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Joined 1 years ago

Can someone copy/paste it? I refuse to visit Reddit and give them views.

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Bobby, some things are like a tire fire, trying to put it out only makes it worse. You just gotta grab a beer and let it burn.

As a terrible person who is bored, that seems like too much work

The most basic driving like long stretches of highway shouldn't be banned from using AI/automated driving. The fast paced inner city driving should be augmented but not fully automatic. Same goes for driving in inclement weather: augmented with hard limits on speed and automated braking for anything that could result in a crash

Edit: I meant this statement as referring to the technology in it's current consumer form (what is available to the public right at this moment). I fully expect that as the technology matures so will the percentage of incidents decline. We are likely to attain a largely driverless society one day in my lifetime

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If we could get some of the awesome subs like askhistorians and the like to bring their content over, Lemmy could become home to many more users. The sad fact is Reddit is still a treasure trove of niche information

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It takes 6 years on a fast paced build. If we had started when we knew of the problem, we could have avoided some of the problem. It is the only energy source we can scale up in that way, however. Every other energy source takes longer for less yield with current technology.

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It's got electrolytes!

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I got banned for quoting a subreddit rule to a mod (as a reason the mod was out of line) after they posted why they banned someone. I may not be good at sports or computers, but I'm part of the team now!

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That saw an overnight 50% drop in activity. People were kinda pissed to find out that Meta created them a Threads handle from their Facebook/Instagram and immediately deactivated their Threads accounts. I don't know what it means, but I like it

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"I am not mad at you. This is not your fault. I am upset at the situation, and I am having trouble controlling myself. I apologize if I sound crazy or have upset you with my words and actions."

DEEP COCK GALACTIC is doing well, I see.

Well that settles it. I'm moving to another instance.

It aims to eliminate waste by reducing the number of cords and plugs required for various devices. It will surely have to be upgraded and miniaturized as tech progresses, but for now it's one everyone is agreeing on.

One aspect to consider for miniature devices is wireless charging. My watch and my headphones don't even have a port

They also tried removed

This! This right here! This comment was edited by the mods or a censor bot! I fucking told you guys they were doing it!

I raised hell under a different name for a politically motivated mod changing my comments to agree with them, so I copied all the original comments into a word document and would edit them back to the original after the mod kept changing it, and they banned that username. This is some bullshit, and it needs to fucking stop.

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There comes a point in a person's life when they have to confront their parents or that crazy relative about their insane and damaging beliefs. This is that time for millennials. The boomers had it easy and they robbed us in our infancy. I don't care which side of the aisle you side with: Trumpism is damaging to the entire nation, and cannot be allowed to go any further.

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#risquecrochet is my favorite part of this

Oh my God I keep running into the same Russian troll. He posts an article that is clearly Russian propaganda, I post 5+ news sources that prove him wrong, he uses a bot net to downvote me and then tries to attack my character using anything he can. He commented, then deleted, then reposted under a different name to make it seem like it isn't one person or the same group of people. Dumb fucker doesn't realize 1)I'm Indian living in the US and 2) I can see the same 40 aliases that upvote his every word

Dude WILL NOT respond to the links, just tries to say since my account is new I don't know anything, or some other farcical straw man that doesn't counter the points I've made. We need to push back against these asshats

Does anyone actually choose to be poor if being smart is the other option? Feels like you'd already have to not be very smart to get the choice wrong.

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I have to wonder if things like child porn among law enforcement is a sort of test to see if the others are as committed to disregarding the law. If you say nothing, you have viewed and are currently in possession of child pornography in your chats, which becomes leverage. If you report it, you are outed as a nark and will become a target.

Start with the Republican congressmen who spent fucking July 4 as guests in Russia attending off-the-record meetings with Russian counterparts

That is the crux of Trump's downfall: not paying his bills.

Pay your fixers, pay your muscle, and pay your mouth pieces. You can all still screw the little people, but the movers and the shakers must get paid and paid WELL.

If Trump had offered a nice sum, call it 50,000USD to the security guard, he probably would've made sure the footage was erased. If somebody's covering your ass, don't spit in their face

We saw the dick pics already. We don't want to see them again

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They can be. I bought a Galaxy s22 with a broken screen for $150, and my carrier just gave me an $1100 credit for it on a new iphone. I don't need an iPhone, and I will be selling it to get yet another cheap phone and pocketing the money, but it goes to show just how much phones do not cost to the people producing them

How does forcing a company like Apple or John Deere to allow their customers to repair their own products lead you to think China isn't already ripping off every bit of tech they come across?

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Based on what?

While I agree with the sentiment, Trump did lose by millions of votes. There was a 7.61 million vote differential. He also lost the popular vote to Hillary by 2.9 million votes.

Biden won 81,283,098 votes, or 51.3 percent of the votes cast. He is the first U.S. presidential candidate to have won more than 80 million votes. Trump won 74,222,958 votes, or 46.8 percent of the votes cast. More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than any other losing presidential candidate in US history.

Going back further, incumbency aside, there hasn't been a Republican who has won the popular vote since GHW Bush in 1988..35 years ago

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Chief Pepperoni

Americans don't need to pretend about it. We are well aware that our war machine is what keeps the dollar on top, and keeps our place on the world stage. Adversarial countries are well aware. The reason China has publicly stated they want a military that can compete with the US by 2050, is because the smartest people in government understand your influence only goes as far as your military can reach. That military ability has come at a cost of basic things a world leading country should have at home: healthcare, affordable higher education, etc. Imagine if all of those brilliant minds in the military were instead focused on the issues that face an average citizen!

Curse you.

What a negative take. OP just finished saying Biden is taking steps to fulfill his promise, and you're trying to put an ultimatum on "he can, or he cannot." It is never that black and white nor is it an overnight action

I don't know about shit storm. Student loan forgiveness was clearly within the presidential powers in the HEROES Act of 2003. Loan forgiveness is also overwhelmingly popular with the voters on both sides of the aisle. Since the SC has no teeth to enforce rulings, Biden could just wait until a month after reelection and do it anyway, with near-zero consequences. Nobody is coming for him for making them not owe $10,000, especially since the plaintiffs in the SC case were unwilling, unwitting, and could not prove any harm.

I say that under the assumption Biden wouldn't lose to another candidate, and the Democrats retain at least one of the Congressional Chambers. In this fucky timeline, who knows what the USA will look like in 2 years

Ol puddin' fingers

Yeah OP! Pay the cuteness tax!

To build upon this, just getting into a petty online argument about nothing keeps users coming back. I enjoy reading the back and forth between two strangers

I paid full price for both Factorio and Skyrim because they are full games that I get to own. No micro transactions, and modding is almost encouraged through Steam. I will never buy another microtransaction game. I will never buy another "subscription based" platform like Xbox. I'm so fucking over not owning the thing I bought

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Hi I'm an idiot and would like to be your friend

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Trump ran as a Democrat in the early years. People love to forget that little nugget

a mouth full of bliss right now

Are we still doing phrasing?

If he did something illegal beyond what he's already plead to, lock him away. Same with the president. ANY president. I don't care if it's Biden, Trump, Obama, Clinton, GW, Clinton, Clinton, GHW, Reagan, Clinton, or fucking George Washington.

I'd like to block entire instances like the ones where I can't read the language, but I can only block individual communities. Nothing against other languages, and I could stand to expand my scope from 3 languages, but seeing 6 posts flood my feed in a language I can't even identify is a bit uncomfortable

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