2 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Michigan man who enjoys video games and anime.

Considering their policy doesn't allow for other stuff like this, yeah I am not surprised.

Content that may be generally construed as provocative, divisive, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive toward any real-world individual or group, may be subject to moderation. This includes but is not limited to content involving politics, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, or social class. We tolerate content related to real world issues and events as long as the appropriate tag ("Real World Issues") is used and the content is handled in a tasteful, respectful, and non-inflammatory manner. Users who do not wish to see such content should make use of our content blocking feature.

Reminds me of the time when a Spiderman mod removed the VERY few instances of a pride flag in a recreation of NEW YORK CITY and a Skyrim mod that removed any potential gay romances that only occur when wearing a very specific amulet (including a single dead skeleton couple off the beaten path.)

Those got booted as well cause.....come on now. Its blatantly targeting a group of people about their sexuality and gender who have BARELY any presence to begin with in these games.

Starfield is even more egregious as its LITERALLY just a menu option and the rare use in dialogue....

Really pathetic and sad people would even feel the need to make them to begin with. Let alone feel the need to upload them to a platform.

Arguably one of the least disliked of Republicans, John McCain not withstanding, for me personally.

At least tried to maintain some sort of civility. Too bad that doesn't mean much when he goes along with the rest of colleagues and their craziness.

Not sad he's gone, but not particularly happy either. Might open up Utah for the Dems in the future.

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Unsurprising. Large “power breeds” like pit bulls I have always found questionable to have.

No restrictions or licenses? No muzzles at least?

A good thing they banned them.

Though I still dislike the outright malice and hate I see when a pit bull in a photo might be doing nothing but staring at a sunset. A bit hate crazy.

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Twitter, as far as I have recalled, has almost always been a cesspool for hot takes and hate. Just with Elon in charge the flood gates have really opened and has acquired a particular flavor mimicking his own tastes.

The real question now is if this will ultimately lead to the ban or slow death of Twitter. People really can only put up with so much vitriol.

Many countries are lining up with laws and bill coming after social media, usually under the goal or "goal" of protecting kids, so we will see how things turn out. Might even be a quicker death/change then.

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Already failed the DoD vote, so he's running out of options.

If he does go to the Democrats, he's screwed. If he doesn't he is still screwed.

Dude wanted this job too.....hahahahahaha!

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To be fair most won’t, but they definitely can and do.

Especially when they are jaws on legs that are more inclined compared to other dogs.

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To be fair, most people don’t listen or care to listen to politics. Don’t blame them.

But many DO listen and care about their entertainment. I’ll take it if it means people who wouldn’t get involved do now. Especially if her fans are of the younger progressive variety.

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Every time they see him, his poll numbers stagnate or drop. The big state he focused on, New Hampshire, has Trump beating him almost 2 to 1.

He’s flaming out like Scott Walker did and it is glorious.

“He kicked me in my balls as soon as I opened the door,” Mr DeYoung said, adding that Mr Chapman ran at him and slammed him into a chair.

Mr DeYoung gave his account to the outlet over the phone from an emergency room where he said he was being treated for a broken rib.

For his part, Mr Chapman alleges that Mr DeYoung had swung at him and said: “I’ll kick your ass.” Mr DeYoung denies this happened.

Continuing, Mr Chapman says he removed his glasses, took Mr DeYoung by the legs and knocked him down: “When you see me taking my glasses off, I’m ready to rock.”

Let them fight.~

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At this point, a shutdown is all but guaranteed

The question is now, how long until democrats come into play?

Oe better yet, who will be house speaker next week? I don't see McCarthy squeaking his way out of this.

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Tankies and hardcore leftists despising liberals, then throw in information wars of Israel/Palestine, and then add a dash election astroturfing.

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I'd go one step farther and even say if they even had the same amount of attacks as other dogs, had no possible mental diseases, and all want to caring homes I would still put restrictions/ban on them.

They are just too large to handle, too big of a bite to brush off, and end up in dog attacks a lot. That's enough for me.

They keep voting till there's another speaker. EVEN IF IT TAKES DAYS OR WEEKS OR LONGER!

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Biden was going to piss off some group of people due to how polarizing the conflict is. I always thought he was doing pretty well even when it began.

