6 Post – 199 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

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1000 people stormed the capitol. Allowing trump to win is far far far worse. Federal judge appointments alone are worth far more.

I don't think it would move a single pixel in over 10 thousand years.

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Up to 15% or more.

I don't understand why people are upset even a little about this. This is a prefect advert for the fediverse. If you are not completely happy with an instance(which can never realistically happen) then you just host your own or have multiple accounts. Apps have this built in and easily accessible. Why do people want to concentrate everything they want into one instance? What if that instance goes down? This should not be hated or applauded.... just ignored as the way the fediverse should work. Don't get too attached to any single instance.

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Congressional pay rate should be tied to national minimum wage rate. In order to raise one you have to raise both by the same percentage.

I don't get the headline. The topic is far too important for a click bait title. He was not stunned... just asking the tough question.

Imagine having the propaganda wing of the russian government vet everything you say and decide it's all OKAY

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Um in case you've been under a rock George Santos obviously kept perfect records for the last 4.5 billion years.

Isn't it obstruction of justice to hide evidence of crimes being committed?

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I stopped using /s when I leaned that it never really breaks down and you end up with microsarcastics in every thread.

Interesting. What do you think about drawn images? Is there a limit to how will the artist can be at drawing/painting? Stick figures vs life like paintings. Interesting line to consider.

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Here in America murder is also really looked down upon. For example say you kill a guy then twenty years later on death row your turn finally comes up and the state fucks up and kills you badly or has to try a second time or change methods of killing. I mean that's just terrible.

I believe he peaked at "making copies..." on SNL. Deuce just sped up the downhill roll

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I read that early on there was a bug and you could get them cremated without them being in an accident.

Or say that woman armed herself as a child(17 yr old) and walked into a tense situation of strangers untrained and ready to shoot someone... and then ends up shooting someone. Might be a better comparison.

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Hardly anyone is going to spend hours browsing pictures of steam and engaging with it vs actual content so this certainly is not great for reddit.

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It looks like it's because macos lost a lot for some reason over the last couple of years with Windows and Linux picking up that share. Anyone know why?

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If by "Americans inventing" you mean "Europeans inventing" then yes

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I have millions of dollars but they go to another school you don't know them.

It's the federal judge appointments that matter and almost nothing else. Most of what he does can be undone except for that.. It would cause a generation of damage.

That's just what a bot would say

I just don't understand all the love for the acorn. It knew what the fuck it was doing.

If a tiny dig nips at you most people laugh it off and you get a break in the skin at most. Happens all the time and no one blinks. If that happens and your dog is 90lbs you can die. Definitely not "extraordinarily unlikely"...just inconsequential for most breeds/sizes.

I'm not your muchacho, partner

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...well offscreen... wow

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I'd rather let an addict manage to crack my balls than let Musk anywhere near my money.

That's JUST what someone who sleeps in jeans would say.

My mind is going

Absolutely not true. Guy walks bye and shoots someone well offscreen. Momentary action with no visual cue before or after. Why are you arguing this useless point?

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Doesn't the lightning network which is millions of times faster than btc alone solve this?

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Fucking fuckity fuck

What would Russia's response be if NATO countries defended Ukraine with missile and drones shot down over Kiev, Levin, Odesa. Not sure they would do anything.

Tip-toe feature to see horse over horizon was a sick Easter egg

I think to understand wokness you need to start worth a strong cup of coffee.

I'm a rat scientist and want to take advantage of your idea.

... like... human centipede join?

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Is this on purpose?

The shooter is on screen the victim is not.

This is on purpose isn't it. You're fucking with me.

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Non-sensationalized summary from the article:

Although Section 702 authorizes electronic surveillance of non-US people overseas, the official summary of the reauthorization bill notes that "information about US persons may incidentally be acquired by this type of surveillance and subsequently searched or 'queried' under certain circumstances.”

The reauthorization bill imposes some new limits on data collection. For example, FBI personnel must obtain prior approval from an FBI supervisor or attorney before making queries about US people. But this provision has an exception allowing such queries without prior approval if "the query could assist in mitigating or eliminating a threat to life or serious bodily harm."

There are also some new limits on queries involving elected US officials, political candidates, political organizations, media organizations, journalists, and religious groups. There is a prohibition on "the involvement of political appointees in the approval process for such politically sensitive query requests," and a requirement that the FBI director "establish consequences for noncompliant querying of US person terms, including zero tolerance for willful misconduct.”

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Oddly she is more conservative than the conservative loving Maga crazies but since she doesn't kneel in front of Trump...