breed expert, but...

The other day an agressive dog that looked like a pitbull, suddenly lunged at me barking loudly... It was about 10ft away from me but still scared the shit out of me

The owner yanked the dog back on its leash and i thought, "FML, the only thing that saved me from a deadly mauling was a 3/4 inch wide piece of nylon with a metal clip the guy bought off amazon for $5"

"But my little velvet hippo couldn't hurt anyone!"

Hippos are super aggressive, territorial, and will bite a crocodiles in half. It’s amazing that’s supposed to be a cute, disarming nickname for a breed notorious for the same traits.

It's also the most deadliest land mammal, the hippo that is.

Pretty sure that is technically humans, but hippos are definitely a second.

To be fair most won’t, but they definitely can and do.

Especially when they are jaws on legs that are more inclined compared to other dogs.

Yup. I've crunched the numbers before, and it's something like 1 in 10,000 pit bulls will attack a human or other companion animal every year. It's not likely for any given pit to attack a person (which I can anecdotally support–they're obnoxiously friendly and loving in my experience), but it's also like 10 times more than the next most vicious breed. In my opinion, it's not worth euthanizing every member of the breed, but it is worth neutering every one. We don't need dog breeds, especially ones responsible for over half of the violent attacks on people and other animals.

Of course, I'm in support of neutering all companion animals to reduce the stray population and ease the strain on shelters, regardless of breed or species. Breed specific laws are only one step towards fixing the larger problem.

Of course, I’m in support of neutering all companion animals to ease the stray population and the strain on shelters, regardless of breed or species. Breed specific laws are only one step towards fixing the larger problem.

Bob Barker is smiling down on you from heaven for this

I must be unlucky because I have yet not run into one that didn't try to kill me if not for the muzzle or them being a puppy or a fence.

Don't you think that pit bull attacks are dangerous and cause medical trauma which leads to reporting of the attack? I think it's likely that they don't attack people more than any other dog breed. I was bit by a black lab mix. I didn't report it to anyone. If it had been a pit bull I probably would have needed medical attention.

As you've pointed out the dogs are perfectly capable of being lovey couch potatoes. The problem isn't the dog it's the people. The breed has a reputation. And the people who like that are just going to move on to the next breed after this one is gone.

You literally looked at the numbers they produced, ignored that and locked onto a tiny portion of their comment.

You, ma'am, are not arguing in good faith.

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The actual issue is that's it's a degenerative disease in dogs of similar breeds. At some point they get old and less able to recognize friend from foe. That might be ok if it weren't for the jaws you mentioned.


I'd go one step farther and even say if they even had the same amount of attacks as other dogs, had no possible mental diseases, and all want to caring homes I would still put restrictions/ban on them.

They are just too large to handle, too big of a bite to brush off, and end up in dog attacks a lot. That's enough for me.

I'm gonna need a source on that.

Cerebellar Cortical Disintegration or Degenerative Myelopathy could exacerbate a situation.

I unexpectedly found this on the genetic mapping of aggression which seemed interesting:

That's a great article...

However the only examples of aggression being related to breed is with Daschands and Yorkies, although the study says that's likely just to that specific gene also making legs shorter.

While there is a genetic component to aggression, it's variation is pretty standard amongst all dogs, except the tiny ones who may have accidentally been selected for it.

But someone asked you for a source for a cognitive thing and you just randomly linked an article about how breed doesn't determine behavior?

Did you know what that article was about before you linked it?___

However, it is also notable that a subset of large breeds carries the chrX reduced-fear/aggression and increased-size variants in perfect LD.

I know reading is hard, friend! I linked that as it was the most interesting thing I found while looking off there were other degenerative diseases common in pitbulls, while not being pitbull specific. Did you think me finding evidence contrary to my beliefs would result in me hiding it?

I'd give you snarky "let me Google that for you" on the degenerative diseases as they're genuinely interesting, but I guess you'll never know what they're about since you can type a comment but not use a search engine.

People were talking about pitbulls, they average 60lbs, they're not a "subset of large breeds" like Rottweilers who average 120lbs...

You're not being coherent, just trying to jump between "gotchas".

Just randomly jumping all over

You're right, pitbulls are medium not large, sorry. Nevertheless the study was interesting. Again, wasn't trying to make a point with it, it was the most genuinely interesting thing I found in my short search about the subject of aggression in dogs. Sorry you don't agree.

But since you're having so much fun chatting with me:

So you still couldn't find anything that agrees with you?

Sorry, not taking the time to help you.

I did and put those in the original comment you are being replying to. You just refused to look up anything about them. I have no desire to do your research either, ignorance suits you.

I did and put those in the original comment you are being replying to.

You didn't tho, you have that random article you didn't read...

Although I don't know why I'd be surprised you're just making shit up now, that's all you've done so far. I have no doubt you somehow think you're "winning" whatever is you're trying to do here either.

Have fun with whatever that is I guess.

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It’s funny they call them hippos considering that hippos are extremely dangerous and vicious wild animals.

That's funny because hippos kill more people than dogs

13000 vs 500 a year. So not really close. But hippos are more dangerous than most people think!

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A shitbull owner using a leash, rare combination.

I was walking my dog through my neighborhood once, and one of my stupid ass neighbors had his dog loose in his garage with the door open across the street. When it saw me, it charged at us, barking aggressively. It didn’t attack me, it just stood a few feet away baring its teeth and barking while his overweight owner waddled over to it armed with a sandle. I think it was a labrador.

If it was a pitbull though I’d likely be missing a limb or two today.

not if that is sarcasm or not, but most likely there was no pitull in that that dog.

not sarcasm at all...

regardless of breed, this dog looked like he was about to fuck up my whole day, so my point stands

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