His only sore spot seems to come from giving a lot of support to Israel, as they ARE one of our allies, and for us to just ignore that would look bad to our other allies. Especially after having a terrorist attack on their country by the Hamas. Geopolitics being complex beast.

But he has been advocating for civilian safety and making sure the water doesn't get turned off......

Can't say I would've done much better or anyone else here.

I know many are calling for a "permanent" ceasefire........but there was already a ceasefire before this. So, we would just be waiting until it gets "broken" again. Probably by another Hamas attack. Who ARE terrorists and want Israel eliminated altogether.

Let's not also forget if Trump was in charge then this situation would've been handled a lot less gracefully. Or even spiral out of control.

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Although it's becoming close I register for Democrats cause of how bad things have gotten with Republicans.
They only got culture wars and conspiracy theories and downright malice now.

Helps me? NO. Tax cuts for the rich, taxes for me, and forcing their religion down my throat.

Helps others? NO. Targeting social security, restricted voting, and a whole lot of pulling up bootstraps

Helps kids? NO. Child labor laws weakened, free school lunched targeted, and don't say gay.

Helps nature? NO. Climate change "isn't real!!!", drill baby drill no matter what, and hostility to any "alternative/clean" solutions.

What future is there in that? Just a regressive and bastardization of the past. For what?!?! Just to try to bring back the "Good old days?"

With Dems there is at least a future, as troubled and imperfect as it might be. With Reps there isn't

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Votes received and percentages of total vote
Response Votes Pct.
Yes 111,710 28.4 %
No 281,694 71.6 %
An estimated 12.6 percent of votes have been counted.

As of 7:50 PM right now.

Edit 1: 7:53 PM
Yes 138,143 29.4 %
No 331,325 70.6 %

Edit 2: 7:55 PM
Yes 158,861 29.1 %
No 387,174 70.9 %

17.5% counted.

Edit 3: 8:04 PM
Yes 193,220 29.7 %
No 457,553 70.3 %

20.8% counted.

Edit 4: 8:19 PM

Yes 232,355 30.9 %
No 519,368 69.1 %

24.1% counted. Yeah I don't see it passing.

Edit 5: 8:25 PM

Wasserman and Decision Desk already called it for No. Will see how big of a margin now, but it is clear the proposition failed.

Edit 6: 8:48 PM

Yes 376,012 37.1 %
No 638,696 62.9 %

32.5% counted.

Edit 7: 8:56 PM

Washington Post projects No winning.

Yes 429,617 38.1 %
No 697,980 61.9 %

36.9% counted.

Edit 8: 9:15 PM

Yes 603,050 40.7 %
No 878,360 59.3 %

47.4% counted. Keep in mind a lot of the urban/city areas haven't even counted most of their votes yet where the more rural areas have.

Edit 9: 9:22 PM

Yes 744,053 42.5 %
No 1,006,127 57.5 %

56% counted.

Edit 10: 9:30 PM

Yes 809,110 42.8 %
No 1,082,764 57.2 %

60.5 % counted. Urban areas still undercounted.

Edit 11: 10:06 PM

Yes 1,100,677 43.2 %
No 1,448,086 56.8 %

81.5% counted.

Edit 12: 10:36 PM

Yes 1,217,867 43.4 %
No 1,585,920 56.6 %

89.7% counted. Cuyahoga and Lucas counties seem to be the ones having a decent chunk to count still. Both heavily leaning No.

Edit 14: 8:33 AM

Yes 1,315,346 43.0 %
No 1,744,094 57.0 %

97.9% counted. Looking like a slam dunk and massive support for No. Winner winner chicken dinner.

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Sorry to hear she died. Still in agreement with others she should've retired years ago, but when you get to an old enough age your routine and job is what really keeps you going. My grandparents were the same way.

Looks like Newsom gets to pick a successor.

Mitch McConnel on the other hand.....better keep an eye on him.

There is no indoctrination, so this shit article can take a hike.

Funny thing is the counter protester outnumbered these hate crazed freaks by quite a lot.

I'm sensing a tend here....

On another note, how is it SO HARD not to sexually assault or RAPE anyone when you are a celebrity and/or rich?

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Reports coming in that McCarthy allies are trying to get Dem support.

No dice so far...

