
14 Post – 448 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

A Jewish man with a family full of holocaust victims says we should try to not support genocide and gets brutally shut down. That's some fun irony

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Remember fellow americans, vote uncommitted if you're gonna vote in the primaries. The recent push for a ceasefire and sending of aid is a direct result of uncommitted voters. Keep it up until he stops going above and beyond to assist in Israel's genocide. As liberals love saying, vote your conscience in the primaries, vote blue in the generals

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ITT a bunch of people who have never read an ounce of sci fi (or got entirely the wrong message and think law being enforced by robots is a good thing)

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This sounds like massive out of context spoilers, is it?

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Jeans memes are funny, I just hate that 90% of the ones I've seen have been no effort AI slop. I'd so much rather see a shitty ms paint edit than an AI image for so many reasons, not the least of which is that it's just funnier seeing denim texture haphazardly pasted onto stuff than seeing an AI try to do it well

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I'm editing over my old comment and deleting my replies bc it was me assuming op was a tankie and being an asshole to them about it. It's a good meme, I'm just a lot more sensitive to tankie looking stuff on a place like lemmy, and this isn't an excuse but I've been in a pretty shit place mentally and looking for fights where there shouldn't be any. I'm really sorry op, you didn't deserve any of the shit I originally said to you, I hope you have a good day :3

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Remember everyone, corporations aren't at fault for climate change, it's YOUR fault for living in a country that requires driving a car where everything is made of plastic and powered by coal! Shame!!!

/s, fuck off with the blatant propaganda that is your "carbon footprint". You should support more sustainable stuff when you can, literally nobody is claiming otherwise (besides oil and car companies). But your carbon footprint is a molecule of water in the pacific ocean. Plus oil and car companies have been specifically trying to make other options less accessible. Fuck off if you think that climate change is caused by people and not corporations

Shut the fuck up you old hag, you and your party got him elected by running ads supporting him and fucking Bernie in the primaries. Why can't she just fucking die already

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Has it seriously not occurred to zionists that there's a middle step between doing absolutely nothing and leveling the entire building? Send troops in there to liberate the hospital. A lot fewer innocents will die, and yea more IDF troops will die that way, but in what fucking universe is it preferable to murder civilians than to run a risky military operation? Even if Hamas kills a bunch of patients or doctors in retaliation there will surely be more survivors than if you just bomb the place. But nope, apparently Israeli lives are worth infinitely more than those of Palestinian civilians, so the best solution is to murder all Palestinians so they're not a "threat" to Israel

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Not paint, literally orange corn flour that'll wash off with the first rain. Stop spreading disinformation for big oil pls. Idk why they went for this instead of classical art, but acting like this is some terrible evil crime is exactly what oil companies want you to think, they want you to root against people protesting climate change, no matter how tiny their vandalism is in the grand scheme of things

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Can we really not leave his "ironic" pro-landlord bullshit on reddit? They don't give a fuck about you, they will never want anything for you other than paying your rent, you'll never be one unless you've already got really good money. "jokingly" jerking them off isn't gonna change any of that

Istg if I see the word rentoid on here regularly I'm chucking my phone in a river

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Why the fuck are liberals still doing this shit? Was getting trump elected not enough of a sign that it's stupid and doesn't work??

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Nothing more antisemitic than a jew calling for an end to a genocide

Yep, it's Hamas's fault that Israel is committing genocide and stealing their land, definitely wasn't happening before. Go fuck yourself zionist bitch 💖

Hell yea do some wild ass whataboutism to distract from Israel's crimes 😎

Just curious, is making fun of AI stuff allowed? I posted this a while ago making fun of how blatantly bad it is, is stuff like that cool?

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I'm really happy that to some degree the world is now willing to call out Israeli genocide and listen to Palestinians 💖 I hope something good comes out of it and isn't just squashed by biden and bibi. Inb4 a bunch of shitlibs come in to accuse the people speaking up of being russian plants who want to sabotage biden by asking him to do less genocide (it only took two hours, I wish I was surprised 🤷🏼)

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Kid named ethnic cleansing:

This is a common tankie talking point. NATO has some Nazis in it, and it largely exists to oppose Russian imperialism, therefore Russia must be good and justified in its attacks on NATO and countries looking to join. Similar justification for the invasion of Ukraine. Ukraine has some Nazis in it, therefore conquest and genocide are necessary and good. Plus I peeked OP's profile and they are very much a tankie

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The alternative is no genocide. Should we just not ask biden to stop supporting (edited for typo) it bc it might mess up his numbers?

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Are you a tankie or do you just think it's cool and edgy having takes as immature as "government bad therefore they deserve it"

"some of them celebrated an attack on their occupier's biggest ally, therefore they all deserve death" that's some literal fascist shit right there. Fuck 9/11 but you sound exactly like a bush era republican excited to go to EyeRack and kill some r*gheads

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I'm pretty sure they're being sarcastic, "(terrible thing) didn't happen but happen but if it did (whatever group) deserved it" is a joke I see a lot about genocide deniers and their (lack of) logic

Fun fact, they actually have no duty whatsoever to protect people :D

"In the 1981 case Warren v. District of Columbia, the D.C. Court of Appeals held that police have a general "public duty," but that "no specific legal duty exists" unless there is a special relationship between an officer and an individual, such as a person in custody.

