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Joined 1 years ago

We asked A.I. to create a copyrighted image from the Joker movie. It generated a copyrighted image as expected.


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I unironically like Sucker Punch. And no, it's not only because of scantily clad women.

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Sadly, there are plenty of people trying to dictate what other people's children read based on their own feelings

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Imagine you're running a very long relay race. Just after the race starts, members of the other team jump out of the bushes, beat up your runner and tie them up. This happens for several laps until someone decides that this is probably bad so they stop beating and restraining you. But the race doesn't stop and the positions aren't reset, but the other team is like 20 laps ahead and allowed to finish. Is that fair?

Reparations would theoretically allow your team to catch up but former slaves and their descendants have never been allowed that. What's more, in the UK, former slave owners were paid for the inconvenience of no longer owning slaves (edit: up until 2015!!!) while the former slaves got to continue living as second-class citizens for a while.

Also, saying slavery ended hundreds of years ago and no one benefits from it today doesn't work because all slave-owner countries still benefit from slave labour in the form of generational wealth, advanced infrastructure and old laws that specifically aim to disadvantage black people (whether they were abolished or still on the books the effects are still felt). Imagine your great-granddad was able to build up a fortune, how likely would it be that your family would still be rich? Imagine your great-granddad lost every cent, how likely would it be that your family would be still poor? Sure, it's possible that situations drastically over time but that's the exception and not the rule. There are reasons why things are the way they are.

I believe that reparations should not be any lump sum of money but in the form of education, investment opportunities, resources and infrastructure. That way all persons living in former slave countries can benefit and pass those benefits down to their descendants.

Edit: I believe that up to last year Barbados went after Richard Drax for reparations due to his family's direct involvement in slavery in that country. I don't know how successful that was, but I support it.

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It is morally and ethically ok to pirate media that no longer legally accessible.

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He worked as a chemical engineer until he was killed by police over non-existant drugs. None of the officers involved got into any trouble.

Yes, so illegal content will end up being stored on both servers. The thing is that the piracy communities don't allow illegal content to be stored or linked to for the same liability reasons.

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Why would you oppose this? Don't you want children to be safe online? Won't anybody please think of the children? /s

Owning an NFT is analogous to owning a receipt. You don't actually own the image and paying for one means you fell for a scam. Pointing that out is enough to piss off any NFT owners.

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How long before Reddit staff start editing pixels to remove anything "inappropriate"?

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It seems that the ability for an app to continue depends on it having a small userbase willing to pay for the privilege, which probably isn't sustainable. I agree that Reddit has a right to make money but there are better ways to do it that don't involve making Reddit harder to use.

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Didn't they super duper pinky swear not to do this shit when they took over?

Good for them. I'm still not joining.

I read the complaints as "I posted false imformation once and they already flagged me for posting false information"

Planes are so unreliable nowadays

Yup the people that are mostly disadvantaged by (and cause) a housing crash are the people that treat houses like stocks.

I'm about 63% sure he's nursing a cold drink in Australia right now.

Why not subscribe to the stuff you want to see and then only filter by subscribed? I honestly find it strange that people don't do this by default.

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I'm from the Caribbean. It's considered rude to enter a room without saying good morning/afternoon/night once and loudly enough that everyone can hear. No one has to answer but it's polite to acknowledge. You don't have to say anything when leaving tho.

This doesn't apply to places that are loud, large, or where people are already socialising. So no to restaurants, bars and supermarkets, etc. But yes to hairdressers, small cafés, doctor's offices, and small offices in general.

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This is why I joined lemmy.

It's not that they can't. They don't because you're forced to engage with them and it gives them an opportunity to get a salesperson to give you the whole sales pitch and possibly upsell in the process.

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I had a metal door and an iron gate inside with shitty locks. Burglers broke the locks and got in.

I replaced the door and got great locks. The locks held up fine but they broke the gate right out of the wall and got in.

If someone wants to get in, they will.

Oh. I didn't notice.

I made this exact same argument using XMPP as an example and got downvoted because "XMPP is still alive"

No reddit repost bots please. There are already too many and they drag down lemmy's quality.

There's a possibility that it is called Facebook Services as well

People don't care what's superior, they care about if their friends are already on the app. And whatsapp built up that critical mass first, so it's the default.

I've used connect, jerboa, thundar, sync, voyager, summit and liftoff. Eternity is the only one that works well for me without annoying bugs and has all the features that I need.

it couldn't find any servers locally on my network, so I had to use my IP address. So when (not if) that IP changes I'll have to troubleshoot.

One workaround that I can think of is to use ip reservation to give your devices the same ip address whenever they connect. You might find that setting under DHCP on your router. Or just use a static ip on the server.

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IIRC they weren't smoking, they were "eating sandwiches"

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I'll add to protest a company's practices.

I might be asking a dumb question here, this is the right community for that after all. But have you asked your cousin what might be wrong?

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Thanks, it's something I've been thinking about for a long time since it was a big discussion topic in my circle for a while.

I haven't given the same level of thought to universal basic income, but I guess it would be a start. What people really need is a way to not only survive but to build wealth and pass that wealth on to their descendants. Like I said in my previous comment, education, investment opportunities, infrastructure upgrades, etc. will go a long way towards that goal. In my mind, a universal income could be a part of that but not the whole solution. And yes capitalism will find a way to ruin it but we can always hope.

Yes exactly! The only thing that would make it better was if it was a music video album like Daft Punk's Random Access Memories

Agreed. Meta's (or any other corporate entity) strategy will most likely involve paying off mods or admins for their influence, allowing undercover ads, bots, etc

Propaganda is by definition misleading and political in nature. It can lead to policies that can make life very bad for a lot of people (see Nazi propaganda).
A misleading, nonpolitical ad, may make you waste money, but it's unlikely to lead to police rounding up foreigners in the night. Dishonest interpersonal communications will make you lose friends but it (generally) doesn't set political policy.
Thats not to say that advertisements can't be dangerous, but at least they're regulated to limit potential damage. Anyone can push any political statement as fact and get away with it as long as it doesn't piss off the wrong people too much.

I definitely disagree with the martial arts point. If it's simple point sparring where technique is most important like in karate or taekwondo then yes, men and women can compete. If it's MMA or any kind of grappling then no, men will dominate at the higher levels.

This will be true of any sport where strength, endurance or speed of the human body is a deciding factor. Which is, unfortunately, most sports.

Women have more places to hide the sex toys.

Edit: it's a bad joke referencing the recent cheating scandal

tbf I have not watched it in a while. I did see it in theatres and the director's cut a few times at home.

No. Not unless you have it stored on media that you own and control.