Brazil’s finance minister proposes global tax on the super-rich at G20 meeting in Sao Paulo to – 297 points –
Brazil’s finance minister proposes global tax on the super-rich at G20 meeting in Sao Paulo

Yes please. Can we tax billionaires out of existence? That would be awesome

I think we all know which one country will veto ideas like this 🤔


Ok two countries, smartypants 😂

Yeah, like the Russian oligarchs want to be taxed out of existence. That would make 3

UK, US? Stop pretending like Switzerland is somehow the only country where the rich can hide their wealth.

I know you swiss are notoriously humorless so I'll let you in on the secret. That was a joke.

I’ve always heard that Germans are notoriously humorless. Never heard that about the Swiss.

Then again, I’ve actually seen German comedians (funny ones). I’ve never heard of Swiss comedians.

Shouldn’t jokes be funny? Or jokes?

It's called subversion of expectations. People expected the answer to be The United States. Stating another country that is also known for harboring tax evaders instead of the US is funny.

Yeah that only works if you would not state a country that everyone always claims to be the worst offender. Answering with US would have actually been funny.

I assume you're alluding to the United States, though a little different than what this article is suggesting they're actually in on the global corporate minimum tax rate deals, Biden backed it.

Still has to be ratified of course, and uh, easier said than done with congress the way it is at the moment.

Yeah, the US would love for tiny tax havens like Malta or Jersey to ratify these tax treaties. Ireland had to be almost beaten up by the rest of the EU to stop cheating them out of tax money.

So many companies, like Apple, were designing things in America, producing things in Asia, selling them around the world, and pretending a 100 person office in Dublin controlled everything. It was like the Mafia guy who owns nothing because his mom or his girlfriend or friends own a bunch of houses and businesses. It's obviously fake.

Absolutely hate this guy but a broken clock yada yada

Why do you hate him? Are his other ideas much worse than this one?

not op, but neoliberal piece of shit doing neoliberal austerity policies wants to pretend to be progressive. and his ideas almost never work out.

this is all talk most probably.

we would be better off if he wasnt in charge of the economy.

I want to preface this comment to say that bolsonaro is the worst piece of trash that has ever walked in this country. I have to say this because, somehow, criticizing his party makes me a bolsonaro supporter.

His party has been involved in multiple corruption scandals and and even when we ignore that, he has been governor of the most populous state and also minister of education here too, during those terms he accomplished absolutely nothing and has been a mediocre politician at best.

Oh, a fellow Brazilian moderate.

I too am inside the political shrodinger’s box where my friends both call me communist and fascist at the same time.

Hard to have critical reasoning these days.

Did he proceed to slowly smile then burst into laughter with the rest of the room?

I love the idea, but good luck in making that happen.