X (Twitter) Failed to Act on 86% of Hate Speech Posts, Researchers Say

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 564 points –
X (Twitter) Failed to Act on 86% of Hate Speech Posts, Researchers Say

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Twitter, as far as I have recalled, has almost always been a cesspool for hot takes and hate. Just with Elon in charge the flood gates have really opened and has acquired a particular flavor mimicking his own tastes.

The real question now is if this will ultimately lead to the ban or slow death of Twitter. People really can only put up with so much vitriol.

Many countries are lining up with laws and bill coming after social media, usually under the goal or "goal" of protecting kids, so we will see how things turn out. Might even be a quicker death/change then.

Actually they'll use anything they can to get that same fix twitter delivered before. The quality doesn't matter if it's their only outlet. Until a new app arrives to replace it, nothing will kill it. It's like Davy Jones' heart.

There are alternatives on the horizon. But they always seem to be on the horizon. Bluesky?

Yeah, Jack Dorsey should not get a second chance. Twitter was already shit before Elon made it worse.

Anything that used federated set ups like mastodon is automatically going to be too complex for most laymen users. I'm not sure is Bluesky is going to be any cop, seems to have been stuck in invite only mode for a while.

I put in for an invite months ago. They were at 50k users. I just checked and they're at 1 million. Seems to be growing fast.