5 Post – 363 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Infrastructure nerd, gamer, and maintainer

I'd recommend avoiding spinning disks and going all ssd if possible.

You can get 12v in atx power supplies.

You may want to consider something like a Lenovo tiny with a few large ssds.

FileZilla isn't even that old school, cuteftp was the OG one afaik.

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Hmm, so sounds like they're moving the kernel scheduler down to a hardware layer? Basically just better smp?

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Before everyone gets their pitchforks out - Person from the image posted on Hacker News, CEO replied and said this charge shouldn't have happened and they wouldn't be charging the client anything.

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I personally hate all the reddit cross post stuff, and it seems like the majority of lemmy users do too. I don't understand why people obsess over this as a way to "grow" lemmy.

It doesn't contribute to active conversations, in fact it deters users who reply locally and then never get a response.

Just let lemmy grow organically by making good content and contributing, stop forcing it with mirrors from reddit.

I wonder if we could get the top admins to threaten defederation with any instance that doesn't flag automated posts as bots. This way at least the users have some visibility.

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This is pretty normal, you get a surge of users and then it tapers off a bit as people don't like it.

Could be a lot worse, take a look at the user graph for threads.

Oh fuck yes, finally.

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Watch the video. It just means external to the CPU, not an external device.

They demo the attack on a Lenovo laptop in the first minute of the video.

Edit: nm I just realized that was a 10 year old laptop and they're in all the modern procs. I'm a lot less impressed now.

Sounds like intel has external and amd internal with their ftpm?

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Given that dealers don't have stock sitting around and are marking up both new and used right now... boo hoo?

Tell me they're not just turning around and selling that to the next person in the list. Really hard to have any sympathy for car dealers after how they've treated consumers.

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In the case of an explosive decompression, you can't have that wall trying to resist the pressure difference. It'll blow in a horrible way and probably destroy a ton of circuitry / wiring.

It needs to fail open like this, that design makes sense. The pilots should have been informed though.

An attacker could probably leverage that though to get into the cockpit.


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Celebrate without buying gifts.

Why do you need to spend money to celebrate? Spend your time with people instead.

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The best part is it also works on DMs, so it's trivial to get any persons IP address. Want an admins IP address? Just DM them a message with an embedded spy pixel.

I emailed the lemmy developers about this a few weeks ago since IMHO it's a pretty big security issue, no reply.

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Ask for a raise. Tell them there's no retirement plans because of inflation now, and she can see herself staying there another 10 years.

They might not lay her off because they know she'll retire soon anyways. Increase her cost of employment so it's no longer cost effective to just wait it out.

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Implication is that you're incapable of being self sufficient.

Too broke to move out, your parents still cook for you / do your laundry, can't bring a girl home without your parents hearing you get it on, etc.

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I have a sliding door that I want to toss a stepper motor on, so my dog can push a button and let himself in / out.

Dog tax

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Just to correct the people who say they can't see your password - this is only true if they're running a stock copy of lemmy, which hashes passwords in the database.

They're free to modify their instance however they want, including storing unencrypted passwords or emailing your password on registration to a bot farm.

Always use a unique password for every site you use.

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But real Advil has the candy coating on the outside, and I haven't found a generic that does =(

Otherwise 100% identical yes.

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while true; do waybar; done

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Maybe if slack didn't have an SSO tax, it wouldn't be an issue.

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Typically a distributor deals to stores that deal to end users.

Amazon call themselves a store, but at their scale and volume they're pretty much a distributor.

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If adding some analytics adds 5s to the load time, then they need to fire their developers.

There's no way this is accidental.

Alt tabbed once too many times, clicked drop database, clicked yes. Realized what I'd done and panicked.

Deleted the user db for the east coast auth server for the game America's Army: Operations. Thankfully it was the secondary so we just redid replication.

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I can tell you that for we use 778gb

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Huh? 22 years is life? That's like 1/4 of a life.

Not advocating either way, just confused.

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Wax paper, or just paper, or tin foil.

Like Cadbury creme eggs used to just be wrapped in foil, now they're plastic. <- Apparently this is only in Canada since 2015. TIL.

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Get an electric toothbrush. Don't push hard, just slowly move it and hold it gently against your teeth / gums in each spot.

If you hate flossing like I do, a waterpik is helpful.

Brush twice a day.

Don't rinse after brushing like you said.

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You can install as many OSes as you want.

As someone who also struggled for years with unknown health issues related to food, I wish you the best and hope you manage to find some answers

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Letsencrypt certs are free dude. Https literally costs you nothing.

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My entire tech career.

Let's extend a little and really do some damage

for x in /dev/(sd|nvme)*; do dd if=/dev/urandom of=$x bs=1024 & ; done

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Click bait title, as usual the answer is no.

I think it's reasonable to say that most users and admins came to lemmy looking for a reddit alternative in the Fediverse. At first glance, lemmy ticks this box pretty perfectly.

Once you dig deeper though, it's obvious the devs don't share the same vision as some of those new admins and users. That's fine, it's their software, they can do what they want with it. It just means maybe it's time to move onto something better, maybe that's going to be sublinks.

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One liner to get into postgres:

docker exec -it lemmyca_postgres_1 psql -U lemmy

Show only the instances not updated in past 3 days:

 select * from instance where updated &lt; current_date-3;

Fix those old rows:

update instance set updated = current_date where updated &lt; current_date - 3;
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Man I miss the early days of lan parties. Struggling to figure out how to plug my friends computer into mine via BNC cables (didn't know we needed terminators) when we got our first ever network cards. Then later the big lan games of blood, duke 3d, quake, even starcraft.

Good times.

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I had a friend who won an episode of jeopardy, no issues getting paid out. (he lost on the next episode)

When I was a kid, my dad won a trip for 2 to Hawaii by being the 7th caller on a radio station. No issues with that either and they let us buy on a 3rd person so I could go with my parents.

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Given the goals and focus of beehaw, I honestly expected you to defederate from the rest of us. Thank you for not, and sticking around as a positive force in our community ❤️

It's like when your friends won't stop talking about your ex.

Really kind of them to let their investors know first, rather than the people impacted. I bet morale there is wonderful. db just dropped from about 35gb to 8gb

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