
1 Post – 174 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Tbh, I'm not sure what liberals could deepfake Trump that would be worse than what he actually says haha

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I used to joke that Republicans were Russian sycophants, bought and paid for by Putin himself to destroy America. But it's not actually, and maybe never was, a joke.


It's easy to tolerate price increases on products when you don't buy that product. The thing that concerns me though, is that if people stop buying McDonald's and instead buy canned beans... is my chili going to get more expensive because McDonald's wants 3 dollar hash browns? I'm pretty sure the answer is yes.

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Jury nullification. Stand in solidarity.

It's not really a debate when your opponent's metrics for winning is simply to speak more loudly, more aggressively, and to refuse to shut the fuck up more intensely than anybody else in the room.

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Actively supporting Hamas? Explain.

Time to go back to books, fellas. This party is done.

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Yep, Steam is my "video game piracy canary". The day I lose access to my games on Steam will be the last day I ever buy any video game, and probably any non-physical piece of media for the rest of my life.

All the people in this thread acting like this is safe and reasonable. "It's okay because they still are wearing their harnesses". Okay... lol

Yeah, it looks like he wants to rape women and force them to have his rape babies. I'm guessing he's already raped somebody, based on this pro-rapist attitude.

This trans book reading example is ridiculous. It was never something people had to do. Kids were never being randomly sat down to do it. It was an intentional thing that everybody agreed to, and was aware of ahead of time. Are you trying to tell other parents how to raise their kids? Because that's what you're doing. Why are you trying to control other people's lives?

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Although, if he plead guilty already, nm lol

Can't let Adventure Time go unmentioned. The first season was a little silly, but after that, I found that I was basically free to interpret most of the episodes and plot lines with as much depth as I could want. One of the few shows out there who's ending made me sad not because the writers wanted me to, but because I knew it was leaving an empty place behind in my soul.

Why don't we just dock some of Texas' border funding and give it to the northern states? Not a permanent solution, but it's something.

I've literally worked in the oil field throwing pipe wrenches around, and it was usually easier than what I see some food service employees putting up with lol

Aw, I thought this was about actual Mastodons.

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Who cares if they get it? It's peanuts for most people anyways, especially nowadays.

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Nah, he might just be dumb. Pretty sure I knew space was real before I was 10 lol

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Peeps, I hate law enforcement abuse and overstepping of legal boundaries too, but let's just laugh together for the five seconds while they're not trying to shoot our dogs, and maybe they'll catch on a bit? Lol

It feels like a culture war between corporations and the OG user base. They reeled us in and monopolized the market with the idea of "free". Now that competitors are few and far between, they want to change the game and reel in literal billions. I have absolutely no sympathy for their "lost profits". They are making enough as-is, and I have no problems saying that out loud.

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Ways to get me to support your downtown economy: insulting me? Lol. I live in a red state and recently got a remote job... so glad I can spend less money on the local economy by staying at home. Instead of being forced to spend money at local businesses, I spend it on people/businesses near or far away that share my world views, who I -want- to support. No longer who I -have- to support. Screw the conservative economy.

Why would God send wildfires to Texas when they're so close to fulfilling God's holy desire to ban Trans people and turn women into birth slaves?

Maybe they should look at reducing crime from the start, instead of just attacking it after its already underway. Better schooling and other social programs, maybe? Give people people enough prosperity so that they'll have something they want to protect, instead of having nothing to lose.

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I spend a lot of time on Lemmy, sorted by Top>Day or whatever, which seems to provide mostly fresh stuff every morning. I'm on Telegram being an attention whore in my local art community/fandom/convention planning spaces. I browse art on websites, and Google like a madman in relation to my broken project car that I'm trying to restore. I am big into Outer Wilds, and was spending a lot of time on that up until recently. YouTube for offroad recovery videos (Trail Mater and Matt's Offroad Recovery), which is silly because I don't like offloading. It is fun to see the physics/mechanical aspect of how big truck recoveries work

I like to work with artists from Europe, so sometimes I spend inordinate amounts of time trying to track people down on Russian Google/Facebook (Yandex/VK) haha

I play mosty either indy games or just older games on an older gaming laptop (geforce 1070m based HP Omen) and Steam/Linux Mint work pretty great. Outer Wilds works even better in Linux now that I've begun using CoreCtrl to disable CPU power throttling. Otherwise, it runs about like it did on Windows. The MCC runs flawlessly. Recently purchased No Man's Sky and it runs pretty well and is actually incredibly smooth--no idea how that one runs in Windows because I've been just using Linux full-time for maybe two months now.

