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Joined 1 years ago

On 750 a month I could live in the forest somewhere and do occasional supply runs to replenish my tree fort. Or do a shit ton of drugs but either way I'd be pretty happy.

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What's horrifying is the amount of pedo apologists on some lemmy instances. They screech that as long as they aren't touching kids they're free to be attracted to kids because it's not hurting anyone. Anyone that looks at a kid and thinks sexual thoughts already crossed a line and should never be allowed access to children or the internet. Horrifying. Pedo is not a sexual orientation.

What a troll. This has nothing to do with that.

Inside my boyfriend, for once.

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I mean some of us have become experts at not letting it disrup life as we had no choice. But my therapist says I'm all kinds of adhd she is baffled I never went to a shrink before. Nothing has to affect your life not even hallucinations and lack of short term memory. You pretend to be like every one else and smart phones do the rest.

The emergency channel has no ads...

They're trying to redefine left like some idiotic psyops lol.

Selling things to people who shouldn't have it or need it. Money doesn't mean shit if you're fucking people over.

Roll a doob.

I mean the unintentional result was soooo badly needed. Everyone should have access to abortion but I'm glad people have the education and understanding to chose life over unwanted pregnancy and possible death.

I'm sure there isn't a single millionaire that made it on their own. They had other people making that money for them.

I'd ban you too for using that fucking emote.

There's a good chance he has something going on causing him to have a distorted perception if reality. I deal with a lot of people like this who have paranoid delusions and often seem manic in the manor demonstrated in this post. What exactly have they done to treat it so far?

It's technically not illegal till you seed

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It's assholes companies trying to force people in the office like cattle.

I guess the nuclear power people are gonna become Microsoft fans... powered by nuclear power.

Lead makes Republicans

Wiping out? Why keep breeding something humans created in the first place. It's cruel to them and humans. Just like pugs and a bunch of other breeds that are cruel. Dogs are a human creation and humanity shoukd take responsibility and stop breeding them. Mutts are as close as natural and stable as you're gonna get.

Safe spaces are pretty much that. I would actually like to join beehaw if I ever need to switch to an instance for my own sanity. I left reddit but it's followed us here so I think a more curated experience would be nice.

That is unless they're nazis, fascists, authoritarian or any other kind of violent extremist faction. I'm sick of having no faith in humanity because of all these backwards ideologies being "expressed". To quote Costanza, these pretzels are making me thirsty.

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I had a weird coworker that claimed to be Ukrainian and is married to a Russian woman. Mysteriously had to go see his dying family member right before it all started and he has not been heard from again. I just feel like he was some kind of weird Russian spy or something. He would call her 10 times during his shift and spoke in Russian and had an air of manipulative "kindness" that made you really wonder what the fuck this guy was involved with.

Lol exactly. We don't have ours pointing at anything that matters. Both on the patio, one to watch the local cats and the other to see who is at the door.

Most people don't have the capacity so it makes them angry and mistrustful of anything that's perceived to be "smart". Maybe if one is a true intellectual they can make dumb down these concepts so that they can at least get a basic understanding of them.

I'm currently certified and we are told that unconscious means consent and once you determine they're not breathing (only criteria) then you perform cpr. I've been certified for over 7 years as a dispatcher and we often provide these exact instructions. Since we deal with the whole of the US we use national protocols which are valid throughout the country (emd epd protocols) and unless you know for SURE they are breathing you perform CPR every time. Doesn't matter if they have a DNR. Unless of course they just had a seizure then you wait. But if you can't confirm breathing or you say they're snoring we are going straight to chest compressions. I've been trained by some of the most knowledgeable people who I was lucky to have the privilege to learn from. This training has served me very well.

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The nice thing about AI is that I can do the same thing. Anyone can do this.

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It's weird how people insist that a certain breeed needs to be forced to keep existing. Many dog breeds no longer exist. In fact you can argue many breeds have died off and replaced with abominations.

Why then pick pits? I get emergency calls about dog attacks all the time. It's always pits. Assholes want asshole dogs. People use them to fight because they're monsters and will fight till the death.

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I mean that's a lot of things and also can be normal. Don't tik tok yourself a diagnosis considering even different psychs will come up with different conclusions. I'm dealing with that now trying to get a diagnosis one says def adhd the other thinks bipolar... another depression. They just pick something. There's like no science behind psychology I swear.

Our new cat needs every part of her body in contact with me.

Configurable lol.

Maybe if they actually built these things up to code it would take longer to build them in the first place. These things tend to collapse.

What an asshole thing to do. Hey we had fun using up this planet now here, we made you to clean up up the mess. That's what AI and robots are for. Not humans.

They're openly nazis though lol wtf

I mean a lot of us wouldn't even if it they paid us. We finally live in a time where we know better and can choose not to be barefoot and pregnant (unless you live in tx).

Because we are way better than Mediterranean mexico

Pigs eat people. My cat can actually help me craft boats.

Lol as an artist, exactly. I am never making money with my craft. Corporations are. Those are the ones truly complaining here because they no longer monopolize the entertainment industry.

The amount of lack of self awareness in this post...

I guess I'm glad I have dual citizenship but jfc, my parents brought us here because it was supposed to be better lol.

If they wanted to do that they would have. Most purely aren't interested in having to moderate and babysit a community for free lol.