Canada to start airdropping aid into Gaza within days to World – 195 points –

The Canadian government will begin airdropping aid into Gaza within the next week, a government source tells CBC News.


Well once that starts happening I can say there's something Canada's walking the walk on ahead of the US.

Might lose us the election to the conservatives. The conservative government is still calling to aid Israel and stop "helping hamas".

I doubt it, we're very Isreal oriented but there is still a discussion on the ethics of the IDF among folks... even with our media being absolutely disgraceful in their reporting.

Do what's right and then figure out how to spin it. Though this really shouldn't need much spin, a relatively small % of the population are against things like aid, even if they support Israel.

Seriously? Wtf. I really wish I understood the mentality behind some of these parties.

Isn't the airspace under Israeli control?

If they can drop whatever they like without israel controlling it then they should force israel to just drive it in. This is so backwards.

Just so it can be hoarded by organizations?

Fuck off.

We've seen this before... literally 4 months ago.

People are starving and Isreal is blocking humanitarian aide. If only a quarter of this aide gets to civilians it'll be worth it.

I don't disagree, but others have tried to assist with aid and it has just been kept in stockpiles, not even making it to the people.

It's just so exhausting.

Source? It’s not even making it past the border.

The most recent reporting is from NBC. Don't assume I support this insanity, saying it's not getting past the border already shows me you're unfamiliar with the geography.

No, the Israeli's are very familiar with the territory.

Please don't take my arrogance as taking a side. Most Israeli's do not support this and are doing what they can to remove Netanyahu from power.

World politics are in a really fucked up place right now, there around a handful of additional genocides as we speak/type (Uyghers, Manipur, Syria, Armenians, and Ukraine) all while the Nazi party has fully established in Italy to further the pursuit of Mussolini's goals???

World powers are demonstrating how much they really don't care about any of us - but what options are available to us when we've empowered governments with a massive supply of bodies to fulfill their game of chess?

Instead of watching the kids fight on the playground, read the political room.