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In Australia the gender-neutral term is ‘Cunt’.

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Am assuming this is completely tongue-in-cheek.

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I cannot imagine being this twisted and spiteful to think this is a good idea.

Top tip: don’t take nude photos of yourself. Ever.

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Cheaper to get, bulks it out, flavours it more efficiently? Any number of reason.

There was that apple sauce scandal in the US recently where kids were getting chunky doses of lead because waaaaaaaay down the production chain, some dude grinding cinnamon in Ecuador chose to bulk out his milling output with lead chromate (for the red-orange colour pop) amongst other powders which were not cinnamon.

More government testing up and down the production chain could help stop that sort of thing. Hopefully dodgy imports avoiding the tests at one level, would get clamped at another.

What if people were being gay or black?!?! Next to his house?!?!!

India being India.

I didn’t know anyone was planning on executing a bunch of artists.

I don’t know him but I think “piece of shit” is rather overblown MAGA nonsense.

I heard her speak recently, and it was fucking awful.

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Just eat it! What a waste! I mean, the stuff inside isn’t much better to be honest.

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Yeah but what about Obama’s TAN SUIT?!?!

If he would only just extend his fingers when he gestured like that. Then it would be a lot clearer to more people what a nasty thing he is.

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I can’t believe they just leave a massive interwebs cable just lying on the fucking beach like that. No wonder it got attacked.

(Winky winky btw)

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I love the idea, but good luck in making that happen.

So did he buy a house that was like, 20 square feet?

“Yeah… I don’t believe in space. This is good.”

I’m all for condemnation of Israel’s OTT war on Palestine, but TBH George Galloway is a shitcunt.

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You know… it used to be the case that when using an acronym in an article, it was always explained after the first usage in the text. Journalistic editorial standards have really slipped.

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I love the theory, but considering that every week we see some headline about some digital fraud or another, I think there is a great reassurance in keeping democracy as analogue as possible

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“I have become the Pharoah, the destroyer of worlds. “


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Dora the Explora.

Fucking hell that’s some DEEP shit.

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That’s what I said! But noooooooooo. They insisted on arresting me.

IT’S A PUBIC PARK! it’s right there in the name!!!


Oh well. I guess I’ll never know.

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There’s, cunts, good cunts, sick cunts, and shit cunts.

Apply as needed.

Can’t be bothered. I clicked on article. Poor editorial standards. Ok I’m out.

Is this irony?

“Fighters” aged under 12 and carrying toys.

Oh and BTW it’s Constantinople.


One of the many things I do not miss from living in the US is the range of ersatz foods which have replaced the real thing in the popular market.

Like Tiananmen Square in 1989?

Pah! I don’t need no stinking permit! I am an asshole all the time!

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That must’ve been the ‘proud boys’ over there, to the RIGHT hand side.

Oh, it only loaded as a still pic for me last night.

Whoah dude. That’s incredible.