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Joined 11 months ago

Leonid Slutsky, a senior lawmaker, claimed that the attacks had “the aim of sowing panic and dividing the people of Russia” and that “the blood of the victims” was also on the hands of the United States.

Of course it's United States that is to blame.

Holy crap, not even ChatGPT would be able to make this shit up.

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Russia said....zzzzzzzZZZZZZZZ

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Putin warns...zzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZ

I'm openly critical against the whole NATO thing and DSA but you're just being silly, ignorant, a troll or all of the above.

I'd rather be a part of the Western military industrial complex than being Ukraine since 2014.

If Russia just could stop aspiring to be the premier asshole of the northern hemisphere, Sweden would still be "neutral" and democratic neighbors of Russia wouldn't be forced to put huge amounts of tax money into arms instead of healthcare.

Russia essentially attacked the guy sitting next to them on the bus because they felt the guy was sitting too close.

Of course everyone on the bus gets scared of the idiot attacking people!

Then we're two crazies now.

The ties between Hamas and Iran are well documented. The ties between Russia and Iran are well documented.

In my opinion the likelihood of this happening on that exact date by accident is next to none.

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The issue was never to get access to Reddit without paying a monthly fee. It was about the experience as an user. However, what really made me drop Reddit was the way Reddit management acted in all of this. They showed no signs of being someone to trust.

So I don't care if there are 3rd party Reddit apps since Reddit is irrelevant to me.


Microsoft’s latest Windows update breaks VPNs, and there’s no fix

What Microsoft actually said:

Windows devices might face VPN connection failures after installing the April 2024 security update, or KB5036893. We are working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release

I'm so fed up with everyone trying to make a quick buck on our constant struggle to stay safe.

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For you outside Sweden: There is no such thing as minimum wage. It's perfectly legal to hire someone for 0 SEK / month.

The whole idea is that a collective agreement should be negotiated and agreed upon by the employers and employees in each business area (like telecom, healthcare, factory workers, electricians etc etc). The idea is that the employers and employees, not the politicians, knows more about what their market/business area requires and is able to deliver in the form of minimum wage, yearly salary increase, vacation and overtime (among other things) .

Here's the thing that often is different in discusions like the one about Tesla refusing to sign a collective agreement: Collective agreements only limits the minimums. So the only reason to refuse to sign is if you intend to keep some thing below the levels that are the norm in your business area.

Essentially, you're trying to get unfair competitive advantage.

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Today is a slightly better day for the people of Iran. Especially for the women of Iran.

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As a non US citizen this is just a Robin Williams in Jumanji moment...


Anyways, welcome to the year of the interwebs.

Have you got rid of your cheques and faxes yet? 😉

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"...and Russia is thought to be responsible."

Nooooooo... Russia? Really? They would neeeveeeer?

Touch screen, Vibration feedback/Color change or not, means that you have to look at what your hand is doing and not on the road.

A physical button means you can keep your eyes on the road and find the right button with easy.

So let's be honest. At this point, touch screens are chosen by car makers because cost and not design. So essentially, safety is less important than cost for the car makers.

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Actually, in the long run this might be something good. This will force EU lawmakers to act regarding software services being pulled without consent.

A lot of things are sold with features relying on software services / cloud services. You buy a smart tv today and two years later the vendor decides to kill the appstore. (Had a friend who bought a Sony Bravia TV. Two years after she bought it she finally got a network outlet installed near the tv. However, Sony had decided to go another route and just killed 99% of all apps and the smart TV was really dumb)

Is this what you initially paid for when you decided to buy the device? Should the consumer just accept that a major part of the listed features just disappears?

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You want to have both hands free while moving or an extra dose of speed to go faster? With the Mobility Plus Package you can activate a variety of clever additional functions in the Mobility App.

With the Mobility Plus Package you can increase the support speed from 6 km/h to 8,5 km/h and benefit from the Cruise Mode that allows you to keep a permanent speed with only one deflection on the push rim.

Holy fuck!?!? The wheelchair is actually actively crippled if you don't pay?

If you are able to crack software, this is the time to stand up and do actual real good for humanity !

This makes me so angry.

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That was easy.

