1 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is step 86 in the plan. Step 87 is make people pay for the previously free service

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It needs help if it's out in the daytime. Thanks for getting it out the road!

For 60 dollars I expect a Harambe skin.

Imagine being sat at the really long table with Putin, saying how the mission to burn down an IKEA in Lithuania was a great success.

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Strange cropping and weird white patch on the pair programming tile. Is this cutting out a signature or watermark, or is this OC?

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I like the suggestion that cancer only existed for 100 years

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I love that people are out of the loop on this. The headline becomes 1000x better.

Now do the other billionaires.

More seriously though, this is fucked up.

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There is a reasonable amount of damage being done in Ukraine by Russia just now, but I understand where you are coming from.

By 2050 we will be so fucked no one will be paying attention.

Looks like there is even a sort of watermark/handle in the picture...

Historic systemic sexism means women are under represented in the game. Different leagues aim to bring more women and girls into play because for example, a young girl can see women playing and want to get involved. It is much less likely if all they see is a boy's club.

Anyone can enter the 'mens' league, so whenever a woman is good enough to complete they can (and do).

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He's such a genius, why would he look for additional help? All these claims are such shit. Remember when Tesla would be fully self driving and we would all whizzing around in tunnels? Fuck this guy.

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Same here. I was listening to a beautiful violin piece being played by a soloist and an ad interrupted it. I would be fine with watching the ad before. I immediately went and watched it elsewhere.

Later, I came back to YouTube for something unrelated and had a message/popup that said 'tired of being interrupted? Upgrade to premium here!'

They know exactly what they are doing, trying to make it unbearable to use anything other than premium. They can get fucked.

Can you imagine the strain on a person to come to terms with facing your final moments and an execution. Then the trauma of being strapped to a table facing certain death, then having to go through 8 failed attempts to kill you. Then go back to a cell and come to terms with facing the ordeal all over again. America is fucked up.

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Incorrect, would you like to check FIDE?

Edit to add a list of 41 females who have achieved the title of grandmaster. Not to be confused with the title of WGM.

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Out of the loop, what Nintendo do?

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Anyone have a good resource for connecting existing bulbs to zigbee and moving off the hue app?

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I hear this said a lot, but unfortunately if one is working that is one too many

Lyrics don't add value to 99.99% of music and any notes from them should be from an actual instrument.

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You will commute from your home space cylinder complex to the office cubicle space cylinder complex. There is no other way the system works.

First of all thank you for saving a click. Secondly, Marc Tyler Nobleman is not just a Batman researcher, he is a symbol. What an absolute Chad.

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Prolly nukes. At which point who cares any more.

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Steady now

I would also like it completely banned. This sounds like it's only specific areas, which is something like progress but still more to do.

Today I learned the East India Co. Still exists!

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I agree if its done correctly.

Got to be careful about execs getting paid through shares. My CEO gets millions in shares but only gets paid like 120k. This gets reused in certain indexes and pitched as being a decent ratio of executive to drone pay ratios.

"Just like humans" I find that hard to believe

Danse Macabre

You are entitled to your opinion, but it seems a little hostile to voice it here in that way. What value do comments like this add?

"As renewable energy becomes a geopolitical tool"

What the fuck?

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3 million people bought a smart toothbrush, is the most interesting take away from this for me.

I found it wierd, I still think my question was valid. Thanks for the response.

Edit: they cropped out the author site.

I have decided this issue is not important and warrants no consideration, because there are other issues in the world.

It's always something, but we do need more governance for dangerous breeds and cruelty breeds (pugs, Scottish fold cats etc.)

Blame both if the dog is a known dangerous breed.

Pompeii should have built a wall

That's good to know, thanks. I'm not sure I would want something so black and white, but I can try it out.

Estimate is 10 years? OK let's 10x the workforce and get it done in 1

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The law/sentence was actually changed after a Scottish woman survived being hanged resulting in this specific wording. There was a time when people did survive and were freed.