172 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

This is the patch

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Every western government has been complicit in this genocide. USA most of all. None of this could have occurred had it not been for the funding and the diplomatic cover provided by our governments. It's up to all of us to make it stop.

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publicly shaming Israelis and Jews

This is about Zionism. It's not about Jews. If you make it about Jews you are falling for the Zionist tactic of equating the two. Do better

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Being an anti-Zionist is not the same as being anti-semitic

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What tactics has the West utilized against Russia that they have not employed against Israel?

Economic sanctions. Apply them to Israeli leadership in the military and in politics. Plus Business leaders and bankers. Prevent Israeli banking institutions "from accessing SWIFT, the international system for financial transactions, and restricting access to Western financial markets." Ban Israeli access to international goods and services import as well as export. Let's see how long their military can go without oil.

Canada has “thin blue line” flags

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It's funny, everything in the article was verifiably true but because pro-Zionists criticize the source it got removed. Robert Fisk must be rolling in his grave.

"It's our job (as journalists) to challenge the centers of power, and to describe with our own vividness the tragedies and injustice and viciousness of the world, and to try and name the bad guys," Fisk says in an interview in San Francisco. "American journalists won't say what I can say. I think the New York Times should be called, 'American officials say.' At least, you'd know what you were reading. If journalism is about writing (stories) that look like government reports, then I'll go and do gardening or something."

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The Zio-troll has entered the chat

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Hamas who walked away from the peace talks because Israel wouldn’t agree to the destruction of Israel?

Cite sources.


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ICJ says its not a genocide

This is incorrect.

LONDON — The International Court of Justice has found it is "plausible" that Israel has committed acts that violate the Genocide Convention.

I blocked the user, because he was clearly not interested in having a discussion.

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Ethnic cleansing

I think you're confusing an informal opinion poll taken by the media outlet with official polling numbers. It would have been better to list the polls being cited, but in general most Americans want to see an immediate cease-fire. I'll keep my eyes open for more data

I have taken pains to point out that Zionism does not equate Judaism. Three of the men from whom I have learned the most about this conflict are all Jewish, Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein and Ilan Pappé.

Among younger Americans, and along political lines, divisions are more prominent. Almost half of those surveyed aged 18-29, 49%, say Israel is committing genocide, with 24% disagreeing and 27% uncertain.

Is There A Genocide in Palestine Do you think that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinian civilians?

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Hardly surprising...

Biden has always seen Israel as an investment which produces the best returns for U.S. interests.

In 1986, when he was a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, he opposed the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia because they were not able to become “agents of .U.S interests in the Persian Gulf region.”

He stressed that his opposition to the weapons sale was not about whether the Saudis were good guys or bad guys, but about the ability of the Saudis to help advance and secure U.S. interests.

He emphasized that the “naked self-interest of the U.S.” should always guide their Middle East policy, and that his support for Israel is situated within that self-interest. As he bluntly explained: “Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interest in the region.”

Economist John Kenneth Galbraith most vividly described it as the “horse and sparrow” theory: “If you feed the horse enough oats, some will pass through to the road for the sparrows.”

I presented a reliable source and you refuse to look at it. Do you have problems with the guardian as well?

Among younger Americans, and along political lines, divisions are more prominent. Almost half of those surveyed aged 18-29, 49%, say Israel is committing genocide, with 24% disagreeing and 27% uncertain.

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Posted the Guardian link previously. This just reinforced the Guardian story.

Free to block me if you don't like the way I post. My feelings won't be hurt.

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Right and then refused to look at further evidence.

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Rabbi Eliyahu Mali and his Yeshiva are sponsored by Benjamin Netanyahu’s government


Take that up with the young Americans being polled.

Don't have to download it. It will open a link. If you don't wanna look at the evidence this conversation is over. Thanks for coming out

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Rabbi Eliyahu Mali and his Yeshiva are sponsored by Benjamin Netanyahu’s government

Children are starving to death, how many more will die before this pier gets built?

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To reiterate, you don't have to read my posts.

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How long are we gonna do this?

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I am a socialist, so for me this is a good news source. Feel free to dispute any facts found in the article. Also as I've said before to quite a few folks, if you don't like what I post you should probably block me.

Anyway I did a little Google search for you

The difference is that Israel is considered an occupying power and has responsibilities under international law as such.

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Israel’s formal position is not the elimination of Palestinian Arabs.

The UN has found credible evidence to the contrary

Zionism was from the very beginning a settler colonial enterprise. Yes genocidal attitudes towards Jews may have been used to promote the idea, but the end goal was always possession of land.

In its initial stage, Zionism was conceived by its pioneers as a movement wholly depending on mechanical factors: there is a country which happens to be called Palestine, a country without a people, and, on the other hand, there exists the Jewish people, and it has no country. What else is necessary, then, than to fit the gem into the ring, to unite this people with this country? The owners of the country [the Turks] must, therefore, be persuaded and convinced that this marriage is advantageous, not only for the [Jewish] people and for the country, but also for themselves.

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Filmmaker and Michigan native Michael Moore agreed that Biden’s stance on the ongoing slaughter in Gaza could easily cost him the state, and in turn, the entire election. In a recent interview with CNN’s Abby Phillip, Moore said “I’ve been saying this month that he’s going to cost himself the election. …If Trump has any chance, it’s the decision that [Biden’s] made to embrace slaughter, carpet bombing, babies in incubators dead because they cut off the electricity, on and on and on.”

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I'm using a browser with a built-in PDF reader. I'm sorry I assumed you would do the same.

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Israeli Intelligence Has Deemed Hamas-Run Health Ministry's Death Toll Figures Generally Accurate

According to the Ministry of Health, which reports to Gaza’s Hamas-led government, at least 27,500 civilians have been killed and more than 63,000 wounded since Israel began military operations in response to the Oct. 7 attacks, which killed at least 1100 Israelis and left more than 250 people hostage.

The reason we don't build and maintain cities via airlift is because it's very expensive and very inefficient. The US should demand Israel allows truck transport in and out of Gaza.

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The author is hardly some bloke down at the pub.

According to experts, the impact of housing measures recently introduced by the feds, including taking the GST off new rental developments and funnelling millions in funding to municipalities through the Housing Accelerator Fund, has yet to be borne out in the data

They don't have GST in the US.