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Today's online communities are not like this. They are trapped inside apps and platforms,

How ironic... Reddit trying to lock me in was the exact reason why I stopped being active there....

I've written this in other threads so it will just be a repetition for a lot of you who are following how the story unfolds.

Here in Sweden we don't have any laws defining "minimum wage" and some laws regulating things like minimum amount of vacation days can be "replaced" in an agreement.

Now, the idea is that the parties of the labour market, employers and employees should deal with these issues because politicians should stay the f*** away from things they know nothing about. The agreement is normally renegotiated by the employer organisations (yes, the employers are also organized here) and employee organisations (unions) every 2-3 years. While signing an collective agreement is not mandatory it is still expected. It's the norm.

In my experience employers refuse to agree on collective minimums is because they want to be able to do whatever they want with their employees.

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A lot of people in this thread seem to downplay the article with "yeah, that might be your opinion..." but two facts that are facts and not opinions are:

  1. The market share Firefox hold is insignificant.

  2. Mozilla's business is a near 100% dependency on one "customer", Google.

This means that if Google decides to stop bank rolling Mozilla it's game over. Firstly because other revenue streams are currently near insignificant when you look at the total expenses.

Secondly because since Firefox hold no significant market share, no one else would be interested in investing in Mozilla and the future of Firefox. After all, whatever Mozilla will throw up on the wall as the "grand masterplan for world dominance" would just end up in the question "Why didn't you do this before?".

I've been using Firefox for almost 20 years. I started using it because I saw what happens when one company controls the browser market. That web browser did so much damage and we only really got rid of it some year ago.

Chrome is a perfect example that the history repeats itself and that people are fucking stupid. People are actually acting surprised and complain about Google putting effort into making adblocking impossible in Chrome.

So all in all, if Mozilla doesn't find other revenue streams, Firefox is dead... It just doesn't know it yet.

Now, everyone yapping about that Linux was an insignificant player and still made it to the top just sound like enthusiasts who really doesn't know history and the harsh reality of doing business.

Linux was just a little more than hobby project (business wise) that essentially only Red Hat and Suse made real money from in the 90's.

Arguably you could say that the turning point was when the CEO of IBM, Lou Gerstner, shocked the world by saying that IBM was going to pump in 1 billion dollars in Linux during 2001. Now, that doesn't look like much today when just Red Hat has a yearly revenue of 3-4 billion, but that's how insignificant Linux was at that time.

After that milestone Linux went for the jugular on Windows Server. For ordinary people it would still take almost 10 years before they would hold something Linux in their hands.

The rocket engine that accelerated Linux and pieces that it was ready for end users was Google and Android in 2007. Linux's growth the last 20 years wasn't mainly driven by enthusiasts, it was business pumping in money in future opportunities.

What future opportunities can Mozilla sell to investors with the market share Firefox has today?

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As a European I say: Let's go bitch!

We've been way too dependant on Russia. It's time we acknowledge the actual cost for cheap gas and oil from Russia.

Going public introduces shareholders that prioritizes return on investment as opposed to making technology and knowledge about technology accessible for many.

It doesn't always end this way but often enough to worry about it...

In rejecting SpaceX's appeal, yesterday's FCC order said the agency's Wireline Competition Bureau "followed Commission guidance and correctly concluded that Starlink is not reasonably capable of offering the required high-speed, low-latency service throughout the areas where it won auction support."

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has acknowledged Starlink's capacity limits several times, saying for example that it will face "a challenge [serving everyone] when we get into the several million user range."

Isn't it Starlink that should fix this?

An audit will correct things, not cost Trump.

The reason why Trump is against it is because he knows he did shady things that most likely won't hold up in daylight.

Apple could have tried to work with them and said something like "We'll pay when the embargo ends"

.....aaaaand that would most likely be trying to circumvent the sanctions by essentially receiving credit from Kaspersky on delivered services.

Not saying the situation is optional, but the sanctions would be extremely toothless if it was that easy to circumvent.

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Yet another sign of Russian economy booming!

Since Putin and the trolls here on Lemmy claim that the Russian economy is booming, this must mean that Russian chip manufacturing sucked even more before Russia started using torture, rape and mass murder to try to invade Ukraine.

