Fudoshin οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@Fudoshin οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ@feddit.uk
15 Post – 305 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

Careful. I bite. Rampantly homosexual. Massively depressed. Don't take what I say too seriously, I'm probably having a wind up.

I fucking love the EU. I wish we were still in it. 😞

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Sounds like the average lemmy.ml user. Very quick to criticise the west. Completely 'objective' when discussing China.

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Peer pressure. Kids at school get the new greatest phone and tell their parents. Parents feel compelled to get it for their kids.

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Dunno about anyone else but personally: I don't care because I can't afford food each month. Worrying where your next meal comes from focusing your mind somewhat.

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He's probably worried that if he gives in then US Tesla workers will unionise.

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Didn't even think of it as a possibility. WTF would a browser need with LLM?

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Here's the classic:

There's loads of photos if you search images for "reddit meetup". A sea of autistic, social outcasts with BO. It's kinda sweet πŸ₯²

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Section 28 in the UK which banned the "promotion" of homosexuality in schools fucked up a lot of kids in the 90s including me. Thankfully it was repealed.

Don't let America go that route. You'll cause more harm by restricting discussion of sexuality.

As a young teen I thought my attraction to my classmates meant I was a paedophile. It resulted in me cutting, burning and hitting myself whenever I wanked to anything gay as a form of 'DIY conversation therapy'.

I still have the scars at 40 and I only properly came out as gay at 38 after years of self hate.

All I would have needed is a person in authority like a teacher or parent to say "same sex attraction is normal" or "fancying your same sex mates doesn't make you a pedo - you may just be gay".

I know it sounds fucking dumb to hear as an adult but as a confused, angsty, pubescent teen who grew up pre-internet* it made sense that I was perverted, evil and broken.

*The internet doesn't necessarily make it easier for teens to confirm themselves. They could just as easily fall into the same mindset as me due to misinformation rather than ignorance.


That one word has done a fuck ton of lifting over my career.

"Can't you just make it do this"

I can't "just" do anything you fuck head! It takes time and lots of effort!

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For a "winner" he's doing a lot of losing

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He's got a kid called MySQL?

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  • Radza (make RockPi)
  • Pine64
  • FriendlyARM (NanoPi)
  • Orange Pi
  • SinoVOIP (Banana Pi)
  • HardKernel (Odroid)
  • LicheePi (for RISC-V lovers)
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  • Directly: They lobby governments and their size means they can be more powerful than the governments they're trying to influence. Do you think the lobbying is for the benefit of society?
  • Indirectly: monopolies and other predatorycorporate behaviour like data selling and privacy erosion.
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Interesting idea but I would utterly hate a person like me.

The old saying about "you hate in others what reminds you of yourself" feels like it was written for me!

I really need someone to contrast my personality. I'd kick clone out within minutes.

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I think I sound reasonable talking. On recordings I sound like the gayest, campest homo in the fucking universe.

Even though I'm gay it's still cringe af.

It's fucking hilarious to think I went years denying being gay but when I listen to my voice it's like "WTF - it's SO fuckign obvious!"

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Her planes transponder is public information.

You would get bored far more often. You'd probably replace YouTube with watching TV.

If you didn't watch TV then you'd try new things more often to fix your boredom. You'd probably read more. You may even exercise more simply to quell boredom.

I read an article a while back that suggested people are experiencing less "profound boredom" which while uncomfortable unlocks creativity.

*Speaking as a millennial who didn't have the internet in their first 16yrs of life. Now unemployed and spend 16hrs per day on Lemmy/Reddit/Discord.

Mash into a thick paste and smooth over wholewheat bread with a dash of salt.

I'm suspicious. What's the endgame? Why are you being nice?

You can NOT have my organs!

Rule 5 (β€œNo baiting or sealioning or promoting an agenda”)

That has the problem of blocking genuinely stupid questions that could be used to educate away ignorance. Instead the only people willing to answer their questions are nut jobs with an agenda. E.g.

Do black people sun burn?

Would get downvoted for being racist cos everyone must know the answer to this (I don't)

Where does the 'Jewish conspiracy' originate from?

Everyone would assume you're antisemitic instead of educating you on conspiracies by Nazis and Russian slike The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. But you know who does answer? Those conspiracy theorists who are more than happy to give you (wrong) answers!

Do women get horny?

Everyone assumes an 'incel agenda' cos it's OBVIOUS what the answer is. No it's some poor 13yo kid who's unsure about things so they asked. But you know who does answer (wrongly) those questions liberally? Andrew Tate is FULL of answers and sends them down a very dangerous rabbit hole.

I can't help feeling a lot of the modern shift towards alt-right bollocks is an almost elitist attitude that everyone has an agenda and there's no such thing as ignorance anymore. I'm sure that was QAnons next level goal. Sow distrust in people so they refuse to answer questions (downvote, shutdown, ignore) while providing (wrong) answers to people themselves.

As I've gotten older I've come to realise Hanlons Razor covers SO much more than people realise.

Stop assuming malicious "agendas" behind everything. At the least don't downvote things. At best answer people genuinely.

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Maybe the ones that ping on "gaydar"?

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This has to be the most Nordic title I've ever read.

Now this has excellent potential. Copilot, et al are way too expensive for my unemployed ass to get. But this looks interesting.

I've heard Germans say it's terrible in German too.

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What's AV1 compression like compared to x265?

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Every time you think you have life worked out it comes along and fucks your shit up.

Holy fucking shit balls. I contemplated seeing up an instance on a Β£5 VPS. Hmmmm, I think my scale is a bit off.

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Being American sounds shit. You really need to fight for paid holiday & sick leave. It's fucking bonkers you don't have it.

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Oi @db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com ! Are you one of the Reddit Piracy mods? Or are one of your brethren here from Reddit?

I must say I find Piracy, Linux and the Star Trek communities have had a rip-roaringly successful switch over.

I much prefer Lemmy. I have the opportunity to call you a "dick head" whereas on Reddit there's no way Spez would ever see me calling him a "dick head".

That makes me feel powerful and I become engorged.

So, anyway, are you one of the Reddit mods?

P.S. I can't post to this community from Lemmy.World.

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Java is a corporate language that most devs hate. Rust (Lemmy) is more popular as a hobby language that devs enjoy hacking in for fun.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels permanently suicidal.

Remember IRC!

Wouldn't if I was you.

When you remember where the buttons are they're fine to navigate. The average keyboard that meant people can type on without looking has less physical feedback (2 small bumps on f and h).

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Wtf is that?

Glyph Interface Remains To Be A Major Missing

AI could write better than this. 🀨

That's not how public domain works.

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Frog spawn are the boba of the pond world.

drastically more sexually fluid than most species

Have you heard about bonobos? They shag anyone for anything and they're one of our closest relatives. Friends have mutual wanks. Enemies have makeup sex. Threesomes, foursomes. Horny bunch of fuckers.

Go on then sailor. Be the change you want to see!