10 Post – 106 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The group used “sophisticated computer scripts” and software to scour piracy services (including the Pirate Bay and Torrentz) for illegal copies of TV episodes, which they then downloaded and hosted on Jetflicks’ servers, according to federal prosecutors.

They probably used Sonarr and Radarr and called it a day (or similar off-the-shelf tools available on GitHub). It's not very sophisticated at all. That combined with Jellyfin and a VPN (or Usenet or a country that doesn't care about piracy) and you have your own up and running. You could also just use free sites with an ad blocker instead of paying $10/mo like the service this article is about charged.

Unrelated to all of this:

Original Twitter post

I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, "no. get out."

And the dude next to me says, "hey i'm not doing anything, i'm a paying customer." and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, "out. now." and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a punk uniform, I noticed

Anyway, asked what that was about and the bartender was like, "you didn't see his vest but it was all nazi shit. Iron crosses and stuff. You get to recognize them."

And i was like, ohok and he continues.

"you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don't want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too.

And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it's too late because they're entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down.

And i was like, 'oh damn.' and he said "yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people."

And then he went back to ignoring me. But I haven't forgotten that at all.

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For anyone who doesn't know, Moms for Liberty are honest to god Nazis. They made the news a while back for coughing loudly during a moment of silence for the Holocaust and they've repeatedly quoted Hitler.

Can't wait for them to try this, it flops, half the staff gets laid off, the CEO steps down with a golden parachute, the CEO trades places with the CEO of another tech company, that new CEO makes an even worse decision, another half of the staff gets laid off, the new CEO gets a raise, Microsoft buys both companies, Google makes a competing game studio that gets killed before their first game release, and Apple releases their first video game for $3000 that only runs on M2 and above.

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This seems to me like an exception that would realistically only apply to the CIA, NSA, and sometimes the FBI. I doubt the Department of Housing and Urban Development will get a pass. Overall seems like a good change in a good direction.

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Moving out of hell is cheaper said than done. Most Americans can't even afford an emergency $500 expense. Vacancy rates are near historical lows but housing costs are at all-time highs. Finding somewhere to live is hard, especially if you don't have middle or upper class income. Most of the people risking their lives by not moving don't have a choice.

I think it's an anti-joke referencing the go ahead fucking die bike lane meme

The entire time. Obligatory "what Hamas did on October 7th was horrendous," but if you look into the history of Israel's occupation of Palestinian land, it's pretty understandable (although not justified) why something like that happened. Israel has been the bad guy from its conception.

Israel has been particularly monstrous the past few months, but this is something it has been working towards for decades. Only recently has it felt willing and able to go this far without its allies pulling their support.

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This is the argument I see to defend use of the word and I've never understood it. Where I am (west coast-ish of the US), the word is used very specifically to mean autistic. If you ask someone not to say retard, they say autistic instead. If you ask them not to say autistic, they say special education. If not that, slow. If not that, someone who takes the short bus. Unambiguously the people here use the r slur as a slur against autistic people. They use it as an insult towards allistic people to degrade them as lesser. Same as calling a straight person the f slur. Maybe it's different in other parts of the country, but the r slur is absolutely used as a slur against autistic people where I am.

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Fwiw, Denuvo is actually really hard to crack. There's like one well-known person who is capable and she's incredibly unlikeable. Agreeable sentiment though; Denuvo sucks and harms legitimate consumers (arguably more than it inconveniences pirates).

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In the two years I've watched Vaush, every single time trans people have come up, he's been the first to defend us. Not to be a walking "wHaT aBoUt ThE cOnTeXt" stereotype, but using this (very) old clip to represent Vaush is super disingenuous.

To whomever is reading this: before you hate this guy, watch one recent video from his channel or tune in to one livestream. I think you'll find that he isn't remotely the person the clips paint him as. I'm not demanding that everyone like the guy, but at least form an opinion of him based on more than just the clips shown to you by someone who hates him. Here's a video from a week ago on his second channel covering trans politics in Germany (and then getting sidetracked over the German language). You'll find a very different person from the clip above.

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you ar(ul)e alone in this

in all seriousness, i dont mind. i think it was a rule on the subreddit that you had to have it in the title

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Hi, I'm one of the people who stopped playing when EAC (Easy Anti-Cheat) was introduced. I and most of my friends stopped playing for 6+ months. It genuinely became unusable for some of us between the time that EAC blocked modding and the time that most of the features that mods added were finally implemented into the game natively. The development speed and communication also shifted drastically since that event and it genuinely feels like a different team. We know what's going on behind the scenes now and get to actually have an input in upcoming features in a way that we didn't get to even just a year ago.

A lot of us have decided that these changes in development speed and communication are enough to warrant coming back. Those who disagree have left entirely for alternatives like ChilloutVR that explicitly allow modding. Things died down because the situation changed. The problems that were caused by the decision have for the most part been fixed. The people who still don't trust VRChat work on ChilloutVR now.

