
0 Post – 162 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

In ear earbuds. I blimmin' hate them but my Audio Technica over ears are too bulky for the gym.

Bit off topic, though if anyone could recommend cheap but decent wireless headphones, for the gym, that are not in ear I would appreciate it a lot (I'm in the UK).

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Maybe you're not noticing the difference between 720p to 1080p is due to the decoding used. The rips with a lower file size often get there by means of compression, and some uploaders (such as YIFY) heavily compress the videos to where I don't even notice much of a difference, however I'm going to assume you're not downloading the 3GB (average size for HQ) 1080p film.
Then again eyesight plays a role along with display.

I wouldn't bother with 4K usually, however once I upgraded to a 1440 monitor downscaling from 4K actually provides a fair bump in overall sharpness and detail (some films more than others), however the file size is usually over 10GB per film.

Haha the same thing happened to me, at Chicago O'Hare airport.

Before they searched me the man said I had a "suspicious package" in my "groin area". I'll never forget the man's face as he grabbed a handful of dick. Eye contact as well, it was so romantic (probably not for him, but I still had a semi so...)

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"I'm so shy" whilst she exposes her bare anus to the gods.

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Glad you pointed this out. The efforts of Guy Fawkes and his team were to restrict the rights of many. Although the character of V For Vendetta is cool, it's very, very loosely based on the actual Guy Fawkes (who gives me the impression of a bigot, from what we know of the gunpowder plot).

Here's the thing though... I've been on Reddit for over a decade before Lemmy, and whilst there may be less interaction the interactions themselves have been far more sincere. People are more willing to engage, and even with this random comment there's a chance someone would comment below.

The community feel of Lemmy is something, at least I've found, Reddit had lost a very long time ago.

Sort of a quality Vs quantity thing I guess?

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I've stepped foot in about 39 States and can agree. There's an incredible amount of diversity in the United States.

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Am I the only Autist who is extremely offended by people saying "this or that" causes Autism?

It's annoying when corporations try to use the condition as a tool to further their bullshit arguments.

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I really appreciate how Valve saw the immense growth of the PC gaming market, during the COVID lockdowns, and decided to expand the reach further with the Steam Deck.

Yes they're capitalising on it, but in the best way since the product is revered as being rather good (and not half-arsed).

If I didn't have a gaming PC already, I'd consider it for sure.

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I'm just going to assume if she disappears, at any point, that she is in rehab for meth. Lots of meth.

Apparently, since 1959, the arrangement must entail "nine rows of stars staggered horizontally and eleven rows of stars staggered vertically."


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I like the idea of water in cans, this rivals one of own business ventures from a few years ago.

The issue I have with this is that this is clearly a profit based initiative, and I do not believe environmental benefits are really considered unless it adds to the profit.
Why do they not sell the cans at a reasonable price? Because it won't make them a billion dollars if they did this.

I just have my doubts that this has anything to do with doing any good for the planet, it's just expensive water that exists to fill pockets with money. Any benefit seems like a side effect.

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Damn here I thought something that makes sense, like me using cracked APKs, was affecting their profits. Good good.

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I know this may sound like a joke, but ChatGPT is sometimes nicer than real people.

I've not had a conversation, I wouldn't see the point at this moment, however I've had some friendly interactions when asking for help. The other day I asked ChatGPT what exercises would be good for a specific area of mental health. After the results, I said "thank you" and the response wasn't just 'youre welcome', it remembered the conversation and added things like, "no problem, I hope your mental health improves and all the best!" (Heavily paraphrasing here).

It's strange, though the premise of HER isn't too far off I think. If someone like myself is finding the interactions to be more pleasing than real life, the future may very well hold the possibility for advanced relationships with AI. I don't see it being too farfetched, just look at how far we've already come in only a few years.

I can't wait to see Nintendo's new underpowered console. I'm sure they won't completely miss the mark again.

1080p?! We're living in the future, guys!

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Does this mean playing competitive chess could prevent cancer??

This reads like a Mitch Hedberg quote.

"I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too."

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I'm still calling it Twitter. Always will.

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Shit like this is why I pirate.

They should hire me. I can come up with something twice as bad, for half as much!

Come on studios, it's only 7.5 mil...

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Lol how? No seriously, HOW exactly would AI 'wipe out humanity'???

