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Joined 12 months ago

Almost like torture is a really good tool for getting people to talk, and a very bad tool for getting them to tell the truth.

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While its likely true that the wing panel was both non-critical and secure, I'd be much more worried that if they missed something like that, that they could have missed any number of other things as well. Isn't there supposed to be some sort of check-list run?

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He wants the resources being spent on graphics to be redirected to engineers and game designers. There is a reasonable top end budget to put towards any given game, so it is at least mostly 0 sum.

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I can't answer what Bombadil is in the lore of LOTR, he seems to be unique in terms of entities we are shown. But I can tell you what he is at a meta level. You see, LOTR was first told as stories to Tolkiens kids, which you probably already knew, which you may not have known, is that Bombadil was a recurring character in previous stories he had told his children. So at a meta level, Bombadil is just a fun callback to a previous character for his kids to have enjoyed.

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Theres only one way to end a lifetime appointment, so they should worry if it gets too low.

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They do hate them, but generally conservatives believe in personal failings so do direct action against individuals, liberals believe in systemic failings so direct their effort towards changing the system, not the individuals.

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Wearing socks two days in a row is insane behaviour. Depending on the day, I might go through multiple pairs.

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Google continues to push blatant scams with their ads and wonders why people run adblockers.

Early trends for Millenials and young Gen X has them not getting more conservative as they are aging, or at least substantially less so than older generations.

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I'll admit to not being the most knowledgeable person on internal Israeli politics, but my understanding is hes been holding onto power for a while through a combination of coalitions and judge nonsense. Even then, if he represented the views of 51% of Israeli's that would still be a lot of people who's views don't align with his.

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He is, however, still alive despite being in hospice for months.

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They have been pushing adblock detecting technologies in some regions. I'm preparing for having to stop using Youtube when they roll it out here.

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Its not clear that training on copyrighted material is in breach of copyright. It is clear that regurgitating copyrighted material is in breach of copyright.

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If everything is being perfectly simulated, most things would still be unethical.

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basically no symptom of ADHD is exclusive to ADHD. But as a rule, executive dysfunction as described here will happen much more frequently and for much more mundane tasks for people with ADHD when compared to people without.

Do.. do they understand that sociology is at best tangentially connected to socialism?

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Either fat chance means the opposite of what you think it means, or I don't understand your post.

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Adblock detection has literally already been ruled on though (it needs consent). I'm sure there are nuances above my understanding, but it's not that simple.

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No it's not.

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You aren't going to hit that tolerance consistently on an assembly line no matter how much you pay. Can be done by a skilled machinist, but there are too many dynamical variables in an assembly line environment, like the previously mentioned thermal expansion.

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EVs are much better for the environment than ICE vehicles. Mass transportation is much better still.

Show me the methodology because that's basically saying 100% of adult male deaths are Hamas soldiers. Smells like bullshit to me. I'd bet the number is closer to 1k than 10k.

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Its pretty simple: Their businesses were built when it was cheap to borrow money. The pandemic caused large inflation. In response feds all around the world have greatly increased prime interest rates. Now their 'run large deficits to expand' business model is more expensive and they need to compete against increasingly valuable bonds as a competing source of investment. All of this means they need to aggressively chase improved profitability.

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Youtubes copyright system isn't really the 'problem', the copyright laws are. Youtube gets yelled at by both sides at the same time and generally takes a reasonable middle man position. It's not youtubes job to arbitrate who owns what.

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So, they are likely very poorly managed but, R&D is a common slushfund to keep your profit negative so you don't have to pay taxes.

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Science tells us how to achieve objectives, democracy what our objectives should be. (obviously this doesn't always work perfectly in practice).

2 more... this video is probably not the best source, but it outlines the fundamental issue, which is mostly that people don't expect lemonade to be caffeinated and the labeling for it, although present, doesn't highlight it at all.

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This is like saying they discovered how to pick a lock so deserve everything in whats locked by it.

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/s is a very old internet thing, not a reddit thing. It can be hard to discern jokes on the internet because we don't know you and we can't hear your tone.

How rich you are on 100k really depends on where you live.

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Not my cat, but a family friend's. The cat would go nuts for olives. One of them liked having olives on their pizza, and the cat would eat their way through unattended pizza boxes to get to the olives on the top of the pizza.

The conviction rate is 99.3%. By only stating this high conviction rate it is often misunderstood as too high—however, this high conviction rate drops significantly when accounting for the fact that Japanese prosecutors drop roughly half the cases they are given. If measured in the same way, the United States' federal conviction rate would be 99.8%.[14][15][16]

From wikipedia.

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You are thinking way too small about what can be done with that amount of data on you. I'll give you an example. I once did some programming work for a website. The website got 'hacked' (An administrative admin had their password guessed because they weren't using good password habits). This website had poor security and with the admins password the 'hacker' was able to get a DB dump. Bad stuff. So me and another guy set out trying to identify who had done it. Via server logs we were pretty sure we had correctly tied the 'hacker' to a user of the site. By looking at their activity on the site, and what referral links they had followed to get to the site previous, we learned where they approximately lived and their first name. But we knew we needed more info than that, so we looked at his hobbies and figured out he liked pokemon quite a lot. We then created a 'what pokemon are you' quiz, asking mostly unimportant questions, but throwing in a couple we needed in order to be able to report him to his local authorities (IE their last name and some other info I can't remember off the top of my head). We then had this quiz get posted by an account not associated with the running of the site. the 'hacker' filled it out, and we reported him for breaking the law with our evidence to his local authorities.

So to reiterate, 2 idiots with no background in data science and like 16 hour between us, were able to manipulate an arbitrary guy into doing what we wanted because of a relatively small amount of data. Now Imagine what people dedicating their lives to this stuff can do to you.

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He's not criminally responsible as the person that was holding the gun. There is a huge argument for him being responsible as one of the producers that was cutting corners on production costs.

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Also works both ways making it even worse. Actually catch someone saying something abhorrent on a hot mic? It was AI, I swear.

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Fox news' reporters have always been reasonable, maybe on the low end of reasonable, but reasonable. The thing that makes Fox as a network awful is their opinion people, and how much they blur the line between their opinion people and their reporters.

Unless this is a very explicit part of your relationship, just don't.

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This is one of those laws where I fundamentally disagree with the state having the power to make laws like this because the power will be misused, but in this instance, I actually think the law seems fine? Its not just exposing actual luxurious lifestyles like you imply, its also people going into debt to fake a higher level of lifestyle than they actually live, and this self perpetuates through social media like a virus.

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I've always heard it called a training montage.