Also, VRChat has had a sizeable increase in its playerbase. People leaving the game was noticeable, but any lingering effects have been smoothed over. There are just a lot more people playing now.

tldr: yes, things have changed a lot. no, the people who were angry didn't "go back after a week" like some other comments suggest. a lot more people play this game now and the developers are more transparent with what they're working on. the problems that were caused by banning mods have mostly been addressed.

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what does this mean

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Harlivy. If my comfort gays gotta bust heads and crush legs, then by god they're busting heads and crushing legs. All of Gotham is experiencing an apocalypse because two insane girlypops slayed too hard? Sucks to be an innocent bystander I guess. Shouldn't have been in the way.

  • It's a lengthy process if you do it thoroughly
  • The stakes are high so taking your time to do things right is important
  • Trump's legal team has certainly been doing everything they can to delay everything they're able to

According to available information that I've come across, everything is processed on-device and encrypted and 25gb can store months of rewind data depending on how much and how you use your device. At that rate, a terabyte should store about a decade of history (I can't think of anything you would need to go that far back for though).

If security researchers don't find sussy behavior where Recall sends back some sort of data beyond basic telemetry, there's not really any higher of a privacy risk compared to using your computer as you currently do. Also you can disable it for certain applications and delete history when you want to (or disable the feature altogether). People are being really weird about this for reasons that have already been addressed.

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It's probably not a bluff. They've pretty much saturated the U.S. market; there's not much room left to grow here. It would make more sense to focus their efforts on growing in other regions where they have plenty of headroom to increase their userbase and monetization. Depending on how things play out, they could match their current revenue in a matter of years and still have room left to grow. There's also the potential to re-enter the U.S. market down the line. Why would they throw that all away and essentially create their own competitor by selling their core technology and diluting/confusing their brand with whatever U.S. company they sell to?

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YouTube makes money by showing ads on videos people watch. If they show people the videos they want to watch, they get to show more ads before someone stops watching YouTube for the day. This incentives YouTube to surface the videos that people will watch for the longest time with no regard for anything but their advertisers' willingness to have their ads played on said videos.

Also it's expensive to moderate a platform so big that one in three humans uses it.

For anyone wondering, their account was created two days ago and half of their handful of comments are like this. That person is baiting. Just report, block, and move on.

Why not use a reverse proxy to keep everything on port 443 behind your own domain or duckdns? /gen

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You should be getting some bitches maxing instead of grammar police maxing /lh

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Most places in the world recognize two genders and their respective social roles: men and women. Some places recognize a third gender and its respective social and/or ceremonial role. This is the case for (some) North American Indigenous people, and two-spirit is a catch-all term to refer to a third gender role that they recognize.

It's hard to map onto the more standard two gender system that most of us are familiar with. When you think of men as the breadwinners and women as the child bearers, some cultures think of an additional distinct third gender with a designated social/ceremonial role.

But as you might have thought while reading that, men being the breadwinners and women being the child bearers is already a fairly outdated view of gender and social roles. Turns out social constructs are messier than they seem when you start to really analyze them and attempt to strictly define them.

TLDR: two-spirit is a catch-all term for a type of queer identity recognized by some North American Indigenous cultures.

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You could also imagine a malicious actor phoning home to that API to drive up "installs" for a game and make a small studio or individual deal with massive fees. If a company is making these kinds of changes against the better judgement of their user base AND their internal analysis (lots of stock was sold two weeks ago), I'm doubtful they even care to properly deal with those kinds of problems.

When I installed Nobara Linux on my younger sister's old hand-me-down laptop, I spent more time trying to get the WiFi card working then I did installing the new SSD and operating system. And this is a distro focused on making Linux more "works out of the box" than Fedora (which it's based on). This isn't something she would have been able to figure out on her own. I switched the laptop from Windows 10 because of how slow it was, but slow is better than no Internet if you aren't a tech nerd who can figure out what random ass commands to run to finally get WiFi working.

Yes, but to block fake news you need the max setting, which also blocks social media

If you'd prefer, of course, you could block social media without blocking fake news, because priorities

Radar and Sonarr are tools to track movies and TV shows respectively. You can add a movie/show to track, tell it the quality you want it in, and set up Prowlarr or Jackett to give Son/Radarr the access to the torrent trackers it needs. You can also use Usenet but I have no experience there.

It will search those torrent trackers for releases matching your movies/shows in the quality and language you set for them and send the downloads to the torrent client you set up. When the client finishes downloading, Son/Radarr copies (or hardlinks) the files to your library folders.

If Son/Radarr is tracking a show that you currently have downloaded in 480p, but the quality profile allows upgrades up to 1080p, it will search for 720p and 1080p releases and pick the best match it can find. When the torrent client finishes downloading it, Son/Radarr will automatically replace the 480p release with the 1080p release it just downloaded.

i lost the remote and cant change back to the default channel

I'm not sure if the piracy megathread or FMHY megathread cover the *arr stack specifically, but they have lots of information so I'm recommending them broadly for anyone wanting to ingest information about piracy.

