Debunking the Top 10 Myths About Mastodon

Sean to – 212 points –
Debunking the Top 10 Myths About Mastodon

Hey there! Figured I'd share here since my main instance,, seems to be really broken right now. I published an article today focusing on some of the myths and misconceptions Mastodon users have spread over the last few years, with some critical analysis and debunking.

Let me know if you like it!


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Aw, I thought this was about actual Mastodons.

Meee tooo, hard disappoint. I was thrilled there were a whopping 10 misconceptions about the extinct animal!

One misconception is that mastodons sharpened their tusk points with a nail file while giving their enemy the evil eye. Never happened.

There's a sweet misconception being cleared up, that's the stuff, thank you stranger!

Why would you expect that from a fediverse community post?

I blame the thumbnail, though.

Edit: or maybe I can't take a joke..

Same here, as the picture led us to believe.

I'm glad I'm not the only one disappointed.

We want real mastodon facts, damn it.

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