Palestinian Boy In Photos That Showed Reality Of Gaza Famine Dies Of Malnourishment to World – 316 points –
Palestinian Boy In Photos That Showed Reality Of Gaza Famine Dies Of Malnourishment

Remember fellow americans, vote uncommitted if you're gonna vote in the primaries. The recent push for a ceasefire and sending of aid is a direct result of uncommitted voters. Keep it up until he stops going above and beyond to assist in Israel's genocide. As liberals love saying, vote your conscience in the primaries, vote blue in the generals

I believe it's called Uncommitted in a few states.

Just voted “No Preference.” Was disappointed I couldn’t support a genocide. /s

My state doesn't let me vote unaffiliated. It doesn't even let me leave it blank or write someone in. So I guess I'm voting for Dean Philips in the primary. 2024 is getting weird.

Mine didn't either, I just voted for a candidate who's a lot less shitty as far as Israel is concerned. Tbh anyone other than Biden sends a message, but the main movement rn is to vote uncommitted to protest Biden's support of Israel's genocide

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This is how Hezbollah, Da'esh, Al Qiaeda, Taliban happen.

I have so many words and they all fail. We are devolving.