Regarding what the arr stack even is:

Tldr, you set up a list of public and/or private trackers in Prowlarr or Jackett. In Radarr and Sonnar you set up movies and shows respectively that you want to keep track of. Rad/Sonarr check those trackers for releases for your tracked media matching criteria (like resolution, size, language, etc).

When it finds a matching release, it sends the torrent file or magnet link to your torrent client to download. When it finishes, Rad/Sonarr hardlink or copy the file to a library location and organize/name them according to rules you set.

You can point Jellyfin or Plex to that library location and all the media will be organized so it can easily figure out what media is there and grab metadata for it (cover images, description, ratings, etc). Then you can watch that media through Jellyfin/Plex or an app that plugs into them.

The *arrs also work with usenet if you'd prefer that over or in addition to torrenting with a vpn.

Obligatory Jellyfin > Plex recommendation and TRaSH-Guides plug

Jellyfin is a completely self-hosted Plex alternative that works really well. Plex has been around longer and thus has more dedicated apps, but Jellyfin can't ever disable your account or block the server you pay to run it on .

I've been using Jellyfin for over a year and have no complaints.

In this case, those hyphens should be em dashes (a great punctuation mark).

Use them when trying to split up a sentence — like when you need to inject information that breaks the sentence flow — without splitting it into multiple sentences. They're like parentheses that emphasize their information instead of quietly setting it to the side.

On Windows, the alt code is 0151. On Android (and iOS?), just hold down on the hyphen key and choose the longest option. No clue how to get it on macOS.

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About two weeks ago I thought about this in regards to google podcasts.

"Well this one will probably stick around long enough that I'll have moved on by the time google shuts it down. They don't even host the episodes anyway. They source the metadata and audio files from elsewhere. All they really host is my listening history, queue, and subscriptions. Certainly this is less likely to get the axe anytime soon."

*two weeks later*

It really does suck though. I genuinely like the google podcasts app/website. Best one I've found so far that works how I like my apps/services to work.

It's not overpopulation. We are seeing the results of late stage capitalism coming into effect. When you design the economy around an owning class vs a working class, the owning class will use its inherent leverage and capital to beget more leverage and capital. That happens at the expense of the working class. If your income mainly comes from working for money, you are part of the working class.

The obvious solution here is to change the economic structure to not have an owning class at all or at least to keep it in check, but liberalism is not good at keeping it in check and leftism doesn't have the momentum needed to change the world economic structure. Right now all we can do is make progress where we can, which means passing legislation that taxes and weakens the owning class in favor of supporting and empowering the working class through social programs and better pay and benefits. Unions will help you a TON here and more quickly than legislation, so look into joining/forming a union. Biden has changed the requirements for forming a union to make it really easy now. The other thing we can do is prevent fascists from tearing apart the systems we've built to allow that to even happen in the first place. That means not voting for or supporting right-wing politics.

None of this is caused by overpopulation, and the myth that overpopulation is the main source of your problems directly benefits the owning class who is currently winning the zero-sum dynamic of owning vs working class. That dynamic is the reason things are bad and worsening. Join a union and vote for the most progressive viable candidate in both local and federal elections.

thiws is incwedibewl nuwus aftew heawiwng he wuz in da hawspidal D:


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Also don't defund the program like Portugal did. The conservatives there didn't like that decriminalizing drug possession for personal use actually works, so they immediately worked to cut funding to the program by like 80% and surprise surprise the program stopped being as effective as it was at the start. Essentially every piece of data we have on Tough on Crime™ politics shows that the approach doesn't work. If you want people to stop using drugs, make it easy for them to do so without fear of being arrested/imprisoned.

This and the promise that your ad on the outside could go viral on social media. Not sure how long that can keep up until people are tired of the sphere ads, but you know the project owners are hoping it's later rather than sooner.

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We used the 100 AI and 100 human White faces (half male, half female) from Nightingale and Farid. The AI faces were generated using StyleGAN2. The human faces were selected from the Flickr-Faces-HQ Dataset to match each of the AI faces as closely as possible (e.g., same gender, posture, and expression). All stimuli had blurred or mostly plain backgrounds, and AI faces were screened to ensure they had no obvious rendering artifacts (e.g., no extra faces in background). Screening for artifacts mimics how real-world users screen AI faces, either as scientists or for public use, and therefore captures the type and range of stimuli that appear online. Participants were asked to resize their screen so that stimuli had a visual angle of 12° wide × 12° high at ~50 cm viewing distance.

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This was one of the discussion board questions we could choose from to answer this week:

  1. Examine the Galactican superrational counterexample. Would superrational beings be justified in treating us as we treat animals, even eating us.