Note the "try"... Because, damn do they suck at invading other countries too....

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The draft, submitted by a lawmaker from each of Russia's two houses of parliament, describes the 1954 handover as arbitrary and illegal because no referendum was held and Soviet authorities had no right to transfer territory from one constituent republic to another without consent.

I'm pretty sure that there was no consent when Russia attacked Ukraine in 2022.

So how's it going to be? Is consent necessary or not when determining if land belongs to Russia id or not?

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Pfffft.... Yet another sign of the Russian economy booming!

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Israels actions can be considered disproportionate and really really bad and Hamas can at the same time be considered to be a terrorist organisation that execute terrorist attacks against civilians. One bad thing doesn't automatically cancel out another bad thing.

Grown-ups knows that two things can be considered bad at the same time.

There's a lot of toddlers on Lemmy....

Yeah and Titanic was unsinkable.

If the controller in your SSD fries, it doesn't matter how many unused gigabytes your SSD has got for relocating bad sectors. It is still fried. For you, that data is forever gone.

This is why you have redundancy. Full redundancy. You can go for RAID1, one disk die and you still have no data loss, or go bananas with RAID6, two full disks can die and you're still going strong.

Ps. Spinning harddrives have had hidden sectors used for relocation of bad sectors for ages. It's nothing new. If you have to much time on your hand, Google harddrive hidden sectors nsa.

This is no problem at all for Russia since the Russian economy is booming and all Russians are millionaires!

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Tesla, which has revolutionised the electric car market, says its Swedish employees have as good or better terms than those the union is demanding.

Here's the thing: a collective agreement in Sweden is about the minimums. There is NO upper limit in the agreement. If Musk wants to give the employees 300 days of vacation and 10000 dollars a month, no union in the world would say no to that....

But we all know the reason for Tesla not wanting to sign an agreement is not about them wanting the employees having better terms....

Oh. The republicans will soon present a bill for the conversion therapy of whales....

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Unpopular opinion: For more than 90% of the population a car with an Otto engine volume of less than 1.5l is enough. Anuthing above should be taxed heavily.

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At this point I'm surprised that "X" has employees.

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Along with the termination of perpetual licensing, Broadcom has also decided to discontinue the Free ESXi Hypervisor, marking it as EOGA (End of General Availability).

Wiktionary: Adjective perpetual (not comparable) Lasting forever, or for an indefinitely long time.

Hello ProxMox here I come!

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No no no... This is just another sign that the Russian economy is booming and that the sanctions are useless...

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Most likely it was alcohol. It's known to cause some types of cancer.

Even if this was the case, it's still not good:

"The one who controls the AI now controls you."

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Russia will not start a war in Ukraine, the country's President Vladimir Putin has said....


So yeah... Russia sort of burned that bridge years ago....

It's not just about if Russia can manage without Europe/USA, it's about Europe managing without Russia.

So ok, China and India actively supports and essentially bankrolls Russias colonization strategy and this might show as growth. So in short, it's possible for Putin to rearrange his business, sell oil below market price, and show growth, but in the long run its not a viable solution to run a country on.

Add to this the cost of war and loss of manpower. 3-400 000 might seem like a small amount of people when Russia has a population of 147 000 000. But it's not. It's Russia slowly slowly depleating their civilian workforce in a situation where Russia has a declining birth rate with 2023 being the lowest since 2014.

So if shit was going so great, Russian salaries would have skyrocketed and Russia would have their top model tanks on the battlefield but none of that is happening. Instead we see a lot of weird shit from the former Soviet Union on the battlefield. Add to this that back in October there were a lot of press about Russians having less money for necessities than anytime in the last 5 years.

So while Putin has seen no change in quality of life, rest assured that the average Russian has less money to spend on necessities.

Remember: Putin and his friends has been peddling the "everything is A-okay"-bullshit for over a year now but it's just propaganda. Even though there might be periods where Russian economy looks like it's going great it's just not true for the long perspective.

When you get chemo it kills both ordinary cells and cancer cells. However, the body is normally capable of producing more cells than a tumor which means that with enough time more tumor than body will disappear.

While we hurt, Russia hurts more and that's a good thing.

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