The U.S. Supreme Court has also ruled that police have no specific obligation to protect. In its 1989 decision in DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services, the justices ruled that a social services department had no duty to protect a young boy from his abusive father. In 2005'sCastle Rock v. Gonzales, a woman sued the police for failing to protect her from her husband after he violated a restraining order and abducted and killed their three children. Justices said the police had no such duty. "


There's also of course the case with the Uvalde school shooting where not only did cops wait outside for hours as students were being picked off, but prevented parents from going in to try to get their kids out.


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You're exactly why this post exists and you refuse to see it

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Supernatural. Imo season 5 was a great ending and a nice bittersweet way to end the series, instead they just kept going and the plot got too convoluted and I stopped caring. Might rewatch at some point, but idk if I'll watch past season 5

What did poa.st do? All I know is that fashy HAL guy in the comments thinks the head mod is cringe and stupid and that seems like a good quality. Lots of very specific rules against cp tho which is a big red flag

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Voting is literally the absolute bare minimum you can do to make sure fascists aren't in power. I hate democrats as much as the next guy, I just don't vote for them when they're not running against literal fascists, but a lot of republicans pretty much are just fascists waiting for the chance to take people's rights and lock up dissenters and minorities. Keeping them from fucking things up is one of the most important things you can do.

And think about this: if your vote was meaningless, why would republicans fight tooth and nail to make it harder to vote? Your average American likes republicans a lot less than democrats and would vote for a democrat, especially among less privileged demographics. Republicans have been working for decades to prevent these people from voting, and tried to make it more of a pain in the ass for everyone else, with some voters even going so far as to set up with guns outside polling stations sometimes. Your vote absolutely counts, and the more people realize that the truer it will be.

If you're not gonna vote, either do something more useful like protest or do work for your community or don't complain when republicans win and make your life worse. You can do a mail in ballot or vote early, it takes almost no effort to do. I wouldn't have voted for biden in 2020 if it weren't so easy to vote, between covid and how little I like him I was just gonna stay at home.

I think the only hope for the US and the world to not get completely fucked by war, oppression, and climate change is to vote for democrats, even ones who have done some shitty things, when they run against politicians whose main goal is to bring more war and oppression and climate change. As fucked up as the two party system is, it's what we're stuck with for now, and the only two paths towards reforming it are keeping the far right out of office, or a revolution that would kill at least thousands and maybe make things worse. I don't think things are hopeless enough yet, for the country or the environment, for the latter to be a good idea. That stays the case unless we get 8+ years of DeSantis or Trump or RFK or anyone similarly fashy with republicans in control of everything

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Who is doing that? Who is saying it's justifiable for Hamas to use a hospital as a base? The only thing remotely close to that I've seen is people saying that a group like Hamas is an inevitable byproduct of Israeli occupation. Everyone knows putting a garrison in a hospital is shit, what's disturbing is how many people think that justifies murdering every civilian in there

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Pick me !!! Pick me!!!! Hey I'm one of the good transes pick me!!!!!

If you didn't see the shit in that comments you weren't looking hard enough. Op openly admitting their abusive tendencies and lots of people saying that's OK, that trying to make a trans partner feel dysphoric is just a"preference ". Fuck off with your internalized transphobia, assuming you even are trans and not just some 14 yo 4chan edgelord who wants to own the transes or whatever

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Idk, "new, progressive capitalism" just sounds like a fancy term for neoliberalism

Uh oh, guess that means there's no choice but to level the entire place and kill every civilian in there :(

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No you don't understand, the machine works exactly like a human brain! That makes stealing the work of others completely justifiable and not even really theft!

/s, bc apparently this community has a bunch of dumbass tech bros that genuinely think this

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These are some super disappointing comments :c I would've thought a more lefty community would understand what protests are about. But nah apparently if you fighting for your rights ever interferes their lives, you and your cause are bad and you should feel bad

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People care about thought crimes, but not thought virtues. People often judge themselves and others unnecessarily harshly for having impure thoughts, but never praise others for wanting to do good things but not doing them/not being able to. Doesn't seem very fair to me, it sucks how easy it is to latch on to bad thoughts and ideas, even when never acted upon. It's a thing I've struggled with ever since I started being more self aware of my flaws, and this thought makes it a little easier to not give so much weight to my shitty thoughts

Not a slur, you're thinking of mudblood

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Yep, it's their fault for living in a food desert and not the fault of the corporations that made it a food dessert 👍👍👍

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Idk I can't remember anyone in Harry Potter using it as a straight up slur, the worst I can think of is some people use it in a rude way like "The Blacks" or "The Gays". I haven't read them in a long time tho, I just remember mudblood being a slur and muggle being the accepted term, even by muggleborn magic users

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Yep, nothing is wrong, absolutely nothing to be fucking terrified about in the future! It's all in your head, just touch some grass and you'll stop worrying about trump winning or the environment getting irreparably fucked (: