IDF Let Israeli Civilians Film Torture of Palestinian Detainees: Report to World – 169 points –
IDF Let Israeli Civilians Film Torture of Palestinian Detainees: Report

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It's funny, everything in the article was verifiably true but because pro-Zionists criticize the source it got removed. Robert Fisk must be rolling in his grave.

"It's our job (as journalists) to challenge the centers of power, and to describe with our own vividness the tragedies and injustice and viciousness of the world, and to try and name the bad guys," Fisk says in an interview in San Francisco. "American journalists won't say what I can say. I think the New York Times should be called, 'American officials say.' At least, you'd know what you were reading. If journalism is about writing (stories) that look like government reports, then I'll go and do gardening or something."

Well this was a strange way to find out Fisk died. And in 2020. I’ve ended up in a bubble I don't like.

I saw him speak in Vancouver a-month before he died. I thought he had quite a few years left. It's really very tragic.