1 Post – 81 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

its always fucking Hungary. they should never been allowed into the EU the corrupt cunts

namely their miserable work culture

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Google search going to absolute shit is what happened

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Vaping fluid, hydrophobic coatings

Not sure why people keep saying microplastics. That's been known for a long time now.

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Damn. He didn't double down. He triple downed.


Jesus. Coming to a horror game near you soon.

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History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.


seems like they're willing to try anything but fix their dogshit work culture

Change the password before you deactivate again?

So, a troll

Life isn't so binary and simplistic.

Get used to differing views to your own. You might learn something.

let me guess, Israel gets a pass, again?

Sounds like they're your run of the mill contrarian cunts

picking an instance

I'd hazard a guess and suggest the word "instance" confuses most and puts them off.

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this is a regular occurrence across europe. shells from ww1 are found every year, accidentally, in what is known as the "iron harvest"

1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre 15 Apr 1989 – 4 Jun 1989

Seeing everyone is posting their pet, here's mine

I'm a dog person but I wouldn't rule out having a cat in the future.

Can't imagine why...

Weird. I was just thinking this earlier whilst out walking. Can the US' word of friendship/help/support ever be trusted? Has it ever? Soon as it gets a little bit real for the population calls for undisturbed isolation come out and the US reneges on their word.

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Im shocked. Shocked!

I think Gun Jesus has a video about this. They have alsorts of small arms but they tend to group the same ones together so a platoon sized element have the same equipment

To the surprise of no one.

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Isn't that just astroturfing and they've been doing it forever there?

Theres some who think the mistakes of Pearl Harbor wasn't anything but incompetence/human error.

maybe its the fact i now live in Wales and its always been like this, but I'd say racism (not overt, yet) is creeping back in into the UK. Its nothing like i experienced as a child in the 80s/90s (arson, round the clock harrassment, assaults break-ins, death-threats, property damage, racist graffiti. It all mostly stopped after the Stephen Lawrence murder) but its subtle.

At first you think its a one off, but certain things keep happening. People block you from walking on a pavement or wont give you the time of day.

That said, things that happened in the wake of the brexit vote hasn't happened since. So there's that.

in all seriousness, there was a brief period of my life where this was true for me. I had an accident where i was knocked out mountainviking and woke up with a stretcher being setup beside me. I had a TBI and for about a fortnight i could not string a thought together.

Apart from the headaches, slurred speech and vertigo, life was relatively care free.

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The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.

57% on RT but its probably one of my favourite Wes Anderson films.

It's also the most deadliest land mammal, the hippo that is.

"this fucking prick"

probably also haters of wfh.

What's keming?

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When I saw the video the IDF released I kept waiting for the big reveal that never came. Just a whole lot of nothing in the hospital

Its ok everyone. He's allowed to do that, he's Israeli. Criticising his actions is anti semetic.

they lost the positive public opinion ages ago

It always seems like "common sense" (short-sighted and moronically simplistic) solutions to problems they don't understand but waffle on about something tangentally related to make it sound like they do.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know when Argentina was "great"?

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hmm, i wonder if they think this solution to their undesirables has some finality about it

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"we consider the matter closed and urge people to move on"

ha. no. its performative to give the illusion to the braindead russians that they aren't in a dictatorship