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Losing a chunk (5%) of their satellites in a couple months, sounds like they got roughly a 5 year expectancy, doesn't sound so good.

They would have to constantly be launching them. How expensive is this and can they realistically make a profit? I don't see it being easy.

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I’ll admit it. I do listen to her songs.

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Well, it sounds like they were at least half a million dollars in debt.

Drove off a bunch of big donors.

Lost their original headquarters.

Burned valuable time.

Thrown the party into civil war.

And that is just the stuff we know about.

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2 years and younger is recommended to not wear a mask for those reasons.

The parent might not realize it and trying to protect there baby, but this is a classic case of good intentions leading to unintended outcomes.

Welp. This makes it pretty clear. And he will still somehow win the Republican primary…..disgusting.

Motion passes for the vote. Let the games begin!

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10 Nays to NOT VOTE on a motion to vacate so far. McCarthy is cooked if the votes remain when the actual voting starts.

Macron is going to have an anarchist state if he keeps this up and makes these volatile choices and statements. My gosh.

Only a couple hundred more to go, but f*cking finally!

Ever since that crackpot Karamo took over it's been like this.

Big doners leaving, constant questions on budget and planning, "choosing" not to use their traditional headquarters after years of using it, bickering between county and state officials, dwindling money supply, and all she has to show for it is "I designed a new logo!"

If I were more of a tinfoil hat sort of guy I could've swore she was a plant to destroy the republican party from within.

I definitely think some sort of residuals or compensation for reusing their voice AI should happen if they are profiting off of it.

That being said, I see a world in the very near future where voice actors don't even act out their lines and just say a number of things for recording to train an AI voiced version of themselves. Then directors/creators and just manipulate and use it as they please to create their product.

Some mods in games are getting this already, voiced Morrowind and the like, and I definitely seeing it as a boon. Voice acting has always been a weak point when it came to stuff like that as you can write/script/design the best you can but can lack decent/any voice acting.

Interested to see how things play out.

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Geopolitics at work, as ugly as it is. Diplomacy and Peace are all but impossible at this point, unless a miracle or three happens.

**Hamas is too ingrained and supported in Palestine to stop attacking Israel.

Israel too much in a blood rage and conquest to stop their assault on Palestine.**

Calling for calm or the end of the violence will hardly stop or improve anything, and more than likely show how ineffective America is. Let alone aggravating all sides.

So......they stay quiet and see how things play out whilst managing things the best they can. Biden has called to help civilians, so at least there's that.

I don't see this ending unless all of Palestine or Israel is gone.

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The economy overall might be fine, but the average person can still not be.

People don't care much about data and facts on unemployment and GDP when ultimately their personal situation is what matters. Things are more expensive and wages for a lot of people haven't kept up. Already have too many people think that no/less inflation means prices go down, when actually that just means prices stay the same or go up slower. Deflation is off the table cause that can be even worse.

Sadly, there isn't much that can be done beyond sticking to higher interest rates and letting the market adapt and catch up.

Not much the president can do either, especially with this congress. Even if it wasn't, the changes and effects would likely take years to even reach fruition. Let alone have a significant impact for most people if all goes according to plan.

We have seen this scenario play out before.

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Man these conservative justices are getting paid and treated nice and fancy.....

So far I haven't heard nearly the same for the liberal/democrat appointed ones....

Almost like there's a specific side the rich and powerful are trying to sway......

Sounds like we may have 6 votes (Gaetz and crew) at least to vacate from Rs. Including potential others who are unknowns.
Assuming all the Ds also vote then that would be enough to vacate.

Then what? Who knows~

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This is not accounting for the bill also passed about migrants. Causing plenty of truckers and farmers to start to freak out as well.

But anything for the presidential seat eh pudding fingers?

Meanwhile Destanis' polling numbers keep stagnating or keep going down the more he opens his mouth.....

Dems slow walking votes to get more people in as a couple are absent. Pelosi on her way from the airport.

Edit: Looks like Pelosi may stay in San Francisco to attend funeral services for the next couple days. So she maybe a no show.

I almost. Thankfully I caught on quick that these people didn’t care about the truth but rather pushing a narrative.

Could they even pass a quick DOA bill at this point? lol

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Are we sure Gaetz isn't bought off by Dark Brandon? He's really laying into McCarthy and others.