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Joined 1 years ago

His SAVE program for Student Loans is fucking incredible. It dropped a crippling payment down to $32 a month. He may be old, but that has really helped me. I support him completely.

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She will once again campaign only in states where it is possible to flip to Trump. Instead of safer states where she could get 5% of the vote and thus qualify for matching funds for the green party.

That is how you know it's completely bullshit and she is being run as a spoiler candidate for Trump.

Well that and the picture of her and Michael Flynn sitting at Putins table at a Russian state dinner in December of 2015.

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I did the math a few years ago because I couldn't find anyone else who had published it. This is rough and IANAM (mathmagicman).

Every single day 8,000 boomers and above die, and 12,000 people turn 18 and those numbers are actually accelerating. If you use existing data to estimate conservative/liberal and likely voters within those groups it works out to a delta of 10,000 per day on a national scale. That's 5,000 votes switching every single day. That might not seem like alot. Because it really isn't. Out of 155 million votes cast, 10,000 is .006 percent. But here's the thing. It's cumulative. And it just doesn't stop. It is relentless. it's 300k a month, 3.6 million per year. And that pace is accelerating. Between 2020 and 2024 it's a 15 million vote difference. By 2028 it's 30 million. It used to be that people age into conservatism. But that is not happening with millennials. The demographics are changing, and changing quickly. The most conservative group in the country is dying. While the most liberal group is rising.

We just have to hold on to democracy for a few more years. This will all be behind us. Another 10k today.

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Rule 4. If you absolutely need to, buy a Brother.

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The number is 10k per day.

I did the math a few years ago because I couldn't find anyone else who had published it. This is rough and IANAM (mathmagicman).

Every single day 8,000 boomers and above die, and 12,000 people turn 18 and those numbers are actually accelerating. If you use existing data to estimate conservative/liberal and likely voters within those groups it works out to a delta of 10,000 per day on a national scale. That's 5,000 votes switching every single day. That might not seem like alot. Because it really isn't. Out of 155 million votes cast, 10,000 is .006 percent. But here's the thing. It's cumulative. And it just doesn't stop. It is relentless. it's 300k a month, 3.6 million per year. And that pace is accelerating. Between 2020 and 2024 it's a 15 million vote difference. By 2028 it's 30 million. It used to be that people age into conservatism. But that is not happening with millennials. The demographics are changing, and changing quickly. The most conservative group in the country is dying. While the most liberal group is rising.

We just have to hold on to democracy for a few more years. This will all be behind us. Another 10k today.

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I want to for now, I will.

Keep kicking ass Margot!

8 more...

Hey man.. fuck you.

3 things. They also want to eliminate the free filing software for the average person.

Every one seems to be ignoring why this happened. The republican candidate is black. The ultra MAGA rural Kentucky County didn't vote for a black man.

This should not be a gigantic surprise.

Arizona Ice Tea. 99 cents a can for 20 years.

Cost Co. Hotdog and a drink is still 1.50.

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The rapist Allen Turner is the same person. Yes. Allen Turner is a rapist.

What the fuck

His replacement will be a Republican. He kept the Senate from being a Republican majority.

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Talk Radio Fox News Online bullshit

That's pretty much it.

The amount of people that don't understand that Manchin prevented Mitch McConnell from being the speaker of the Senate is disappointing.

Yes. We will go back to fighting about policy rather than the existence of democracy.

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No interest while payments are being made is absolutely gigantic. It's really a game changer.

If you block them, you can't down vote them.

Right wing racists fucking suck.

Days Gone. Biker in post Zombie Apocalypse. Fucking love it. It was killed by a few bad reviews that obviously only played for a few minutes. The reviews were so wrong it is impossible that it was an accident.

Yes. The bike you get at the very start IS ugly, doesn't handle well, breaks easily, and runs out of gas. That's why you upgrade it.

The map is small? Because you haven't explored anything yet. The map is HUGE. It just isn't fully accessible at the beginning. You know what other game is like that? All of them.

There's no fast travel? Liar. Fucking liar. There is fast travel once you get more than 1 location. Which happens about 20 to 30 minutes in. Literally the second mission is go find the settlement.

The gun is terrible? No shit Sherlock. It's the first gun. Every starting weapon in every game is terrible. Name one, just ONE GAME, that gives you the best final weapon at the very start.

No alternative weapons? Fucking asshole. What do you think all those empty slots on the weapons wheel are for? You have to go get them.

Giving a bad review because your starting gear isn't good is absolutely underhanded willful ignorance hit piece bullshit.

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Apparently there is a huge group that will increase the number of no votes. So it will just get worse and worse.

One Day I will finish Cookie Clicker. One day I will be free.

He is flat out wrong. Or lying, not sure which. Of course they are citizens and have the right to vote.

The cyber truck is an ugly joke. But the stock will hold up until there is another stylish and popular alternative.

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I adore BG3. But fighting the camera is harder than fighting the mobs.

Although it did get easier when I started using a controller to get around and a mouse to fight.

I completely agree. With both points. Add to it the rapidly fading religious influence.

PSA: It is incredibly easy to get an alternative launcher for android TVs. Zero ads. Literally none.

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Final Fantasy Adventure. Zelda style top view. Absolutely loved it. Music scope and story.. Played through at least a dozen times. A decently high quality remake came out for phones a few years back. I still love it.

He won't flip for money. But he would flip to avoid jail time. If it really looks like Giuliani is going down he'll turn on Trump.

Remember this is the guy that got Sammy Gravano to flip on Gotti because Gotti was going to throw him under the bus.

  1. I want to punch that guy for throwing everything away because he thinks he's older than us.

Holy shit. They even cited him. Talk about tone deaf idiots.

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Cats are not a good example. They torture their prey. And kill billions of birds every year.

Do they move the cargo into smaller vehicles to get into the city? Or schedule the deliveries for low traffic times? Or just say fuck it and head into traffic?

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On YouTube, adding "&t=37s" starts the video at 37 seconds. It is pretty useful.

That is the full extent of my coding knowledge.

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I turned on an older device yesterday and opened my old reddit app. It still works. I have no idea if it's because it's an old version of the app or if the policy got quietly changed. Or what. But it definitely works. I could read, up vote, and comment.

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They have a group for celebrating trolling in any actual discussion. Bad faith arguments and just shit throwing trying to derail any actual conversation. Any online group, and I mean any at all, is better without them.

FLauncher. It's even on the Google play store.

Then you have to side load an app that changes the default launcher. But that is also very easy.

2.2.1. For 15 years.

Flatmate. Probably not the US.

So no Biden appointed judges? Mitch McConnell as majority leader? No committee chairs? You see no problem with any of that?

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