All this fear mongering bollocks is laughable at this point, or it should be. Seriously there is no logical pathway to human extinction by using AI and these people need to put the comic books down.
The only risks AI pose are to traditional working patterns, which have been always exploited to further a numbers game between Billionaires (and their assets).

These people are not scared about losing their livelihoods, but losing the ability to control yours. Something that makes life easier and more efficient requiring less work? Time to crack out the whips I suppose?

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I literally only use Reddit for porn, and whilst Relay was working and still is, I get a warning that this isn't possible unless I use the official app, or the website... All my mobile usage from Reddit has pretty much disappeared.

They should have back tracked, but doubling down is a death sentence for me. They can keep having posts, but 99% of them are already reposts from other sites - Reddit as a whole may as well be a combined Facebook style echo chamber and Tik Tok archive, because these days it doesn't feel like it's much else.

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Moose are prey to Orca Whales.

Or the forced sterilisations of indigenous women... many of these things happening in recent years..

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Can't wait to try this about a year or two after it releases.

I'd release the game on all major platforms, but make it entirely using RPG Maker and MS Paint.

It's nothing surprising to me. This is what I assume Reddit was like before heavy moderation of subs many years ago, and what gets on the front page.

/r/trees used to be one of the most popular subreddits and used to frequently show up on /r/all (the 'frontpage' back then), followed by GoneWild communities iirc (at least that's how it felt like, I mean Spez was a moderator for Jailbait after all) I think Lemmy just doesn't hide it and so it's easier for people to click on and such.

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Use their TamperMonkey add-on, that seems to still work. I uninstalled the extension before enabling the TamperMonkey userscript. Firefox here.

I find this funny, since I used to hide drugs like mushrooms inside consoles. I figured it was the one place literally no one would think to look. Just unscrewed them, put a baggie inside in one of those empty spaces (there's always a spot), and put the case back together.

This is why I wear thongs. I pull them up to my nipples to assert dominance.

Been enjoying Lemmy, so I wanted to see how Threads is. "It's just going to seem like another instance, right?"
It's Facebook with another skin. The posts are pretty much all the same sort of posts memes take the piss out of. Literally feels just like Facebook... Going to stick to Lemmy, myself.

I just chose my real name.

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What are these sorts of games called? I used to love them and would like to find more. Like above view, characters just walking about going through doors solving mysteries but with funny dialogue?

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There is also a lung cancer vaccine made in Cuba, called CimaVax (I think).

There's some hurdles to getting it though, depending on where you are.

There's advantages to paying for video games, even single player such as cloud saves as one example. For multiplayer games you get online play with dedicated servers, rather than finding a workaround like LAN tunneling with pirated games.

You literally get nothing special from paying for porn.

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I say we should dress up in nice suits, and go door to door asking if people have heard of our great community haven, thanks to the Great Lemming who we keep forgetting the name of. Ramen.

Having lived in America for a few years, and been going there to visit family often otherwise, I have a different perspective to offer than the other comments: I don't have to be proud of the government to have deep respect and admiration for the people I've met.

America is a big place. I've been to around 38 or 39 States, most passing through, though the one thing that stood out is the perseverance of the people.
I think you all should be proud in your general strive for not accepting things that are obviously wrong to you. There are disagreements, but at least you guys legitimately make effort to make things right as you feel things should be.

There's uproar in the streets, yet it's evidence that people do not want to just sit around and do nothing. I've witnessed sincerely compassionate acts of kindness, in ways I'll never forget. I was homeless for a short while, in Arkansas, and there were people so fed up with the lack of government support, that they themselves just bought apartments, and converted them into soup kitchens where they could feed us. One man had a felony, he spent time in prison for being involved in someone else's demise, yet he did this and spoke his story, not to boast in any way but to hopefully inspire many of us to turn our lives around.

It's a shame the government situation is a bit muddled, although it is also a bit of a mess in the UK, though I just think you guys should be proud to be American in some ways, even if your government is trying to convince you otherwise with their dishonest policies.

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I'm with you. The trailer looks incredible and I am very eagerly anticipating the game.

The trailer showed a lot of things that would likely be a part of the GTA6 story, and for that it looks like the game is geared up to be something incredibly entertaining and FUN!

My only gripe is the PC version is likely to release after consoles :(

Call me crazy, though maybe they should have included the result of these updates with the launch of the game.

It's always going to be shitty for studios to release broken games, and expect people to be fine with playing buggy games until patches are released ever so slowly. Also the over reliance on DLC to fix unfinished games is also ridiculous.