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Joined 10 months ago

Honestly the OG stream controller would have been perfect if they could find a way to fit a 2nd analog stick on there

Except the proposed rule doesn't do that. It's only regarding carriers unlocking policies. The owner of the phone could still be under contact, and early termination fees would still apply. Carriers are still able to recoup any losses on the hardware through those fees. Requiring phones to be unlocked after 60 days changes none of that.

As things are now, a poor person would have to pay BOTH. An early termination fee AND then go buy a new phone if they wanted to switch to a new carrier before the (typically 2 year) contact is complete. They lose any money they've put into their current phone because it's locked to a carrier until they have been in good standing for the full 2 years.

So what it really depends on is if you think a poor person should be trapped with their current carrier until they finish the contract, unlock the phone and move to another, OR if they should be free to switch over to the competition at any time without onerous restrictions on hardware they have fully paid for via early termination fees.

If they're able to siphon money from the public school system they'll look better compared to the now poorer public school.

This argument may have made sense a decade ago, but phones today aren't making the generational leaps and bounds with performance every year. Even the low end phones are just fine for most uses these days.

If you're poor, and I certainly have been, you shouldn't get into these contacts that ultimately cost you more. You buy a cheap phone from last year and put it on an MVNO that's cheap

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Same here. I heard they released a handful of new upper tier pals but I'll wait for the next major revision to go back

She's saying the states don't have standing to bring the suit. They're unable to prove they were harmed specifically, so they don't have standing.

A better way to read the phrase in question would be "the court's doctrine regarding standing"

See: Standing

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Bessie says it adds a certain umami flavor to her hay

Exactly! Just grip the cardboard tube and pull the middle out

Lol, anyone willing to listen to health experts is already immunized (assuming they're able). They'd almost be better off saying: there is a short supply of vaccines and the gubment doesn't want to give them to citizens.

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Some phone case company is about to get some serious free advertising

I mean, the door didn't hypothetically fly off the plane. They're asking for punitive damages, so they want the court to punish the airline financially

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Either way, cop needs to be fired. Like, even if it did happen the way the cops say, that means this cop let a 17 year old child take the cop's gun and use it.

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Both of my USBc power banks have passthrough charging and would work for this. That's the feature you need to look for.

However, keeping a battery bank charged to 100% isn't good for longevity, make sure you get a good name brand one so it doesn't catch fire.

Edit to add: the ecoflow & jackery power banks can also charge their batteries while running something. They can do 120v/240v and run the current nose machine, but they're more expensive

I still see computers in Windows 7. The only people throwing computers out would be large corpos. And the ones in question are already on their way out as they're 5+ years old at this point. (1st Gen ryzen & pre-9th Gen Intel core i)

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The benefit is being able to display 3+ different ads on rotation that change every minute or two. That, and labor is cheaper when they're not 50ft off the ground

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Just to piggy back on this comment, OSX was released before 9/11 and windows XP, so Microsoft was still selling Windows ME at the time! Aside from the desktop backgrounds looked very similar.

Needs power to go clear, otherwise opaque/frosted

According to the blurb, they'll be transferred to the UK after the trial in Romania. Even if they're found guilty in Romania first. They'll then have a trial in the UK. If they're also found guilty there, Romania and the UK will come up with an agreement on which prison gets him first.

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Also, increase public transit options & availability.

Market is down: bear/bare market

Market is up: bull market.

It's just the name we use to describe market conditions

A million dollars would only represent .01% of the 10 billion profit they made last year. That's not even a slap on the wrist. If a preventable malfunction puts 100+ customers lives at risk, the penalty should be WAY higher.

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He doesn't think, therefore he isn't?

But don't you see, the consumer surely benefits. After agreeing they get to continue using their tv under our new and wonderful terms of service. /s

Pshaw, if it's not from the Gabon region of Africa it's just sparkling nuclear reactor

I'm guessing Madrid

No, it's a 'paradox of tolerance' and that paradox is already solved

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"have they converted you yet?"

"Do y'all still get toaster ovens for a conversation or have they updated to air fryers these days" is probably the only response I'd give.

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I even recall a time I negotiated back and forth on Sedo to buy a domain name, and it turned out the seller didn’t own the domain.

I'm sorry, how is this NOT fraud?

I agree with OP. Domains should just expire if they're not renewed.

And honestly, I'm against the hoarding and resale of them too. They're a finite resource and should be limited to a fixed number per human being. And only transferred for free not resold.

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I see low, who's high?

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cruising doing like 95mph. For reference I'm in summer sports tires and this is a very reasonable speed for this vehicle assuming you aren't around others

Max speed limit in the US of A is 85mph so that is in fact not a reasonable speed.

If you wanna drive your fancy Porsche fast take it to a closed track you absolute piece of shit

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it fails the top tier qc check, but passes a low tier qc check. That's how different price points/tiers for CPUs exist.

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I do just about the same thing, but force myself to put an equal amount of money into long term savings before I actually buy it. If I'm not willing to spend twice the price on something, do I really need it?

This is the real reason phones have been getting taller. More AD space

Ugh fine. But I can still get deep throated by the giraffe right? That's like the whole reason you made them isn't it?

Oh this is the perfect thread for a trickle down economics joke.

Have I been lied to? Can you pick your friend's nose?

Huh, I wonder what they would find if someone played Queen's we will rock you.

I could see that happening if these are used in gas hybrid cars, or ev taxis, or maybe grid scale energy buffering

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I don't think they're even allowed to show the packs, so they're in opaque dispensers. But yeah it does look like an electrical panel from Europe

fenflefs. Why use the weird s (f) when they have the normal s

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