Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing?

Quitmuch1938@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 166 points –

I have seen in many US shows where they portray guys who are living with parents as losers, or there are jokes or memes about it, I never get it.


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Implication is that you're incapable of being self sufficient.

Too broke to move out, your parents still cook for you / do your laundry, can't bring a girl home without your parents hearing you get it on, etc.

Implication is that you're incapable of being self sufficient.

Holdover stereotype from when living on your own with a service job was realistically doable. Which just flat out is not the case in most cities now.

Although not wanting your parents hear you bang is totally fair.

Agreed. I think this is more of a late 90s / early 2000s thing. It's become more acceptable today for sure, especially if you're going to university or something.