Idaho halts execution by lethal injection after 8 failed attempts to insert IV line to – 292 points –
Idaho halts execution by lethal injection after 8 failed attempts to insert IV line

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Can you imagine the strain on a person to come to terms with facing your final moments and an execution. Then the trauma of being strapped to a table facing certain death, then having to go through 8 failed attempts to kill you. Then go back to a cell and come to terms with facing the ordeal all over again. America is fucked up.

I'm not saying that it was on purpose, but either way it's a mock execution. What happened to just shooting people? That seems like a pretty solid solution.

"Cleaner" methods like lethal injection are more pleasant for spectators, which is always the real point of executions.

A guillotine is ugly, which makes it "brutal" despite being the most humane method possible.

Pumping the cell with carbon dioxide without the prisoner knowing when it was happening. They'd go to sleep (or stay asleep) and never wake up. Painless stress free death.

But you know "gas chambers" bad

Pumping the cell with carbon dioxide

I think you mean "monoxide".

Breathing in carbon dioxide is nasty.

Shake a soda bottle when it's somewhat empty and then open it and take a breathe.

It's definitely something you'd notice, and most certainly not painless or stress free.

Euthanasia chambers use just nitrogen. The air is already 80% nitrogen, so breathing it is completely unnoticeable, you'll just become hypoxic with the lack of oxygen.

But euthanasia is quite different from killing someone. Wanting to sleep off vs being forced to die, essentially.

Capital punishment is rather archaic.