3 Post – 313 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Sorry I can't read your reply, lynx doesn't render it properly ;)

Why Mozilla? Why? You were the chosen one... Fuck it, I'm going back to lynx! Tabs? Sure we have tabs in lynx, just run lynx in tmux

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Imagine being the person being told: yeah, so we only hired you to challenge beauty standards. Not because you're the best at what you do, oh no no, but because you're ugly af

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Study math for long enough and you will likely have cursed Pythagoras's name, or said "praise be to Pythagoras" if you're a bit of a fan of triangles.

What? Why? would you care to elaborate? Who curses Pythagoras? Fourier? Sure! Laplace? Fuck that guy AND the goat he rode in on! And don't get me started on Fermat and his silly margin note joke. But Pythagoras?

27 more...

Holy contempt of court batman! that lawyer's gonna habba bad time.

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I don't want to ruin your idea, I think it's kinda neat. But I think that you may be monkey pawing yourself.

A tremendous amount people have suffered so much, that I'd probably not want the experience in its current form. The horrors of the holocaust, unit 731, and a lot of wars springs to mind, from just the last century.

IDK how you could modify the question, but "no violent deaths" could be a starting point.

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Biscaynia, also there's ALOT of fishermen looking for jobs at border checkpoints for some reason.

The US forces military personel to retire as early as age 62, with officers being forced out at 64 unless they're a two star or higher, in which case POTUS can defer retirement until age 68. Yet you let your politicians and judges stay if they don't die? SMH... New rule proposal: if you are going to turn 70 in the next term, then you're not eligible for election. And judges are retired the month after their 70th birthday.

10 USC §1253 subsection a: "Unless retired or separated earlier, each regular commissioned officer of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps serving in a general or flag officer grade shall be retired on the first day of the month following the month in which the officer becomes 64 years of age."

Subsection b abridged: "[...] a grade above major general or rear admiral, the retirement under subsection (a) of that officer may be deferred [...] by the President, but such a deferment may not extend beyond the first day of the month following the month in which the officer becomes 68 years of age [...]"

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7? to goddamn 5? I'm not in at 7, and out way before 5, and if the boss don't like it, then that's not a me problem. 10 hours each day as in a 50 hour work week? That would be illegal in the EU, where you can't work more than 48hours on average per week over a period of 4 months

[...] we're all paying for it

How? How am I paying for Apple's shortcomings?

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"Europe is planning", not a company, not a national agency nor an EU agency, but the whole of Europe? How does that work? I mean we're pretty much at war, but Russia and Belarus is in on it? How much are Andorra, Monaco, and The Sovereign Order of St. John contributing? What about Overseas France? Do all 13 territories kick in, or is it only the ones that are part of the EU?

Also isn't a new super computer record set several times each year?

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LOL was about to implement esxi, on a rather beefy surplus server, to run all my students' PCs on since win 11 won't boot on their hardware from 24h2... Guess my students won't get to use VMware and the purchase approval I just got for a few workstation pro licenses wasn't needed.

Proxmox for baremetal hypervisor, or? I've got a bunch of windows server licenses as well, I think some for hyper-v server as well. What would you implement?

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Imagine crashing because you set the graphics too high in your game, and it got priority on the GPU so the self driving AI process hanged. Better reboot the car before the cops show.

While in the EU Teslas were already "banned", if you want a proper cat B license, and not just a cat B(78). If you take the test in a car with automatic transmission you get a code 78 license, with which you can legally only drive automatic transmission vehicles.

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Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free


so that I may hunt them for sport

Stay classy America!

It's your first IT job and you've been there for a few months? While your safety concerns definitely can be relevant my advice is this

You should

  1. Don't rock the boat as a new hire. Figure out what is going on first. Maybe there's a reason to some of the madness you see.
  2. Do NOT contact the owners. Doing so will likely be seen as disloyalty by your boss and possibly the owners as well. Only go through your immediate superior.
  3. Don't bring it up again with your boss. It's not your responsibility.
  4. Leverage the user. Let the user be the one to push for a system switch.

You could

  1. Figure out if you can get the system on a separate VLAN and get it locked down in firewall rules.
  2. Research the system. Why don't your boss want it replaced? Does it run some ancient software? We've got some machinery that is running windows 7 at work. When I got hired, in the days if windows 8, the controller was running windows XP. The setting up of drivers and archaic proprietary software, involved in upgrading, is immense. When we switched to 7 this €60k equipment was down for days, and it was a week before it operated properly.
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Do what I do, plan for porn, fastfood and beer. In reality you buy a six pack of your old brand, then drink half a beer with a large cheeseburger. Get queasy from the burger and fall a sleep before you manage to play with yourself. Wake up to find that the dog ate your fries and got diarrhea, which you slept through on account of the beer. Now clean up dog diarrhea with hangovers while swearing that you'll never drink half a beer.

LPT: disable the roomba before sitting down, and make sure that the dog has been walked...

This is exactly what China was hoping for. Either they got their money back with some interest, which is a zero win really, or China got to go after all the stuff they couldn't have gotten to without armed conflict.

Sorta like how your bookie is cool lending you 10k to bet on some sure thing, and when you lose and don't have the 10k? Then he's reluctantly ok with taking possession of your 20k car in exchange for only breaking your fingers.

