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Joined 11 months ago

This has to be a US thing, in Switzerland there is not a single person I communicate with using iMessage. It’s WhatsApp or Signal.

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Valve should allow these companies to use SteamOS 3.0, Linux game support would further improve and Valve gets more customers for steam.

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Why is there always such a shitshow when it comes to these laws? In Switzerland we have EXIT which is also assisted suicide. Nobody cares that it exists, it is just a reasonable system.

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Under His Eye

Allow communities that contain the same content but exist on different instances to show each others content as if they were one community.

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…but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action‘ …

But it looks bad and frame gen has very noticeable latency.

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  • My grandma always told me that if you push to hard while pooping your organs will come out. Technically hemorrhoids can do that but they are not really organs.

  • Microwaves cause cancer.

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The CEO has to go because they failed to deliver? Right? I mean that’s why they get paid so much, to take responsibility. Now they will face the consequences of their failure! No?

Second, piracy is illegal

Not for me :)

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I mean we also don’t benefit from you.

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My mom told us that microwaves are bad for our health due to radiation. I did not want a microwave in my own apartment until I was 20 and my GF just got one.

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You see them as positive goals, other people see them as advantages to loose. To foreigners, to climate protection, to „lazy“ people. They have a privilege they want to keep.

Apps that make fewer than 100 queries per minute using OAuth authentication

This is what Reddit allows for free, why is Relay asking for 1$ when using 50 queries a day?

Edit: Nevermind, reddit apparently counts access against the app-id and not the logged in user. So this would only work if you could use your own app-id within Relay which isn’t possible.

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Now figure out how much that is in lost revenue and write a headline like „Microsoft to lose economy one million gazzillion $“.

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Yes, I have seen Clarksons‘s Farm.

This shit started to pop up in Europe. I only tip when the service was above average. And a tip is 5 bucks on top of a 100 CHF meal.

Now they ask for tips at food trucks. Yes 0 is the appropriate tip for that.

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Switzerland: Lot of guns here, but there are background checks and every gun is accounted for as you have to send a copy of the receipt to the government. There are also other laws surrounding the whole topic like how to properly store them, how to transport guns etc.

But there are a lot of guns and basically no incidents. However the overall respect toward guns as well as strong social security probably go a long way.

Side note: I only ever once shot a gun. Went to a shooting range (friend of mine had to go there anyway for mandatory military shooting exercises), they had a range to shoot handguns. Applied, got one, did my 10 rounds and left. But there was strong supervision, one wrong move and they would take the gun away.

I feel like OctoPi is not a smart name

I try to switch once a month. Still not there for me yet, last time Cura was acting up.

Are there some (paid or not, doesn’t matter) great alternatives to OpenAI based solutions like ChatGPT 4 and Copilot?

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Our software uses ML to detect tax fraud and since tax offices are usually understaffed they can now go after more cases. So yes?

I literally don’t care. I don’t have any issues with X11 on PopOS and I will switch when System76 decides it’s time.

That’s completely untrue. Unlimited SMS is part of basically any plan. 5 buck prepaid plan has free SMS included.

I mean we have SAP but they are probably not affected by this law.

This is not the death of artists but of studios. When creating movies will become cheap, movie studios will be the ones becoming unnecessary. But artists are the creatives who feed these tools and who now can create content on their own.

Ubuntu -> Pop!_OS -> EndeavorOS

No other fast food chain here (we don’t have that many options) has as many vegetarian options, so if I crave a cheap mediocre burger it will probably be Burger King.

Perfectly located small town. 10k population, right besides the train station which takes me in 10min to either a small city, a medium sized city or, in 30min, to the largest city of the country.

Maybe next time AI

Isn’t this just an additional paid option and the ad option is what everyone already had and everyone outside the EU still has?

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That’s awesome, why would we need the studios then? I can just generate my own movies. But until then maybe we can compensate actors fairly and the studios can also live on until we don’t need them anymore.

Just be lazy, it’s the best of both worlds.

Probably Manos Returns

I actually liked Manos: The Hands of Fate because I love trash movies but damn that sequel was disappointing. The bad acting wasn’t funny, it was just terrible overall.

That’s like their opinion. In every single game I tried it looked worse than native. I always try it at first and then usually disable it.

Mostly as a search engine. I have it set up to only respond with answers it has web sources for. Code completion like Copilot can be useful, however 90% of the completions aren’t really saving me any time, the other 10% are awesome though.

So I could easily drop copilot but ChatGPT or HuggingChat used like search engines are awesome.

Yep, monthly towards Mozilla and Wireguard.

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4.5 Rooms, 95 square meter apartment, 1‘315‘000 CHF.

Edit: Rotkreuz, Zug, Switzerland

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UK, US? Stop pretending like Switzerland is somehow the only country where the rich can hide their wealth.

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Electric toothbrush, don’t want to shill for a brand but Oral-B.

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