There is some weirdness like having to process Vulcan Shades before games boot up which can be annoying, but it hasn't discouraged me yet. You can also skip that and the only difference is there might be a bit of stuttering for the first bit of game play. After going back to Windows to compare performance, I think it does this stuttering thing anyways?

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Found the idiot.

You don't have to care about every single thing in the world. It's perfectly valid to not want to deal with or think about trans people as long as you're not actively trying to sabotage them. I'm sure there are dozens of "movements" you are unaware of, and can't bother to give a damn about even if they were explained to you.

I canceled after they lost Star Trek. And then I never subscribed to the place that does have Star Trek now. Now I'm so annoyed with all of the price hikes that I may only ever subscribe to the high seas going forward. Lol

I can get behind this if everything is processed locally. Let my computer do the computing and stop harvesting my data, internet

Could you give an example?

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Most people aren't exactly choosing... they're just too economical destitute to leave, because the society/government/capitalism has kept them poor. Totally possible for people to get trapped.

I always ask myself who will buy the products these companies produce if all the workers have been fired. Maybe inflation is just the natural ramp up to McDonald's charging 5,000 dollars for automated chicken nuggets when there are only billionaire left with money lol.

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I've had two ASUS gaming laptops, and both of them began having issues within a year, and the second didnt last more than a couple years total.

The first laptop was one of their enormous ROG 17 inch gaming laptops that looked like it had jet engine exhaust. The hard drive died and the power port broke within the first year, and I had to send it in under warranty. The power brick also died, and I ended up having to replace it myself around the 3 year mark.

Thinking it was a fluke, I ended up buying a smaller, more portable ASUS gaming laptop next which had more of a standard form factor. Maybe six or eight months later, that one suffered some issue that required being sent in for service as well. It began experiencing the same issue about four months later, I'd sent it in for repair a second time for the same issue, and they apparently fixed it.

I got to use that laptop for maybe 1.5 years total before it was completely unusable, in spite of two RMAs.

My current gaming laptop is an HP Omen 17 from 2017, and has been completely stable and reliable up to this day. I love to hate on HP because of their dumb printers, but I'm pretty impressed. I'll probably end up buying another one, because I will literally never own another ASUS product ever in my life, and there are only so many manufacturers out there who I'd consider for a laptop purchase.

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I get the same vibe. I don't care about DJTs hurt feelings for being called "small dick", but I do recognize that there are people out there who actually are "lesser endowed", and its gotta be frustrating to see it used as an insult all the time. Maybe having a "small dick" isn't the greatest, but its also totally acceptable and people shouldn't be made to feel negatively about something they really had no control over. My two cents lol

Has Israel been the bad guy the entire time, or just as of a few months ago?

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Being a "reddit transplant" who took the time to understand what was going on, I think your joke is overplayed and weirdly elitist. Imagine being prideful of not having found Lemmy through Reddit, or whatever it is you're trying to imply?? lol

The brainwashing is real. So many people are so poor that they don't believe you can be poor unless you're absolutely destitute and on the edge of homelessness each month. This 100k/year lifestyle should be afforded by minimum wage, tbh.

Finally, some freaking consequences

I perused the comments and didn't see anyone mention this. The term "engineer" is regulated by every state in the US. I doubt they had Tinder in mind, but calling yourself an "engineer" without having a Professional Engineer license is illegal, at least when it comes to offering professional engineering services. It's a protected title so that schools and bridges don't get built by scammers--at least that was the intention. I can legally call myself an Engineer!

Just go get your license, and you should be golden lol.

Yeah, I feel like the Us vs. Them is kinda originating from the conservative Right though. Every radicalization is just met with more radicalization from the other party. At the end of the day, it's gay people who are being opressed.. and all right-wing people have to complain about are fairy tale propagandas from 4chan and the talking heads on Fox going on about the Trans Agenda converting kids to be gay, which isn't real.

Damn, what country do you live in? I'm in America and I have to keep reminding my conservative friends how close we still are to a world that sterilizes and murders gay people, and that their votes pull us closer to that world every time they win an election cycle.