If anybody is about to learn a lesson it's the developing countries, and the lesson? pay up or drop your pants and bend over

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Youtube must really hate those guys...

Makes you wonder how long it will take, before Raymond Hill plummets to his death from a basement window.

Mike Johnson is such a devout Christian that he of course has followed Luke 12:33:

Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys.

It's just that he also remembers Matthew 6:2:

Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.

And Matthew 6:6:

But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

As well as John 12:49:

For I did not speak of my own accord, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it.

And thusly knows to stay quiet about his charity. What a nice guy!

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I'm pretty sure he has a dedicated lawyer checking his statements

I wish I had your confidence in order and institutions. Either it was a F-tier lawyer or it was just Trump retweeting (or whatever it's called on his platform) an article of which he like the headline.

Remember Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity ... my money is on a toilet retweet

I'm just going to throw this out there: if she was too old and senile, was she actually in control or was she being controlled?

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Edit: I tried updating this, when I submitted was down and I lost it… the edit that is. Anyway I have now updated some grammar and put in some more context AND a tl;dr at the bottom. All for the low low price of my hyper focus.

Alright, it’s math time.

A quick google comes up with this blog post, which I haven't vetted or even read at all, it just has a table with some stats I should probably also mention that I am going to use the most impressive savings in the following. Actual savings may be as little as a 4th.

Apparently going to dark mode with 100% brightness provide a net saving of 40% on a pixel 2. Let's assume this is universally true for all OLED and AMOLED displays, LCD users won't see a difference, neither will CRTs but (that was false, I'm an idiot) .. I don't think that I've heard of a CRT display on a phone.

40%? That sounds like a lot, doesn't it?

Well yes and no, in relative terms it's impressive, but it really depends on absolute terms. So how much does a phone use? The pixel 2 from before comes with a 10.39Wh battery, let's assume an average use of 80% per day, then that comes out to 8.32Wh per day per phone. That means that the 40% reduction is 3.33Wh daily.

Is that a lot? Depends, if your only power source is a potato with a bit of copper and a galvanized nail, then yes, otherwise no.

Over the course of a year 3.33Wh a day comes to 1.215kWh.

Let's put that into some context. The largest Vestas offshore wind turbine is the 15MW V236 It can produce 80GWh annually. With the saving of 1.215kWh per phone, then for every approx 66 million OLED phones, we can skip erecting one offshore wind turbine.

But let’s look at a global impact. As of yesterday there were 8.05 billion people breathing on the planet. Let’s say they all achieve the maximum saving of 1.215kWh annually. That’s 9.78TWh. Presently there’s a handful of projects planned with the V236,, totalling 7.3 GW, 486.6 units (I’ve got the figures for each project and added them up, so the number of units is an approximation) or 38.9TWh annually. So get everyone to achieve maximum saving, with technology most doesn’t have, and we can save a quarter of the planned pre-order of a turbine model that isn’t even done with testing.

tl;dr: dark mode does save power, but at best its effect is miniscule, and realistically utterly insignificant.

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Taste me, you will see
More is all you need
Dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Didn't even have to change a word to make it fit.

Stop setting unrealistic expectations for sausage rolls! These are also beautiful, and their feelings are valid! Not all sausage rolls are taut and perky and you should acknowledge that!

/s obviously, but this is the interwebs

I want ubisoft to be comfortable with me not playing their games.

I was wondering what a washing machine needed a TPM for. Better title: "machine fails to boot after power failure"

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Cruise truck!

But only the oldest one, right? Not two newer half lemons

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What happened to Adam Conover? I used to actually like his content. I probably agree with his message, but IDK because I only managed to get 2m45 into the video by skipping and playing double speed, and I'm not watching the rest.

I don't remember him being so loud and aggressive. What the fuck's up with the poop jokes?

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The only device I use for YouTube is my android phone, because it runs Firefox and ublock origin. For this exact reason.

Google's clever though, they broke full screen video in Firefox in Android 13. Now I have to restart Firefox after putting the first video in full screen, after that the videos still play.

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The first line took a while to read. First try I got what could be written as:

"Sizes of energy drink can pelts, we salute you"

I mean "drink can pelts" is a weird way to say aluminum

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I've seen too many android devices with corrupt memory showing something like that to want it as a my watchface...

Yes, if column b fits you don't need to see a psychiatrist, you can just go straight to the pharmacy and pick up your 72mg extended release methylphenidate. /s

I've got this.

OP, how do you feel about defecating in an arboreal setting?

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I've heard of kosher salt before, but fruits and veggies?

Dragonflies! They're so cool. Their wings are amazing and it's like they're nature's small attack helicopters. The body is colorful.

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IANAL, but I watch a lot of legal eagle on nebula.

It's about research capacity. Finding applicable case law can take a fair amount of time. Maybe less with AI, unless you start citing the AI case law, but you need to know how other cases went, if you want to create a successful strategy for your own case.

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I see he also self identifies as a Christian... I'm not one to judge, but I once read that countries with the word "democratic" in their names seldom were.

It's insane. Your report requires that someone reads the posts and is literate enough to understand the meaning of the content. It should not stand, and if it was posted by a real local person, then you should alert the authorities.

I reported someone for posting a shock video of a graphic and violent traffic accident, in a local marketplace group. It requires that someone presses play and watches 5sec, yet that was okay dokey.

Facebook's own moderation is beyond being a joke, it's a problem.