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Joined 12 months ago


Sorta the whole game, like for example gear textures are mostly for new gear, I think the same applies to npc textures

oh god its a facebook link haha thanks for the source tho

Source? I really like this art style

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Sometimes you need to take two steps back so later you can take one step forward, ok?

Edit: seems like quite a few people didn't understand the joke, 2 steps back and 1 forward is still 1 step back, they are slowly getting worse

Wait, now someone can play a game from my library while Im playing another? That's huge

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if heterochromia is having two different eyes colors then it means Im homochromatic

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A gaming chair, one of those that look like racer chairs. It basically destroyed my back, worst purchase of my life

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Well, they keep sending kids to do dangerous jobs like piloting mechas and becoming magical girls, now there is only old people left

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Man I hate when people are like that, gay flatmate I had would say "You guys are so clean for straight men" and Im just like, wth man, thats prejudice. Imagine if I went around saying "You are so clean for gay men!"

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Only people from Lesbos are lesbian, the others are sparkling wine

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what I noticed is that posts have huge amounts of upvotes, even from small communities, and often no comments or when it does have comments its often very basic stuff, almost AI like

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How to 'solve' this if Sony had half a braincell:
psn account no longer required but if you link a psn account you get [insert skins/battlepass discount/any sort of benefit here]. 90% of people will do it cause 'shiny thing'! The rest wouldn't do it anyway.

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Did you know that jellies have fins? Crazy world

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West Taiwan is so annoying, I wish they would mind their own business

Imagine if bg4 is a mobile game with micro transactions? Hasbro would totally do it

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As an engineer feels like the turbine will only work for a year

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It was a necessary "drama" imo. You mentioned the stress the team was put through but also I think Linus' ego needed to be brought down a lot. The way he talked on wan show about the cooler is like someone who thinks he is a tech god, saying something is bad is expected but outright claiming the product is worthless and will never amount to anything is just bad taste specially when you got it for free AND didn't bother testing it properly.

One can hope this situation will bring positive lasting change to the way the company is run but also the image Linus has of himself.

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So many places, even in japan, are dying to get some tourist 💵 attention and these guys just dont give a fuck. So weird, just start a takoyaki stand near the photo spot and rack in the cash. Eventually the fad will die anyway

Isn't gaming the most profitable entertainment industry right now?

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GOG also let's me download installers so if I really wanted to I could just put my entire library on an external hard drive and add that tk my will

Or, you know, sandwiches

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All assholes live in that planet

Always felt like they wanted an excuse to invade and decimate the Palestinians, maybe they did nothing so they would have the excuse

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First time I heard of this, feels like I missed a huge opportunity

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Well, that's the most insane thing I've ever seen in politics, bravo

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Thanks for keeping us up to date, I don't mind downtime personally as long as I'm aware of what's going on

He just needs to fuck it at night

People go tribal for the weirdest shit, I can't even imagine doing anything like that.

My favorite game is Chrono Trigger, if anyone decides to take the art style and game mechanics (and expand on them) from it to make a new game you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna play that shit, and will probably love it.

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KotOR did the evil path so well. You get completely different quests by going evil with comparable rewards. Other games you get someone asking for help, saying no is the evil choice but all that does is lock you out of the quest and give up all rewards, not KotOR, in KotOR being evil pays off

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Microsoft closing a bunch of game studios and investing billions on AI at the same time, that's just great huh

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There are other rootkits you can download without paying anything you know? No sale required

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Who the hell travels with 35 members of their family? Sounds like pure chaos and suffering!

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GOG. I like actually owning the games I buy

Well, the alternative would be accepting that your parents had sex and that's disgusting. Hand holding it is.

Say what you want about bill gates, but that guy is the second highest donor to the world health organization, only behind the USA (yes, the country). Beats even all the other countries

As it says not in the title, it's only electric energy and we always had insane hydroelectric power generation. People shouldn't think that is because the government is investing hard on being green, or cares a lot about the environment (heck, some of the newer hydroelectrics destroyed a ton of the Amazon forest)

What are you talking about? This is how we solve global warming, with a giant ice cube! (just like in futurama)

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Will there be any Palestinians left to relocate when this genocide is over?

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Was it all the sexual harassment in his company that he did nothing about?