7 Post – 767 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I'm not saying you're wrong

I think I have a different opinion on "retro" 😂

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Chrono cross had a PC port?!

I'm speaking my age but in my head retro is frozen in time to be anything prior to the year 2000 😂. That's just my opinion

I picked this up on gog a bit ago. I have yet to start it.

Shakes fists violently at >400 hours into elden ring

TIL, thanks!

In my experience, security people are not very good lol. Last 2 teams I interacted with blew my mind on what they deemed ok and not. Like contradictory kind of things.

It will sneak back on. Linux is the only answer.

Windows is the only operating system that is actively working against you these days. Sneaks in shit settings. Renenables disabled settings. Spies on you. Requires convoluted registry ha ks to stop some of the bullshit. And you always gotta be in too of it.

No thanks, not for me.

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The EU is awesome.

Ugh. The browser then!

"Hey, you should try using Microsoft edge! CLICK THERE TO TRY and here to not. Are you sure? Really? Last chance. Ok, for now. "

Easy. Because MRR.

(Monthly recurring revenue, EG subscription)

Everything must be recurring! That's the trend of the century.

I chalk it up to lazy rushed development. Good code is art.

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I always thought it was warez as in "wears". My understanding is it was short for "softwares" or something. Take the end, add a dash of 1337sp34k and you get warez.

Maybe I'm wrong.

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But there are lots of shortcuts now. Asset packs and coding environments that come bundled with all kinds of things you don't need. People import packages that consume a lot of space to use one tiny piece of it.

To be clear, I'm not talking about videos and images. You'd have these either way.

I've been using next loud with my Nas for years. I sync things to it. Linux Windows Mac, doesn't matter. Even my phone.

Maybe I really do have ADHD. I Align with these graphs lol.

Did Microsoft just pull a Google on a Google product? Mind blowing.

Quit. Using. Twitter.

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Trickle down never worked, this is end game capitalism, something else needs to be added to this mix to fix this mess.

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I would eat up a single player story driven fps no problem.

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Windows users should be outraged.

We're at a point where a company makes an operating system used by a majority of the population while they force you to use your personal online account to log in, and they record everything you do on screen and collect an obscene amount of other information about you.

Picture MS getting breached in a couple years. What would that look like for you, the individual? Do you really trust all these screenshots are also locally stored? I doubt it. If they are today, do you trust they always will be?

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This is why I support Linux and open source stuff whenever I can. Always used Firefox. Linux on the server and desktop. Doesn't work for everyone but it's the last free open thing we've got. What's been great about Linux is now that basically everything is a Web app Linux is the perfect OS. But now we are dealing with bullshit browser wars. Uhg. Firefox will be the Linux if browsers in no time.

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Time to move to jellyfin I guess.

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still using Firefox and ublock and all seems fine to me

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At this point manufacturers should just be giving me the vehicle for free.

Didn't this get purchased by some conglomerate recently? I know there was a reason I held it back from updates.


Ah yes, it's in the article of course:

"If you haven’t heard from nova in a while, it could be because they were in the news over a year ago when analytics company Branch acquired the brand from its creators Kevin Barry and Cliff Wade."

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Time to move to jellyfin I guess

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At this point Microsoft should just be buying me the computer since they make all their money on collecting my data

What could go wrong?

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It won't become the norm, it is the norm. Security is incredibly hard and nothing is truly secure. If someone wants in badly enough they'll get in.

Keep your sensitive data in house, encrypt and back it up off site.

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Ya because they already know that they're stupid.

I hope this does something but I know it won't lol.

Maybe they can take a page out of elons playbook and rename threads to something like "Z"?

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Not sure what to make of this

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For OP and anyone into this thread - If it's not on lemmy already, there was a dedicated subreddit for this called EDC (every day carry).

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"Earlier this week, Reddit disclosed in a corporate filing that CEO Steve Hoffman sold 500,000 shares, and Reddit COO Jennifer Wong also disclosed that she sold 514,000 shares."

Third bullet point. Nuff said.

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Ok that makes sense. I don't like this.

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"end-to-end" 😉

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And this is why I never bought an oculus. I don't trust that dirt bag company.

Announcing: Raspberry pi recall