Israeli tanks deliberately ran over dozens of Palestinians to World – 315 points –
Israeli tanks deliberately ran over dozens of Palestinians

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According to the report released on Monday, one of those killed was a Palestinian man in Gaza City's Zaytoun neighbourhood on 29 February.

Eyewitnesses told the rights monitor that the man had his hands restrained, was stripped, and that he was alive while he was run over on asphalt.

Other similar incidents have also been carried out by the Israeli army, the rights monitor stated.


Y'know, I'm starting to think these "IDF" fellows aren't entirely on the up-and-up.

But they call themselves the most moral army in the world. It can't be a lie!


3 more...

“... you see even the Israeli soldiers are competing with each other to publish stories on social media about the level of brutality they are willing to inflict on Palestinians,” he said

Zionists are the new Nazis.

Treat them accordingly.

Except everyone treated nazis fine till they attacked allied countries. They were in power since 33'. And since 33', they already were introducing their racial ideologies and opressing people. Kristalnacht was in 38' and nobody gave a shit. The phoney war lasted till nazis invaded Benelux and attacked France. The Allies had intel given to them straight from Auschwitz about experiments with poison gas and mass murder of soviet soldiers in march 41', and regular updates up to 43'.

In geopolitics, people don't really give a crap about unjust treatment, something being unfair, about torture and even exterminations of an entire peoples. It is only used against them when trying to convince their own to not dodge a draft. Morality is mostly for propaganda and flips easily once it's not convenient to use it. Examples - US and Ukraine, where aiding Ukraine against an agressor was the moral thing to do on the onset of the war, and now out of the blue, Ukrainians are corrupt and cannot be trusted with funding or weapons. US and Palestine - not doing much because Israel is in a very important strategical position, despite thousands of people being killed, herded like cattle, starved.

They were clearly human shields and there was a Hamas standing right behind them so they had to drive over them.

Has Israel been the bad guy the entire time, or just as of a few months ago?

The entire time. Obligatory "what Hamas did on October 7th was horrendous," but if you look into the history of Israel's occupation of Palestinian land, it's pretty understandable (although not justified) why something like that happened. Israel has been the bad guy from its conception.

Israel has been particularly monstrous the past few months, but this is something it has been working towards for decades. Only recently has it felt willing and able to go this far without its allies pulling their support.

Yeah, for sure. I used to think they just both sucked, and maybe they still do, but there's no excuse for the level to which Israel has gone. And now I question whether Palestine was acting in some sort of "self defense" all along.

I think back to other revolutions and such, and although they aren't 1-1 comparisons, I wonder.... I bet the people of England thought the Americans were absolute terrorists during the revolutionary war.

Anyways. Not an expert... just been trying to make sense of the happenings.

A closer analogy would be the Irish fighting for Independence from Britain, or the Resistance in Apartheid South Africa.

I grabbed this from some post awhile back. I would imagine there is an updated version somewhere, but even if we stop where it does - yeesh. Parents - imagine this life for your child and how it would likely impact your attitude (and theirs) regarding your neighbors in Israel.

The entire time, pretty much. Hamas is horrible too, yes, yes, yes, I'm not a Holocaust denier, but the Israeli government has been and continues to be fucking awful.

Check out the history, the concept of Transfer of Palestinians goes back to 1882, culminated into an ethnic cleansing campaign Plan Dalet in 1947, and a Permanent occupation for more de facto annexation since 1967. Creating an Apartheid reality for decades.

Let's just imagine the scene. To be honest if I was this person's father, son or any other close relative I'd be lining up to join Hamas. Now multiply that times... way too much.