3 Post – 348 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Words go here

I'd argue it was a good place for FAST news. For a lot of major events you can find posts and videos from users before the media releases anything, which is kind of a first for humanity at least in terms of accessibility.

Now, if you're looking for ACCURATE news...

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It's much more acceptable to be a creepy old lady than a creepy old dude. Your mileage may vary.

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"But my little velvet hippo couldn't hurt anyone!"

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"Fuck them kids" -Republicans

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The logic of "We're going to punish your guy for what our guy did" makes me laugh... until I cry.

The single brain cell variety.

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Brave ass inmate who testified in the face of retaliation. Awful situation...

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Can we get worker owned game companies now?

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Reminder that there are only around 750 billionaires in the US. We can eat them.

Or tax them to hell like they did in the 50s I guess. But I prefer the eating thing.

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Blows my mind that she was still making important decisions for this country two decades after the rest of us are told we're too old to work.

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"We can't release the footage, it would be dangerous."
But the family agreed to release it.
"Not dangerous for them, dangerous for me!"

Whole thing seems like a poorly written SNL skit.

Fact is that a dealership shouldn't be a REQUIREMENT to sell a car.

I thought these are the 'Free Market Capitalism' sort of people. What are they afraid of?

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The Venn Diagram of the people reading this and the people that it helps is two separate circles.

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But who IS bad milk blood robot?

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My understanding is they can't plead the 5th. Well they can but the judge can assume the worst if they do use it.

Apparently because it's civil not criminal it works different.

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My mother has joked with me that she's spending my inheritance, despite her friends telling her not to say that. I didn't expect any windfall even before that, to be fair, but it's nice my own mother can be honest about the "Fuck you I got mine."

no active measure they can take on their own behalfs will meaningfully change it.

They don't seem to understand what this means to an economy. I experience it now at my job: there's no reason to work harder, there's nothing to gain. Without growth there's no reason to invest and an economy collapses. All growth right now is artificial, consolidation of smaller growth business into giant mega corporations that won't pay taxes or employees fairly.

A Greek proverb says a society grows when old men plant trees whose shade they shall never know. What's the exact opposite of that?

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Soylent Cola? How is it?

It varies from person to person.

House speaker elections can be better with ranked choice voting


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Aaahahaha had to look. Fox News cut him off for sounding too crazy:

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Play stupid games win stupid prizes!

Maybe focus on parenting your own child instead of everyone's.

Also does this guy have a humiliation fetish?

Because if you tell a conservative this line they're way more likely to do it.

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It's the thing Republicans can't understand though: he's "our team" but we don't care and the appropriate charges should be pressed.

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So many verses. When will it get to the chorus?

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The crime of Forgery is what makes it less possible for me.

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Just because they patented it doesn't mean it will happen. Sony patented this evil idea.

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Roll out nation wide end to sub minimum wage and encourage an end to tipping culture at the same time!

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Even if they are, they aren't going to fix it in the way you want. They'll convince people it needs to be more privatized, that if they spent more money they would get better care.

Dead Internet Theory at work.

The internet has a grim future and it doesn't involve you and I interacting if they get their way.

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If she's dramatically increasing voter turnout I'm not sure the rest matters to me.

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This kills the sushi.

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I still wonder where we'd be today if we had Bernie instead. Much better off I bet.

"But we need someone more moderate" ugh I hate this so much

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Honestly, locals should just leave. Places there will quickly realize if they want to continue operating there they will have to pay what is a livible wage for the area.

Until someone stops doing their laundry, cooking their food, or doing the gardening, they might never realize how untenable their situation is.

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According to one of the latest kurzgesagt videos we all should be in smaller communities like this and large ones like Facebook and Reddit are generally bad for our mental health.\_6Z1pNUuQZR

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That's the fun of the "it's not a problem until it happens to me" crowd!

Shrek, you can't just marry... whatever that thing is!

Donkey, I'll marry whatever I want. God can go fuck himself.

MySpace is still around. Reddit won't simply "go". But I do agree and everyone should leave it as they left MySpace in 2008.

How did he not do the "reeling her in" move? The invisible fishing pole seems an obvious choice.

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